Forum:Post Your Ideas for Kingdom Hearts III

Revision as of 21:40, 12 February 2010 by Leviathan657 (talk | contribs)
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Forums: Index > Twilight Town Library > Post Your Ideas for Kingdom Hearts III

As everyone should know, Kingdom Hearts is the best video game series ever. And no one knows this better than me: a kid. I try to buy all the KH games I can find.... but what about when I get all of them? Will there be no more KH games? Is this the end? Will no one please continue this series?! .... Then I realized I'd have to take matters into my own hands. If Square Enix and Disney should ever run out of ideas - highly unlikely considering the work they've done - I'd send 'em my ideas. So without further adu, I present to you my ideas for Kingdom Hearts 3! (Duh-da-da-da-da-da-duh!)

The game opens with those high quality CGI opening FMVs they have at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2. Then it would show us what the letter Sora, Riku, and Kairi received at the end of KH2 said (something like "The worlds have been restored. How are you? or somethin'). Then we learn that Sora, Riku & Kairi are attending high school and stuff and we get to play as all three of them. Meaning that for the first time ever, Story Mode is in multiplayer and up to three people can play as S, R, and K themselves. Then, a new mysterious darkness sweeps over the island - one of Nobody descent. We then learn that all of Organization XIII has been resurrected, along with Xehanort, Xemnas, and Ansem - all separate. Then we play as Sora (with Kingdom Key), Riku (Way to the Dawn), and Kairi (Destiny Place), and they go through a whole bunch of Disney and Marvel worlds, old and now. They travel through worlds using those rafts they had in KH1. Worlds they travel to include the Princess and the Frog world, a Lilo & Stitch world (space and Hawaii), Spider-Man world, and Olympus Coliseum - where you can refight all your bosses - and many more. Finally, they arrive at the world where the villains are and they fight through the members of Organization XIII until they get to Ansem, Xehanort, and Xemnas. They take them down one by one. Then the three villains come back and face Sora and the gang again. Only this time, Roxas and Namine separated themselves from Sora and Kairi and help them fight with their own Nobody keyblades. After they defeat the three villains, the villains join together into one gigantic monster, and the 5 heroes defeat them once and for all. Then everything is back to normal yadda-yadda-ya. I should also add that while all this goes on, Mickey Donald and Goofy are dealing with the events of Kingdom Hearts coded. After the end credits, the folks at Disney Castle receive a letter from Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Its contents unknown. Also, if a player completes all the requires needed in the game, after it is completed, the players can battle Master Xehanort, Terra Ven and Aqua in the Olympus Coliseum.

There's my idea. Please comment and if you'd like you make some changes to my script, don't hesitate to type. J. Severe Talk to me

Peetzaman - Why do you always have to stare at me like I just drowned your goldfish?
TALK - As if!
umm, the nicest way I can state my opinion of this is just by saying no. I think the story should be left up to them. New worlds would obviously be needed, but I think marvel should be left alone and they should never attempt to incorporate it into any existing disney things, kingdom hearts or otherwise. there are also the pixar movies which they have yet to use any part of that they could use for worlds.

I see. Well, I respect your changes Peetzaman (pronounced pizza-man). The gang at Square Enix should come up with most of the idea, but it wouldn't hurt if it had some ideas from the fans, right? Pixar worlds could be nice - I wouldn't mind slashing some toy heartless in Andy's Room with Buzz or exploring Carl Fredricksen's flying house. However, some people think that Marvel wouldn't go good with Disney or the other way around. I think it's kinda cool if they were to work together. The superheroes could make excellent team members and if Square and Disney are cool together, no doubt Disney & Marvel can be cool - that is only in Kingdom Hearts, other stuff it'd be kinda weird. Can someone help me make the speech bubbles also? I feel like an idiot typing like this. The "J" man himself, J. Severe! Wanna talk to the king? Well it's your lucky day buddy. Just contact me on my user talk page and I'll check it out.

