It has nothing to do with the mythological wyverns. That may be where the name came from to begin with, but Xaldin is always connected to dragoons. Our Dragoon page makes mention of the FF class but not the French horseman, why are you so adamant about this? His lances have nothing to do with the mythological creature, just as his Nobody soldiers have nothing to do with gun-toting cavaliers. Dazuro 03:42, October 16, 2009 (UTC)

Well, there's at least two of his weapons that use the French horseman meaning of "Dragoon", and one uses the medieval meaning of "Paladin". And then there's the Lindworm weapon. Oh, and then the Brume, the Nescience, etc. I think it's fair to say that his weapons' names are very barely based on final fantasy, and it's frankly idiotic to assume that every term shared with Final Fantasy must be based only on Final Fantasy, when there's quite a lot of evidence that much is given it's own meaning. For example, Protes, usually just used as "Protect" in Final Fantasy, is made a pun with the mythological Proetus in it's association with Abas and Acrisius.
As it stands, the only difference between your version and my version is that you removed the note about the mythological Wyvern, which is bullshit.Glorious CHAOS! 03:54, October 16, 2009 (UTC)

While it's true that not everything sharing a term has to be an FF reference, the fact that he commands Dragoons makes this one a clear-cut no-shit-it's-a-reference moment. However, you do have a point about the Lindworm, so I'll concede. Dazuro 05:12, October 16, 2009 (UTC)

Maybe it's just me, but I'm surprised nobody else seems to have mentioned the Heartless -- Sorceror Nobody, 18:07, November 29, 2009 (UTC)

Contact Effect

When the Wyvern Lances make contact with an enemy, the effect appears to be an Asian dragon coiled around the target.--ΧƳƵach. 03:24, August 25, 2010 (UTC)