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...that Dr. Jumba is the only character with four eyes?

...that in the 20th Anniversary Edition of Final Fantasy for the PSP, a child in the randomized dungeon Whisperwind Cove references Sora by saying "I've been having these weird thoughts lately... like... how did I get to this place!?"

...that Auron is the first character to be declined by Sora to be a permament party member?

...that Yen Sid is Disney spelled backwords?

<choose> <option>...that Axel is the only character to technically curse in the Kingdom Hearts universe?</option>

<option>...that the kana for Hercules is based on his original Greek name, Heracles?</option>

<option>...that Xigbar is Tetsuya Nomura's favorite character in 358/2 Days's multiplayer mode?</option>

<option>...that Luxord is Tetsuya Nomura's favorite member of Organization XIII?</option>

<option>...that Marluxia was originally intended to be a female character?</option>

<option>...that most of Demyx's weapons are named after musical or rock and roll terms?</option>

<option>...that in Kingdom Hearts II, Atlantica is the only world without a single treasure chest?</option>

<option>...that Olympus Coliseum is currently the only Disney-based world to feature a Final Fantasy character?</option>

<option>...that in the 100 Acre Wood, the Attack command is changed to Hit due to a downplay of violence?</option>

<option>...that nearly all of Luxord's weapons in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days are named after cards from the Tarot deck's Major Arcana?</option>

<option>...that Xemnas is the only member whose title does not have an official English translation?</option>