Marvel would but only if they got the same treatment as final fantasy charachters, they all get stuffed into one world and only one of them actualy gets to be your partner, pixar would offer a wealth of worlds to explore and would be perfect. lets not forget, popcap did a colab with sqare enix, peggle world any one?--Foutlet 23:27, November 22, 2009 (UTC)

okay whoa! spiderman world not trying to ofend you but kh and sm don't mix

J.Severe - If light and darkness are eternal, Square Enix and Disney should be too.
TALK - The only Final Mix I actually want is Kingdom Hearts 3D Final Mix! There NEEDS to be a Final Mix for a game on a Nintendo console!
Well folks, look who just got his own speech bubble! I did, thanks to JFHavoc. :D Anyway remember, you can put down your own ideas for KH3 here too.

J.Severe - If light and darkness are eternal, Square Enix and Disney should be too.
TALK - The only Final Mix I actually want is Kingdom Hearts 3D Final Mix! There NEEDS to be a Final Mix for a game on a Nintendo console!
Why isn't anyone putting down their ideas?

J.Severe - If light and darkness are eternal, Square Enix and Disney should be too.
TALK - The only Final Mix I actually want is Kingdom Hearts 3D Final Mix! There NEEDS to be a Final Mix for a game on a Nintendo console!
Well, I for one can't wait till Birth by Sleep comes out later this here. Anyway, has anyone ever thought about Kingdom Hearts III Final Mix. Perhaps this one will be released in America also for once. And now, what with the secret ending of BBS, I finally have a n excuse for Sora & friends randomly gettting off the island! You see this handsome devil over here? Hello? Hey Fatty, here! OK. Now that I got your attention, I've got a user page. If you'd like to see it, feel free to do so. Now if you've seen my awesome user page, you have GOT to see my user talk page. See, you can leave a message telling me how you feel... Well, whatcha waitin' fer? Go post a message. I said "Post it", Fatty! That's it! (grabs shotgun and fires it rapidly) Ha ha ha! Eat lead! Dah ha ha!

Hello all, I have been a longtime Kingdom Hearts fan since the first game. I'm new to wiki communities but allow me to suggest some ideas for new worlds I would find suitable for KH3.

I would like to see Wonderland return, but based from Tim Burton's upcoming adaptation. Fighting alongside the new Mad Hatter against the Jabberwocky would be a thrill to say the least, a Jabberwocky boss fight would be incredible. Also, bring Space Paranoids back to suit the new Tron sequel if it gets enough buzz. Speaking of buzz, haven't you dreamed of fighting with Buzz in a Toy Story themed world? I know I have. Sora and the gang shrunken down to toy size battling jack-in-the-box heartless and possessed triclops aliens, that would make for hours of entertainment alone. You would start out under Andy's bed and work your way through his house eventually meeting a Zurg army.

This next idea would make the game for me: A Yellow Submarine world, done Disney style. If made right, I don't think there would be a better world created for the Kingdom Hearts universe. That would be the world I would never leave. You could take the sub to the four seas in the movie after starting out in London, and make your way to Pepperland to fight the blue guys. In case you're wondering "Why would they put this in a Kingdom Hearts game?" the reason is Disney is remaking the Yellow Submarine movie from the 60's.

This is all I have for now, I think these are some pretty creative ideas.

'Tis my turn!

Rough Plot Outline

CG opens recapping the events of BBS, Coded, and scenes from Reconnect: Kingdom Hearts; ending with Sora shown receiving the letter. The story begins with SRK recieving said letter, and learning about how Sora has to put back everything that is connected to him. So, he leaves to Disney Castle --alone-- to figure out a plan. There, Sora learns about the events of Coded and what Mickey knows of Birth by Sleep. Don't worry, Riku and Kairi will come later. TO BE CONTINUED.

