I have started school and with the contract I signed for my dad I MUST have a 92+ grade in ALL my classes (honors, etc.)...this means more study time! So I won't be on here as much on the weekdays

"What's done is done. Life may suck at times but it goes on. Wether you like the outcome or not"


Chatboxes (Past & Current)

Thanks to SSC for the emotions! =P

  Normal talkbox that you'll see quite often
Xion4ever Who am I?

  Sad one..to use when I'm feeling down/sad
Xion4ever Is it that I'm not supposed to exist?

  HAPPY! does it need a description?
Xion4ever All the world's a joke!

A little info about myself..

Hey, I'm Xion4ever! My real name is Steff ; though u can call me by either name, I don't mind. I live in eastern KY (we're not all hillbillies!), where I'm a sophmore in high school; I'm 15 years old. My hobbies include: playing my trumpet/band stuff, playing video games, listening to music, hanging out with friends. Although I <3 Kingdom Hearts, I'm an even bigger Final Fantasy fan. Not much to say. Any questions just ask! Be sure to leave comments! If u have any recommendations speak up!

Kingdom Hearts Experience

I own all (current) KH games that were released in the U.S. I have beaten all KH games. My favorite KH game (that has been released) is "Kingdom Hearts II." I am highly anticipating the releases of "KH 358/2 Days" and "KH Birth by Sleep."


Feel free to make comments! If you would like to use any of these message me! 



Here are my favorite KH pieces:

1) "The Other Promise" from Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+

2) "Missing You" from Kingdom Hearts II

3) "Friends In My Heart" from Kingdom Hearts II

4) "Dearly Beloved" from Kingdom Hearts

5) "Always on My Mind" from Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

6) "Lazy Afternoons" from Kingdom Hearts II

7) "Namine's Theme" from Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

8) "Birth By Sleep Theme" from the secret video at the end of Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+

9) "Simple and Clean" from Kingdom Hearts

10) "Sanctuary" from Kingdom Hearts II

...among many others


From XXI:

http://kingdomhearts,wikia.com/wiki/User:Number XXI/XXIFRIEND

From ZACH:


Friends List

NOTE: If you'd like to be my friend just message me on my talk page or on the IRC channel! Also, there is NO order to this list!

  • Firaga44
  • PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart
  • Endless Oblivion
  • ghostboy3000
  • Super Sword-chucks
  • MelodiousNature
  • Zexivexen13
  • SleepingRebirth
  • Xaity
  • NumberXXI
  • Roxas-X-Namine
  • Marxel
  • mistylynn
  • Joe Keyblade Aura
  • Dark Triforce
  • The Silver Sora
  • soralover15
  • ZACH
  • Rocker7898
  • Levl
  • Griffen78
  • Gavinh2009
  • XionXIV
  • I,m,a,wolf
  • Neutra Vega
  • D.Dark

Random (non-KH stuff) about me

Favorite Books: Maximum Ride series, Lord of the Flies, The Giver, The Outsiders, Animal Farm, Video game guides

Favorite TV Shows: Naruto, Mythbusters, almost anything on G4, too many to list

Favorite Video Game Series: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, Harvest Moon

Favorite Music: Orchestral pieces from video games, classical, 70's

I'm the oldest of twins (by 4 minutes)

I'm VERY optimistic (ask any of my closest friends, they'll vouch for me)




Kairi_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is female.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
KiWuF46.png This user contributes using Internet Explorer.

Template:User WikiGnome

Template:User WikiKnight

LsZ7CQm.png This user is a fan of the Final Fantasy games.
760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
KZtjZrZ.png This user conquered Castle Oblivion and took down Marluxia.
MeoGwdI.png This user mastered the darkness and defeated Ansem.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
mzAU9vX.png This user loves Final Form.

Template:User OXIII

Template:User World That Never Was

SyOLkfy.png This user loves the song Simple and Clean.
zd3Hu7n.png This user loves the song Sanctuary.
sjQr8ku.png This user loves the song Always on My Mind.
Lg1wOCW.png This user loves the song Dearly Beloved.

0cTFzTM.png This user loves the song Destati.
Template:User Ansem the Wise
CwPDoNJ.png This user loves the orchestrated version of Hikari.
mnMUMJK.png This user loves the orchestrated version of Passion.
1ePuB5z.png This user loves the song March Caprice for Piano and Orchestra.
3u4SbQd.png This user loves the song Musique pour la tristesse de Xion.
KT2QE1p.png This user loves Naminé's character theme.

fx0rSiF.png This user loves Roxas's character theme.
tflsGX8.png This user loves the song Missing You.
4Dq1gQV.png This user loves the song The Other Promise.
IiM1rm1.png This user enjoys skateboarding around the worlds.

FCAtmvq.png This user is a fan of Aerith.

R0D1ykY.png This user is a fan of Tifa, and begs pardon for bothering you.

CQpiJZW.png This user is not interested in anything except Cloud.

zpt3vzO.png This user is a master of the moon. Now move aside!

Axel4_zpsqvy0u0hx.png This user wants to let the flames burn you! Got it memorized?

YY2MDE5.png This user should warn you that they are in an EXTREMELY FOUL MOOD!

Template:User Roxas XIII

sKrhMyD.png Who is this user? What are they here for?
