Alright, I've seen a few users wanting a comprehensive guide on how to make custom signatures, so my new project is under way. Do check it out!
February 17th
5' 11"
Student, Lifeguard, First-Aider
Native English + Welsh speaker
Heterosexual (Straight)
Right handed
Currently Playing
Epic Mickey
Currently Reading
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
IRC Nicks
Dan36 Common-est Danno36 Common Danneh36 Common-ish DetectiveDan Common LionDan Common-ish YellowMeerkat Rare LlewMelyn (YellowLion) Rare
Talk Bubbles
Dan - My friends are my power!
Happy! This is the one you'll see most often.
Dan - You gotta try and think positive!
Ecstatic! For when I'm in a really good mood or laughing.
Dan - The darkness may destroy my body, but it can't touch my heart!
Angry. For when I'm warning someone, or if someone's really annoyed me. You'll hardly ever see this one.
Dan - The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out!
Sad. For when I'm upset.
Dan - I wanna line the pieces up... yours... and mine...
Talk. I use this one when I'm talking seriously to someone, or for when I'm not feeling 100%.
Dan - Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase! ♫
Rawr! ^_^
Dan - I know now, without a doubt, Kingdom Hearts is light!
Hooded... I use this If I'm blushing, or if I'm feeling awful.
Dan - What's going on? Everything's black and white.
I figured since Birth by Sleep is set in the past, I'd go for this as my early autumn theme.
Dan - Life's no fun without a good scare! ♫
Boo! A scary bubble for a scary holiday!
Dan - We can go see Santa!
For the most wonderful season of all!
Dan - Can someone please "Take a chance and shake a fin"? Because I'm going to look like an idiot doing this by my-self.
A gift from Hangon.
Dan - Although my heart is weak, it's not alone.
A gift from ICR.
Dan "My Friends are my power!"
A gift from Roxas.
Friends! (in no particular order)
About me
Kingdom Hearts
Protagonists: Sora, Kairi
Antagonist: Zexion
Organization Member: Zexion
World: Deep Jungle
Keyblade: Pumpkinhead
Weapon: Fair Game
Heartless: Wyvern
Nobody: Zexion
Song: Destati, Fragments of Sorrow
Theme: Kairi's Theme, Sora's Theme
Original Character: Sora
Final Fantasy Character: Moogles Kupo!
Food: Pie, Cake, Cheese, Ben + Jerry's, Chocolate, Curry, Cawl
Drink: Chocolate Milkshake, Tea!
Television: Futurama, The Simpsons, Mythbusters, DIY SOS, QI, Mock The Week, Doctor Who, The Big Bang Theory
Film: Anything Disney (Proper Disney, not the Disney Channel rubbish), Pirates of the Caribbean
Videos: Why is The Rum Gone?, I've Got a Jar of Dirt!, Potter Puppet Pals and The Mysterious Ticking Noise, YGOTAS Help! I'm being chased by warehouses!
Kingdom Hearts
Protagonist: Roxas
Antagonist: Saïx
Organization Member: Saïx
World: None, I like them all =D
Keyblade: Spellbinder
Heartless: Large Bodies
Nobody: Dancers
Song: None ^_^
Theme: None ^_^
Original Character: Saïx
Final Fantasy Character: None ^_^
Random things you should know about me
- I'm a qualified lifeguard and first-aider.
- I live in Wales and speak Welsh.
- I play the piano (Grade 3).
- I love swimming.
- I overuse this smiley: ^_^
- I rarely fall down stairs, but constantly fall up them.
- I make lots of typos.
- I like wearing odd socks.
- I'm rather fond of things being symmetrical.
- I like my grammar ^_^ (especially semi-colons and apostrophes).
- I'm extremely susceptible to Groovitrons.
- Ambigrams are awesome.
- I don't like my username apart from the first word and last numbers.
36? Why 36? the question all of you are wondering by now, right? Well, it's my lucky number, and my favourite. Here are some random facts about the number 36:
- 36 is both the square of 6 and a triangular number, making it a square triangular number. It is the smallest square triangular number other than 1, and it is also the only triangular number whose square root is also a triangular number.
- 36 is the number of degrees in the interior angle of each tip of a regular pentagram.
- 36 is the number of possible outcomes (not summed) in the roll of two distinct dice.
- The sum of the integers from 1 to 36 is 666. That's a little ominous...
- 36 is the number of inches in a yard.
- In the UK, a standard beer barrel is 36 UK gallons.
- 36 is the number of barleycorns in an English foot.
- 36 is the atomic number of Krypton.
- "Castor 36" was the planet that the Sontarans promised to take Luke Rattigan and the students of Rattigan Academy to in Doctor Who: The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky.
- Prior to and during the the episode of Furuama: How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back, Hermes Conrad was a Grade 36 Bureaucrat, but was later demoted.
Things to do
- Days weapons Gameplay sections.
Axe-Swords √
Cards √
Sitars √
- Lances
- Finish off any Heartless / Nobody / Gummi enemy etymologies.
- Improve Cardspace.
- Finish Heartless Userboxes.
This user is a friend of JFHavoc, and assists in the wreaking of havoc.
This user is an amazing friend of SilverCrono, and aids in the goat's downfall.
This user is friends with The Mage of Strength, Hangon.
LegoAlchemist considers this user to be a wiki-friend, even though the two will never meet in real life and the nature of their relationship is open for debate.
This user is stuck at home with Erry.
This user is a good friend of the Fire Burnin' AxelLivesOn. Get it Memorized!
This user said her name wrong again...
Naminé's Drawoff + Other Stuff
Nothing's changed, huh?
Another year, and nothing's changed. KingdomKeyDarkside and ZexionTheGamer commends you on your great editing, and wishes you a happy birthday!
--By ANX219