Characters and Their Roles and Why They Will Be There

Sora: Main character. Simple as that. I think that Sora will put everything back that is connected to him, and help those who are 'crippled.' In the end, I think Sora will lose the ability to wield a Keyblade and perhaps grow a pair. Will add MUCH more later.

Aqua: Protagonist. Pretty much confirmed. Stuck in the Dark Realm, she waits to be rescued. Will add more later.

Riku: Protagonist. Confirmed. Riku is tricky for me. I have a theory, though. My theory is that at some point during the course of the game, Xehanort decides he needs a new vessel (Master Xehanort's memories recovered. See below.) He will defeat Riku and take him over as his new vessel, as Terra's body may be 'worn out.'

Kairi: Protagonist. Confirmed. Now, Kairi is probably going to stay back on the island while Sora goes off adventuring, however, I must give credit to Smile and Lonbilly on KHInsider for inspiring me on this following theory. I have a very strange feeling that one of the Antagonists is going to come to the island and taunt Kairi, or perhaps tell her Sora is in danger. Perhaps angry, she accesses her hidden PoH powers and opens a portal to a different world. Over time, lost and dazed, she is manipulated and maybe even brainwashed by the villains. The theory? The overwhelming light in her heart is unlocked, and she becomes 'light-blinded' and begins destroying anything with darkness in her path; she is completely unaware of her actions. This would make Kairi extremely key, which I really want.

Xehanort: Antagonist. His return is inevitable. I think that Xehanort will come back with a whole different motive. I came up with this myself, so if someone else already thought of it, then I'm sorry I stole it. I have a theory that Master Xehanort will regain control and his memories. However, he needs a new vessel as Terra's has been damaged. (See above please. <33) So, this leaves Terra with Eraqus' heart inside of him; and now Eraqus is in control of Terra's body. His goal: get Terra's heart back. This is the part that is interesting. Instead of Xehanort wanting Kingdom Hearts, he now seeks out to destroy it. By destroying Kingdom Hearts, I believe that a perfect balance of light and darkness will become of the universe. This brings in a whole new slew of possibilities. How would he do that. Well, I think a choice few individuals are born with hearts balanced perfectly of light and darkness, and bringing them together can destroy Kingdom Hearts. Yes, it sounds like a fanfiction, but it's just a crack theory.

Braig: Undecided. I'm still determining what exactly this amazing man will do in the future. <3 Why? Braig turned out to be a very important a multi-dimensional character. Any intelligent person would know that out of all of the complete beings, Braig will be the one to come back. Nomura all but confirmed he will be much more important; and not just in BBS. Plus, I am biast. I LOVE BRAIG. Now, as for my theory; Braig becomes something of a martyr in the end. As in, he goes rogue and now wants to stop Xehanort. However, he is not ever going to be a good guy. This is something I would never want. Neutral? Maybe. Anyways, Braig does something incredibly drastic throughout the course of the story that helps stop Xehanort and answers question. What that is yet, is still being determined.

Eraqus: Major character. Although this may be getting redundant, let me say once again that Xehanort will take over Riku and leave Eraqus in control of Terra's body as Terra has his heart. I think as Terra he will assist in restoring his former apprentice, and become one of the most epic heroes of all time. I theorize he sacrifices himself in the end to save Terra.

Ienzo: Undecided. He will be back, though. Why? There was a lot more to him than you would think possible. He seems to know a lot more than he's letting on, and I would really like to see what that is.

Lea: Neutral; ally. If it be merely for fan-service, some form of Lea will make a comeback.

Isa: Undecided. Why? Isa was Lea's best friend, and back as his original self, he may be back to how he was. Maybe, and then again, maybe not. Although the probability of Isa coming back isn't anywhere as high as Braig or Xehanort or Lea, I have a feeling.

Terra: Will be there somehow. He is one of the people that has to be rescued, of course. Terra is splattered all over the place; his body under a posession and his soul in armor. He will be reconnected, I know it. (See above for a more detailed theory.) Due to Terra's Heart being inside of his armor, I think he will be rescued and put back eventually.

