You're all morons. — 16:33, December 28, 2009 (UTC)
Hey! Welcome to the Kingdom Hearts Wiki! :D If you would like a talk bubble or need help with wiki formatting etc. feel free to leave a message on my talk page and I'll get back to you ASAP.
You're all morons. — 16:38, December 28, 2009 (UTC)
I can help you get a talk bubble. What character, quotes, and colors would you like. Also, if you'd like I can try and fix the table you have on your user page.
You're all morons. — 17:12, December 28, 2009 (UTC)
Alright, it's all finished. If there is anything about it that you want changed just tell me and I'll fix it right away. I'll post it below so you can see it.
You're all morons. — 06:52, December 30, 2009 (UTC)
I'm glad you figured out how to do so much with your talk bubble. (Nice picture by the way). As for the 4 extra "}" things, I don't know what to tell you. It's happened to me countless times. Sometimes even when I made talk bubbles for other people. I have no idea what causes it. If you want to fix it try asking DTN or Xiggie. They know quite a bit more about talk bubbles than I do and they should be able to fix it.
You're all morons. — 07:41, December 30, 2009 (UTC)
Awesome. Glad it worked out. :)
"Vanitas's" X-blade?
I know that Vanitas uses the X-blade, but can we really actually say it belongs to him? I mean, the way it's presented as a major plot point and the way everyone talks about it, it seems pretty unique. It should probably be in its own article, and mention how Vanitas wielded it. Immblueversion (talk) 23:59, January 9, 2010 (UTC)
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids? TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
Yeah, i saw some of those images. Okay, I just posted something on that discussion.
You say that it should be called "Vanitas's X-blade" just because Vanitas is the only known person to use it. In that case, we'd might as well change "Keyblade of People's Hearts" into "Riku's Keyblade of People's Hearts" or "Xehanort's Keyblade of People's Hearts." Unless you consider that to be invalid taking how Sora used it for about ten seconds into account.
Here's how I see it: the reason all the other Keyblades we don't know the names of such as Master Xehanort's Keyblade, Vanitas's Keyblade, and Eraqus's Keyblade were given such titles in the articles is because they are all different Keyblades, and we know for a fact that there are more than one Keyblades, but that those individual Keyblades are theirs. The X-blade, on the other hand, is not any normal Keyblade. It is a unique weapon, and making Vanitas's ownership of it so overly-apparent in the article title denies the subject that feature. Now, if there were to be a second X-blade and that were to fall into the possession of another person who is not Vanitas, then that's when this one X-blade should be distinguished as Vanitas's.
If this argument doesn't work and you remain intent on keeping it "Vanitas's X-blade", then you acknowledge it as at least being an X-blade (or "a", since I'm not sure exactly how it should be pronounced in English), so there should at least be an article for the "X-blade" in general.
I don't want to make a big fuss over this, which is why I haven't touched the article. Immblueversion (talk) 01:37, January 10, 2010 (UTC)
Hey, the name's Holly. I just saw a bunch of your posts up for the Birth By Sleep and such. You seem to be an awesome user. Nice work figuring out what Vanitas would look like. Honestly I freaked when I saw the pic. LOL. You seem on top of things. Vanitas was born of Ven's darkness right? I don't know if you can answer me that or not. Just thought I would ask. I have seen most published cut scenes I can find. I just don't know what happened to Ven. I mean I'm not sure. Sigh. Any way I hope to see ya around.
Your welcome. I thought by now Vanitas was Ven's darkness. The huge keyblade he gets later is just too cool. I am really saving back cash for a psp. That is a ton of coverage. Your right. I can't watch the whole thing. But thanks. I know about Terra and Aqua and everything. I have seen the subbed secret ending. I did see Ven's but it was soundless and really really short. I'm sure more will be up in a couple days. Thanks again. See ya!
Ok, thanks a lot!—WingBlade
Oh yeah! I added you to my Friends List, if you don't mind—WingBlade
KingdomKeyDarkside - No! Xion! Who else will I have ice cream with? TALK - I dunno. I can't just look inside. — 06:15, January 10, 2010 (UTC)
Sorry for all the trouble.
KingdomKeyDarkside - My friends are my power! TALK - Leave him to me! 06:21, January 10, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, of course.
KingdomKeyDarkside - Why? Why do you have the Keyblade? TALK - 'Cause I'm not a total sap like you. — 06:28, January 10, 2010 (UTC)
yeah, of course I'll be your friend. You can't actually have friends on the wiki like you can on facebook, but you can make a buddy list on your user page. Want me to do that for you?
KingdomKeyDarkside - Dance, water, dance! TALK - Hey, you guys are looking lively. — 06:37, January 10, 2010 (UTC)
Ok, done. If you want to add another, go to Add Link in the second column of the bar at the top. It will give you two boxes to fill in. The one that says Article Name; put in the page (e.g. User:KingdomKeyDarkside) in the second one, write only the username. Got it memorized? (sorry, had to throw that in there. O_o)
KingdomKeyDarkside - You both... think you can do whatever you want. Well, I'm sick of it. TALK - Go on, you just keep running. But I'll always be there to bring you back!
Got it memorized?(happy now? axel quote in an axel talk bubble. But this is for when I'm mad or annoyed. I'm neither right now though.) Fixed your page.
{{KKD|time=07:01, January 10, 2010 (UTC)|ven=Just give me a few minutes.