The Queen
The Evil Queen, or Queen Grimhilde as she is sometimes called, is a character originally appearing in the 1937 film Snow White and the Seven dwarves as the main antagonist. She made a brief appearence as an image in Kingdom Hearts and it is strongly rumoured that she will be in Birth by Sleep holding some sort of allegiance to Maleficent, meaning a possible boss battle.
Kingdom Hearts
She along with Snow White, the Seven Dwarves and most of the forest animals from the film appeared on Sora's awakening. Her eyes are open meaning she may have escaped the destruction of her world.
Birth By Sleep
Although it has not yet been confirmed, The Queen may be appearing in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. Her magic mirror has appeared in trailers, so her appearence in the story is highly likely. She may hold allegiance to Maleficent and she may become a boss battle aswell. Weather or not she will appear as a hag or her normal, royal appearence or not is unknown. Over all nothing about her is certain or not at this point.
In the film she is selfish and vain, willing to do what ever it takes to be the "Fairest of them all". She even tried to kill her own step daughter. She was also shown to be dark, malevolent and a powerful sorceress. She shares theese qualities with Maleficent who like The Queen had a raven as a pet.