Ven: Will be there in the end. He is in the Chamber of Waking and needs to become complete. That will happen. I guarantee it.

Vanitas: Antagonist. I think that through Sora somehow, Vanitas is reborn. He assists in Master Xehanort's plot once again, and manipulates situations. Will add more later.

Kingdom Hearts: No, not the game; and I know KH is not a character. However, I have a theory that if Kingdom Hearts is destroyed, a perfect balance of light and darkness will become of the universe. I know it's crazy, but I'll elaborate much more in the future.


I would love to see the following worlds:

Prydain (The Black Cauldron world.)

Fantasia (I KNOW it's not Disney. But The Neverending Story is my absolute favorite movie. Dx.)


Treasure Planet


Notre Dame

NOT Atlantica.

Other Shit:

No more singing.

More puzzles.

Revised reaction commands.

Limit Breaks.

Epic plot twists.


New villain(s.) (preferably a girl this time.)

Moar Braig, and moar Isa. (stfu.)

For KHIII to be the end of Sora's story. I could go for a Keyblade War game, but KHIII should end the main story.

My thoughts or hopes and dreams? I'd like to see this turn into a team-based RPG, like Final Fantasy, where you rescue/find characters (Terra, Aqua, Axel, Xion, Namine, etc) throughout. In my eyes at the very least, we've gone to Disney Worlds every game, ut I never found myself caring as much for Donald of Goofy as I did Mickey, or Roxas, or Ven. It would be nice to be able to have them all as active party members, interchangeble like FF games. The plot would revolve around rescuing the other characters, as has been deduced already, but the antagonist would be Master Xehanort, who has used Eraqus' Heart (as it was also in Terra's body at the conclusion of BbS) to cheat death. He would be rallying dark Keybladers (or a facsimile army of them, all dressed in variations of Vanitas' dark mode outfit), and in the end, Sora, Riku, Kairi(?), Mickey, Terra, Aqua, Ventus (who would have merged with Roxas to form a full person again) and Namine who would have fusd with Xion in a similar manner) would charge into battle against these dark wielders and Xehanort to free Eraqus' Heart in what would be the Second Keyblade War. Eraqus would be freed after Xehanort's defeat, and they would together lead the Worlds into the Light, and Eraqus, Riku, Terra and Aqua would begin a new school/adcademy thing for young Keyblade Wielders.

Yes, it seems unlikely, but I think it would be really cool to be able to play through this war with all of the favorite characters whose deaths are now meaningless since they are being brought back anyway. Edenfire 12:36, February 10, 2010 (UTC)

J.Severe - If light and darkness are eternal, Square Enix and Disney should be too.
TALK - The only Final Mix I actually want is Kingdom Hearts 3D Final Mix! There NEEDS to be a Final Mix for a game on a Nintendo console!
Well folks, I just recently read that the letter the gang gets at the end of KH2 actually tells of the events that happened in Coded. So that means they can't read it, then go on the adventure while Coded happens at the same time. So, the game won't tell what the letter says until the END.

Anyway, I've come up with some ideas for the opening FMV of KH3. It will include all the games (that is, except for Coded). Here are the ideas:

