Talk:Keyblade War

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Sacul097 - Don’t talk to me about Mondays… or carrots
TALK - All statements are wrong... including this one
I have an idea about what the keyblade war is. In the secret endings there are hundreds of keyblades on what could very well be a battlefield. I think there was some sort of keyblade wielders school with many keyblade masters (xenahort being 1 of them) and the keyblade wars was the apprentices of many keyblade masters fighting xenahort and his apprentice and a large army of unbirths (the large monster that terra defeated) controlled by MX (which would also explain them being the enemies fought in the game). But both armies were wiped out except for Terra, Aqua, Ven and Master Xenahort and his apprentice. Mickey missed the main battle because he was just starting as a keyblade wielder (we see a clip of his training and he shows far less skill with the keyblade than he does now) and had been kept back by his master Yen Sid, but he snuck to the battle. This keyblade war would also explain why the secret endings are the only times in the game (the multiplayer mode doesnt count) when TAV were wearing their full suits of armor: they had to be prepared for a huge battle. I think it also takes place near or at the end of BbS. --Sacul097 22:41, October 5, 2009 (UTC)

Kingdom Potter

The whole school for ____ is extremely overused such as Harry Potter and Yu-Gi-Oh GX. I think that Square-Enix would be a little more original than that, or they could be what they are, Keyblade Knights.

Sacul097 - Don’t talk to me about Mondays… or carrots
TALK - All statements are wrong... including this one
Well I don't necessarily mean a school. Just some sort of large group of keyblade masters and their apprentices. I'm just trying to indicate that I think there were probably a lot of keyblade wielders based on the sheer number of keyblades on the battlefield. And I'm pretty sure there is some sort of master/apprentice system because there is master yen sid and mickey is his apprentice and there is master xenahort and the apprentice is his... apprentice. --Sacul097 00:40, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

Oh well that makes sense. You really scared me with the Keyblade Weilders School. My only problem with the Master/Apprentice system is that Yen Sid isn't a Keyblade weilder... as far as we know.

Sacul097 - Don’t talk to me about Mondays… or carrots
TALK - All statements are wrong... including this one
As far as we know the star seeker could be his keyblade that he gives to all the people he teaches until they get one of their own. Like I said, I think mickey was probably just starting so he might not have a keyblade of his own yet.--Sacul097 01:37, October 6, 2009 (UTC)
Symbol - Magic Hat.png
FA icon.png Remember that in the KHverse (with the exception of 358/2 Days), Keyblades are upgraded with Keychains. Yen Sid isn't a wielder of the Keyblade. But he just gives this keychain. Chances are that he might've given the Keyblade to Mickey, or that he might've got another model on his own. But with Sora in KHII, this "giving of keychains" is definitely the case.

There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:49, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

Sacul097 - Don’t talk to me about Mondays… or carrots
TALK - All statements are wrong... including this one
Only problem with that is the fact that there are only a few keyblades shown in this game so far with a keychain. Even some keyblades shown in other games, such as wishing lamp, don't have keychains. My explanation for this (which I didn't intend to put here because I was originally just talking about the keyblade war) is that all the keychains that we know from the rest of the series haven't been created yet. I think that the few keyblades that are still around in soras time (yes I know he's alive during this game, I mean when he gets the keyblade) are special keyblades. I think that after the keyblade war, since there was no one left to weild the keyblades until the heroes chosen to weild the kingdom keys and the way to dawn (the keys of light, dark, and in between) the essences of all the other keyblades were transformed into keychains. I think that any keychains before this had simply been for decoration and the keyblades created in the present day, such as kairi's, only have keychains because they are created from the soul of the wielder and as such embody their personality and also have keychains because since they are created from the weilders memories, and she has seen sora's keyblade so having a keychain (and being a skeleton key because we know there have been keyblades that werent) are part of what a keyblade is to them. And sorry that this comment is really disorganized, read it a few times and you'll get what I mean.--Sacul097 02:17, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

Symbol Character - Mickey.png
FA icon.png Indeed. Then again, they always say "The Keyblade's chosen one" - could it have something to do with this ?

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:29, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

Sacul097 - Don’t talk to me about Mondays… or carrots
TALK - All statements are wrong... including this one
Quite possibly. Sora was chosen by the kingdom key (originally was supposed to be Riku but he turned to darkness), Mickey was the chosen one of the kingdom key D, and Riku got way to dawn as a sort of booby prize (not really but the original chosen one of way to dawn is unknown and riku only got it because he used light and dark) and the keychains were made to be used by these three (although they will probably work with Kairi's keyblade as well) Also, I just remember that there have been instances of people to giving someone else their keyblade, such as when Roxas let Xion use his in days (my favorite level of the game because Roxas gets a stick that he found on the floor as his weapon which doesn't even make any sense because they were in the middle of Beast's Castle which is made of stone) and in the first KH when Riku takes Sora's keyblade. Wow I just realized that I am physically incapable of leaving a short comment. This comment was originally going to be just that first sentence.--Sacul097 02:54, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

Symbol - Magic Hat.png
FA icon.png Well, sometimes when we talk about theories we just don't stop, do we ?

There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:05, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

KrytenKoro - "Because I knew something he didn't. I knew that I was lying. Seriously, sir. 'No silicon heaven'? Where would all of the calculators go?"
From what we've seen of BBS, the Keyblade master's are way more based on Jedi than Harry Potter or Yu-gi-oh.

Riku is a Light-realm Keyblader, just as Sora is. He's not a "twilight realm" or anything. There are also Keyblades for any strong heart, which is why Riku and Kairi have them. You should probably read the Director's Secret Report XIII.

Something important to note is that even though Roxas can change his Keyblade's shape and powers with Gears, the Keychain is always the same, except for those Keyblade forms he inherited from Sora (Kingdom Key, Oathkeeper, Oblivion, Two Become One). So, Keyblade form-changing and Keychains are NOT directly related - and the whole leadup to KH2, especially the comments about Roxas (see Oathkeeper/Oblivion) indicate in fact that the Keychain's are symbols of a memory, and that MEMORY is what changes the Keyblade's form - so a true master of the Keyblade could manipulate his Keyblade as he so liked - as seen with the Lingering Sentiment and the Dark Keyblade. The Keychain seems to in fact be a focus for the memory, much like the horse was for Ren Tao in Shaman King.