Most common Nobody

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Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— {{{time}}}

Untitled-1.png Just wandering, are Dusks the most common of all Nobodies? because there sure are a lot of them, and yen Sid says so...

but Creepers are the weakest ones...

and while Dusks are relevant to NeoShadows, Creepers are relevant to Shadows, which are the most common Heartless... and I guess the shadowy Unbirth is the most common Unbirth...

so... is it just me or is it strange that it is:

  • Heartless : Shadows (weakest)
  • Nobodies : Dusks (next weakest)
  • Unbirths : ??? (weakest)

There's no doubt they are the weakest and most common Nobody. They certainly aren't associated with any specific Organization member and Axel fears bein' turned into one since it would mean bein' losin' your power and will. Bein' that they aren't associated with anyone in particular, they can be summoned and ordered around by any of those members as demonstrated by Saix. Kaihedgie 17:48, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

TALK - {{{time}}}
Maybe Dusks were easier to put everywhere around the KH world than Creepers and therefore turned out to be the most common Nobodies? Who knows, maybe the most common Unbirth will turn out to be the next next weakest Unbirth of them all XD It's hard to imagine what the KH staff were thinking when creating the enemies.

Aaaand I'll stop talking nonsense like... now.

Nobodies are created when a person is turned into a Heartless, which means they're nothing more than an empty shell of what was. But Nobodies still retain memories of their past existence, right? Just not the emotions. Dusks may be the most common Nobody, because, while they are weak, they still retain a memory of the shape that once held them, and inhabit the remains of their original form... Just my thoughts on the matter. ShadowShanga May 2009

They do!

The dusks do appear in the world that never was! At Saix's place, addled impasse. If you go in there after he's defeated, you'll fight dusks and beserkers!

They also appear in Dark City during a cutscene, not that that counts....EternalNothingnessXIII 20:54, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

The guide doesn't give any stats on that, though.Glorious CHAOS! 21:40, September 1, 2009 (UTC)
They appear to use the same stats (Except for EXP) as the Gambler, so if you can check how much EXP they relinquish in the world that never was, we can add them.Glorious CHAOS! 09:43, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 20:07, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
 Upon defeat, the Dusk relinquishes 1,000 Exp. along with every other enemy in the World That Never Was, minus the Shadows and Neoshadows. *EDIT : That statement is false. Dusks deal out 1000. The stronger Nobodies give 3000. *EDIT AGAIN : Shall I add this info to the Dusk page, or shall someone else take care of this? I do, in fact, have an understanding of how the templates work, so I wouldn't mess things up or anything...
KrytenKoro - Click
I want to check real quick that they do match Gambler's at the same levels, but then it should be fine. If you want, do it now, and I'll check it later.
Okay, it should have 160 HP, 45 STR, and 26 DEF. However, Dusk's always have less EXP than Gambler's, and Gambler's (and all other Nobodies) give 1000 EXP in TWTNW, so the Dusk should have less. Could you possible check again?Glorious CHAOS! 03:11, September 3, 2009 (UTC)

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it.
TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 20:28, September 3, 2009 (UTC)
  All Nobodies (Dusks included) relinquish 1,000 EXP. The Heartless are the only ones that are different (80 for Shadows, 800 for Neoshadows). While we're discussing this, should the stats for Dusks in the Titan Paradox Cup and Hades Paradox Cup be added?