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Unbirth Discussion — Et moi, Jack, L'EPOUVANTAIL !

Ils me trouvent génial, mes mauvais tours les émerveillent, tous les ans c'est le triomphe et la gloire.

Are there really those differences between Sora's and Roxas's ? I never saw anything like that.

Symbol Character - Mickey.png
FA icon.png A very slight difference in colour. Roxas' Oathkeeper is silver-hued. Though I'm not sure about the keychain - it looked the same to me.

Anyone with a PS2 (and a Final Mix+ scene player, perhaps) can clear this out for us ? Please ?

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne


KrytenKoro - "I'm the doctor, I'm the patient. Don't forget that - it's important! If you love me like I love me, everybody will be sorry."
"Since Oathkeeper's Keychain is Kairi's good luck charm, it could be suggested that Sora will no longer wield Oathkeeper after the events of Kingdom Hearts II, as Sora gave it back to Kairi."

That didn't exactly stop Roxas from using it though, did it? Why exactly would it take it away from Sora?