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: TBA

Kingdom Hearts: Sora wakes up from a nap and finds that the island is purged in darkness! He sees Riku and Kairi in the clutches of Darkside, and takes out a wooden sword which then transforms into the keyblade. Sora leaps into the air and slices the beast in half but then falls into a black hole. The black zooms out to reveal King MIckey's ear. Mickey runs out the Castle and leaves behind a note. This note falls into Donald & Goofy's hands. They quickly examine it then jump into the gummi ship (supervised by Chip and Dale). They blast off and land in Traverse Town next to Sora. Out of the sky, a Guard Armor falls and Sora slashes it with Donald & Goofy close behind. Then we see the trio in their gummi ship as they zoom past various worlds (notably Wonderland, Deep Jungle, and Atlantica). Then they land in Hallow Bastion. They climb stairs until they come to the room where Kairi lays unconscious. Sora tries to wake her up, then sees evil Riku. He hurls the keyblade at him, of which then Riku turns into Ansem. Ansem disappears, leaving behind his keyblade, which Sora uses to stab his heart. Several lights and stars fly out of Sora's heart - one which goes to Kairi and the other lands in Twilight Town and becomes Roxas. Sora, donald, & Goofy are next seen in "End of the World." They dive into the dark abyss and find themselves on the islands - now horribly disfigured. Sora spots Ansem and rushes towards him. Suddenly, the door to Kingdom Hearts opens and shrouds Ansem in light. With Ansem defeated, Sora & gang close the door to darkness. Sora rushes to Kairi's side as lights surround them. Kairi appears back on the islands and Sora is seen in a grassy wasteland.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories: The outside of Castle Oblivion is shown. Sora & gang step inside and see a man in a black cloak. He points up and the camera goes to Namine, who is sitting down, drawing a picture. Back to Sora, he charges at the cloaked figure but the figure dodges. Sora then rams into Axel, Vexen, and Larxene. As he is about to hit the Riku Replica, Namine comes running and joins the two. The three are covered by the shadow of Marluxia. Sora charges at Marluxia with the keyblade pointed at him. As Marluxia is struck, the camera goes to Riku who wakes up in the basement. King Mickey grabs Riku's hand and runs with him throughout the castle. Riku slashes Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion. He jumps into the air, keyblade pointed to the ground, and slashes Ansem, as if in half. Then the camera zooms to Sora who is in the sleep chamber. He falls backward into the white. Then we see Riku and Mickey decked out in Organization clothing. The two nod at each other and forge on.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days: TBA

Kingdom Hearts II: TBA

Also, I'm thinking of some mini-games that you could do at Destiny Islands High School. Why, there might even be a possibility of Axel being a temporary party member.

Here's my story:

Opening- Start cronologically from BBS to Reconnect in CGI but only the important parts.

Sora, Kairi and Riku read about Sora's next objective and Kairi gives him her charm again. He travels to Disney Castle where he finds out that King Mickey has gone missing!!!

Flash back- King Mickey was contacted by the PHANTOM BLOT to meet him at The Awakening. Where we find out that the Blot has an evil plan to overthrow Mickey by darkening his heart. This Awakening is also, the first and is the heart of the World of Waking. There Mickey battles Blot, who has his own dark keyblade as he survived the Keyblade war even before Aqua Terra and Ven. Mickey loses, you play as him and either win or lose it doesn't matter, and is sent to the Sinister Castle, Blot's world, and the Phantom Blot's plan is set into motion. Mean While, Sora along with Donald and Goofy (NO JIMMINY!) are sent, by an old aquantince of Mickey, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, to the Dark Margin, where they find ad save Ansem the Wise sending him back to the Disney Castle. Aqua attacks them, like the Lingering Sentiment, questioning Sora's keyblade. The dark realms seem to have diluted her thought. When she collapses during battle they bring her back to the Disney castle where she explains Terra, Ven, Vanitas and Xehanort, even remarking how much Sora looks like Vanitas, explaining the attack. She, now a party member, party now has four people instead of three. Sora, Aqua, Donald and Goofy all head over to the Radient Garden where they learn it is vacant. It appearas the Phantom Blot is creating an army of villains so he recruited Seifer Almasy to kidnap the Radient Garden locals with a special device known as the Deastablizer. Seifer is tracked down and beaten, freeing all the locals, and we find out another keyblade weilder with pale skin, pointed black hair and a dark cloak is travelling this world. Her name is Nexa. She claims to have lost her way looking for other masters, but Aqua is suspicious and believes she has other motives. TO BE CONTINUED!!!

Tell me what you think.

(Leviathan657 21:40, February 12, 2010 (UTC))