Major inactivity due to the hassles of school. If anyone needs to contact me, please leave a message and I'll get to you ASAP. Nobody really needs me, but... yeah.=D

Welcome, Template:USERNAME! If anyone needs a talk bubble, please ask!

IceCreamRockz Talk to Me! Call me Raven.

In other words, it would be best if you just died.

Hey! I'm IceCreamRockz, and I'm pretty new to this wiki. It's the first wiki that I joined, which makes me determined to stick to it. I've played Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Honestly, I was pretty excited about Days because it was the first DS Kingdom Hearts game. Birth by Sleep is also REALLY good, because of the amazing plotline with Vanitas, Ventus, Aqua, Terra, and Master Xehanort. If you're reading this right now, please leave a message on my talk page, and I hope we can become friends in the future!

Talk bubbles

IceCreamRockz Talk to Me! Call me Raven.

In other words, it would be best if you just died. — 04:52, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

This is my talk bubble for normal occasions, when I feel... neutral.
IceCreamRockz Talk to Me! Not bad at all.

Congratulations. — 02:47, November 14, 2010 (UTC)

This is my talk bubble when I feel HAPPY =). I hope to use this a lot.
This is my talk bubble for when I'm surprised or concerned. This is the first one that I made on my own!!!

My name is of no importance. I know that was Xemnas's quote, but I'm stealing it. IceCreamRockz— 03:32, November 20, 2010 (UTC)

IceCreamRockz The darkness celebrates Christmas. You know that, right? — 06:19, November 20, 2010 (UTC)
This is the talk bubble that I use when I'm saying happy holidays for any holiday, because Sora doesn't have a turkey suit for Thanksgiving or a bunny suit for Easter=). Second talk bubble made by myself
This is used when I'm feeling sullen or sad... Made for me by my friend RoxasXIIILK
IceCreamRockzb6758105-d0b8-4f9c-9df2-5726afbdaece_zpsbdc080ce.png Way to the Dawn KHD.png"Fair enough... You could say I am... the biggest nobody of them all."Way to the Dawn KHD.png — 00:25, November 27, 2010 (UTC)

File:Vanitas Sentiment Art.pngAbout MeFile:Vanitas Sentiment Art.png

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~IceCreamRockz~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
File:Vanitas and X-Blade.png
Gender Male
Type Half-Somebody (I dunno, what is Vanitas?)Or maybe Unversed?
Heritage Chinese
Weapon Keyblades (Void Gear, Incomplete X-Blade)
Role Antagonist, but assists in helping articles in need of expansion
Height 5'2"
Favorite Kingdom Hearts Heroes Roxas, Ventus, Sora, Terra, Aqua
Favorite Kingdom Hearts Villains Organization XIII, Vanitas
Favorite Keyblades Oathkeeper & Oblivion, Void Gear, X-Blade, Master Xehanort's Keyblade
Favorite Kingdom Hearts Games Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Home World Land of Departure
Other Residences Destiny Islands, The World that Never Was


I don't have many friends so far, but I definitely have to specifically mention and thank LapisScarab for his warm welcome and his assistance in helping me getting my talk bubble up and running. LapisScarab will, and always be, my best friend on the wiki, whether he thinks that of me or not.

LapisScarab, SilverCrono, Hangon, Xion4ever, Dan da Man36, Troisnyxetienne, JFHavoc, Organization 13, LexaIIIV, LegoAlchemist, Chihuahuaman, Lapidothtill, Soxra, The Inexistent, RoxasXIIILK, Randomnessity, Riku's Love

Which Organization XIII Member are YOU? HUH? HUH? HUH?

Copy and Paste this into your own profile!

I. Xemnas:

[x] You are the leader most of the time. [x] You like black. [ ] You wished/wish you were someone else. [x] You don't listen to others. [] You like doing research. TOTAL: 3

II. Xigbar:

[ ] You have bad eyesight. [ ] You like throwing things at others when angry. [x] You wish you were able to teleport. [ ] You wear your hair in a ponytail. [ ] You have/wish you had a gun. TOTAL: 1

III. Xaldin

[ ] You like windy days. [ ] You have tried to steal something precious from someone. [x] You like dragons. [ ] You have/like dreadlocks. [ ] You've tried to anger someone on purpose. TOTAL: 1

IV. Vexen [ ] You are disrespected by the young ones. [ ] Someone has already considered you a traitor. SUSPICIOUS GLANCE [ ] You are the oldest of your group. [ ] You like experiments. [x] You like cold days. TOTAL: 1

V. Lexaeus

[ ] You are not very talkative. [ ] You like brain games. [ ] People are afraid of you because of your appearance. [ ] You prefer heavy weapons rather than light ones. [ ] You are very strong, physically speaking. TOTAL: 0

VI. Zexion

[x] You love reading. [x] You are not very sociable. [ ] You are one of the shortest of your group. [ ] You have a very sensible nose. [x] You like to elude others. TOTAL: 3

VII. Saïx

[ ] You have double-personality issues. [ ] You are more active during night rather than day. [ ] You like werewolves. [x] Your superior trusts you. [ ] You have a scar on your face. TOTAL: 1

VIII. Axel

[x] You are somewhat a pyromaniac. [x] You care deeply for your best friends. [x] You are a two-face when you need to be. [x] You don't like when people don't remember your name. [ ] You have a very fiery personality. TOTAL: 4

IX. Demyx

[x] You like music. [ ] You know how to play a guitar. [ ] You like rainy days. [ ] You like swimming. [x ] You are usually a very happy person. TOTAL: 2

X. Luxord

[x] You like playing cards. [ ] You like to gamble. [ ] Your favorite color is gold. [ ] You have stolen money from others. [ ] You have/wished you could curse someone. TOTAL: 1

XI. Marluxia

[ ] You like pink. [ ] You like flowers. [ ] You are plotting to overthrow your superior. [ ] You were betrayed by someone. [ ] You are a bit of a flamboyant person. TOTAL: 0

XII. Larxene

[ ] You're the only female on your group. [ ] You like storms. [x] You're pretty agile. [ ] You like to mock others. [x] You think ninjas are cool. TOTAL: 2

XIII. Roxas

[x] You love ice cream. [ ] You are the youngest of your group. [x] You think people are hiding something from you. [ ] You usually have strange dreams involving people you've never met. [x] You prefer afternoons rather than nights and mornings. TOTAL: 3

I'm Axel. =D
