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Revision as of 22:26, 13 March 2010 by Sapharus (talk | contribs) (Reconstructing the lolcannon madness left over from Xabryn. *glares*)
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Yeah, still in progess. At least I got somewhere, though!
AKA Chloe
Other Aliases Xeras, Saphroth
IQ 175
Age 13
Residence Indiana, U.S.A.
Gender Female

This is my Userpage, in a nutshell (Whenever I finish my Userpage, that is..):

  • I'm a genius (IQ-wise), but I don't act like it at all.
  • I do support good grammar whenever possible.
  • I'm not a frequent user of talk pages, because I prefer to use the IRC for any conversations I have, but if you're not on, expect a message on your talk page.
  • I am obsessed with references and you can almost always expect at least one refererence in whatever I say. (Got it memorized?)
  • I tend to say some random things.
  • I'm normally in a good mood, but that can change quickly.

IRC Quotes

The Lolcannon


Xion: I'm going to need your help on sorting this one out. Here it is:

<DanicaShardae> Okay, get him.

<Xion4ever> Getting him! Hold on, he's coming.

<-- Xion4ever has left freenode (Disconnected by services)-->

<NitrousX> What!?! Can we still do it?

Xabryn (~bb01fe24@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined blank <Roxas> She had a computer fail. -_- She'll be back.. Hey! <NitrousX> Hey there Wuzzup?

<Xabryn> hi

Xion4ever (~471cd326@gateway/web/freenode/x-mjeqvdksyrnbciyt) has joined #blank

<Xion4ever> Triple fail. Hey there, Xabryn

<randomsock> I can't dance... T-T

<randomsock> Who told this guy about it??? I thought it was exclusive?

<randomsock> Hey there, welcome to the party! <randomsock> hey Xion I did,

<Zelda guy> Really? interesting! He's my friend, so don't give him any trouble

<Xion4ever> How are you?

<randomsock> This is like the ultimate IRC party, Xabryn! <Xabryn> i guess...

<randomsock>Let's party!

<Sparrow> Yah, it was the best thing evar! 8D

Xion4ever throws waterballon at randomperson

<randomsock> ohai.

<ohai> Ack! Xion! STOP PINGING ME! GAH! <Xion4ever> Sorry, ohai =D >.>

<misled user> I am misled.

<randomsock> melikes dacheese >>

LSOHFTW dances

<randomsock>There there, misled_user

NitrousX dances

<NitrousX> DANCE WIT ME, Xabryn!

<Xion4ever>So, Xabryn: care to join the dance party?



<randomsock>Yeah, it just gets better from here!

<ohai> GAH!! *goes insane*

Xabryn dances WOOO!!!

<DanicaShardae> May I kick?

<NitrousX> YES!

<Xion4ever> Sure! ^^

<randomsock> DANCE!

<Xion4ever> Just don't step on his toes! <randomsock> Yeah!

<NitrousX> I DONT CARE GET HIM OUT!1! Do it!

<Xion4ever> o.o

<randomsock> W00T!! 8D

Mitz agreezes

Usernamehere runs around flailing arms

DanicaShardae swings the Kickblade at Withintwowalls... <Roxas?> Dance Xabryn! Lets dance some more!

DanicaShardae misses!

<randomsock?>nota miss!

<Roxas>=-= Xabryn was booted from #blank by DanicaShardae (Victim no. 4! *punt* Lolcannon ourtesy of the Lolcannon Trinity~♪)


<Xion4ever> Haha, that was better then previous kick Much better ^^. That was fun.

<NitrousX> Thanks for including me

<Xion4ever> No problem, nice job on first lolcannon.

<NitrousX> Thanks! I hope I get better from here I'll have it on my page soon.. <XIon4ever> Now to get rid of socks

<-- LSOHFTW has left freenode (Quit: Page closed) <NitrousX> Kick em!

<-- Usernamehere has left freenode (Quit: Page closed)

<Roxas> SOCK DESTROY! (Seven socks were destroyed from this event.) =-=

Mode #blank +o Sapharus by DanicaShardae

<NitrousX> Xabryn still thinks it's real xD

<Xion4ever> Even better!

<-- Mitz has left freenode ()

<-- ZeldaFan378 has left freenode () -->

Xabryn (~bb01fe24@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined blank

<-- DanicaShardae has left freenode (Quit: "All I want is peace for my people. Zane.. (COOKIE FOR REFERENCE! 8D)") <Xion4ever> No hard feelings, ya? Welcome back ^^

<Xabryn> thanks

<NitrousX?> We only do that if you're our friend

Sapharus gives Xabryn a ribbon with Vexen's face on it <NitrousX> Ack! DOn't give him that!

NitrousX_ was playing Mitz and ZeldaFan Saph was everyone else Besides Xion

<Sapharus?>It's for surviving the lolcannon!