Forum:Birth by sleep theory

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Forums: Index > Twilight Town Library > Birth by sleep theory

I'll cut right to the chase. Before worlds or people existed, there rested a singular and humongous mass of energy that was shaped like a heart (Corny I know but fact). Eventually this mass of energy spread creating multiple worlds and dimensions with this same mass of energy as the heart of it all. All these worlds were connected at this point of time with plains of existence connecting them all and each one holding a keyhole that led to the heart of that world. These plains were the dark, light, nothingness, and in between worlds. In addition to this, Kingdom Hearts sent portions of its’ power to seven pure of heart in order to conceal itself.

People then existed and light ruled all; there were no problems and only peace reigned. Yet, in a secluded mansion in the world of Twilight Town rested a laboratory where a young man by the name of Xehanort began to wonder about the inner workings of a heart. Xehanort was a scientist and wore such a uniform (the same clothes worn by Xehanort's heartless). Believing that light and peace are only temporary, he attempted to develop a way to prevent the darkness from overrunning. He began to study the inner workings of the heart and discovered that the essence of a heart can be cultivated into an orb and used as a weapon. Xehanort then constructed a sword and applied the essence of his heart to it and made what would become a keyblade. Using it, he traveled to other dimensions, also using the blade to find others who have a strong enough essence in their hearts to create this blade. In his travels, he met Yen Sid who was training Mickey to become king. Xehanort persuaded him to help him find others to protect the worlds and they became masters.

Creating a society of keyblade warriors, Xehanort also created the insignia of the organization, which would look like a heart in a key. The society even had a dimension created to train which would house shrines of the princesses if heart and of powerful keyblade warriors. Yen Sid trained four apprentices, Terra, Ven, Aqua, and Mickey. Aqua in particular was a resident from Radiant Garden who had a little daughter named Kairi. Master Xehanort, now an aged man, then found a young man with a powerful heart. This man had an abusive environment and lived under parents who did not care enough to give him a name. Xehanort took him in and taught him in the ways of the keyblade MX eventually thought that to understand the heart, one must embrace all aspects of nature including darkness. He and his apprentice then disappeared and went to the dark realm where they took control of dark powers. MX was soon consumed by the darkness and his apprentice took control of him. This gave both of them piecing yellow eyes and the apprentice took the form of dark armor. The two of them also gained powers over nature such as earth, ice, wind ect. Xemnas would eventually give these powers to Organization XIII.

Yen Sid sent three of his apprentices to find the lost two while he continued to train Mickey in his Tower, which was constructed in Twilight Town for the sole purpose of training others and to understand both light and darkness. MX and his apprentice then used the keyblade to wreak terror on numerous worlds, murdering millions. MX and his apprentice (ES) sought to find kingdom hearts by finding the princesses. To help in this search they sought to first create an army. They then constructed Castle Oblivion in the in between realm in order to use both dark and light powers. They brought abducted people here to be experimented on and tampered with their memories. Here, they took people’s souls out and then converted them into darkness. The end result was an unbirth with the body and soul soon perishing. Twisting their memories, MX and ES planted false memories in these creatures to make them believe they work for them.

A room was constructed in order to awaken these new memories and would be known as the Room of Awakening. Other souls were also placed in mechanical vessels to become artificial unbirths. With this new army, MX and ES wrought destruction to many worlds in search of the princesses. Master Xehanort and his apprentice searched for beings with pure darkness to enlist one of them being Maleficent. She agreed to help them find the princesses, while she actually wanted them for her own ends. Meanwhile, Terra, Ven, and Aqua went their separate ways to find them. However, Xehanort began finding the princesses and sealed the essence of their hearts within his own keyblade. This practice would later be reused by his apprentice in Kingdom Hearts I. Terra ran into Maleficent who hoped to use his skills in her search. Terra, like Riku, had a craving for power and wanted to use kingdom hearts to help the world. He agreed to help Maleficent who in turn told this to Ven and Aqua. With the dark powers he acquired, he learned how to use the moons’ essence as his weapon.

Terra eventually found Xehanort and saw what he had become and realized that he became pure evil. He fought him and defeated him, allowing the control his apprentice had over him to temporarily fall. He had remorse for what has happened, but soon fell back into his control and escaped. Terra then abounded his pack with Maleficent and rejoined the others. Soon Xehanort found all the princesses hearts with the help of Maleficent and went to kingdom hearts with an army of unbirths and his apprentice. A humongoues battle turned out with the unbirths destroying all but the three keyblade wielders. They engaged Xehanort and his apprentice, but soon lost and Ven was frozen. Xehanort reversed the keyblade and cultivated his hearts essence with the princess’s hearts into the sky to unleash kingdom hearts. Terra’s eyes flashed yellow, symbolizing the greed he too has for kingdom hearts and the dark power he has. Then the apprentice struck down Xehanort and murdered him. He took both his name and his clothing and proclaimed kingdom hearts as his.

Xehanort took the power of kingdom hearts and began a conquest on the universe with darkness being born in other hearts. Terra then felt extreme remorse over what happened to Ven and decided to take a drastic measure. In order to insure Ven would remain safe, he must be given a new home and no account of what happened. Terra took frozen Ven to Castle Oblivion where he wiped his memory clean. He then took Ven’s soul out, but unlike unbirths, he didn’t place it in a built vessel. He chose one of similar heart, Sora, and placed Ven’s soul in him. He hoped that Ven would always remain safe there. Therefore, Roxas is Ven and was released when Sora struck himself with the keyblade. That is why Roxas is said to have a heart.

The new Xehanort then continued his conquest. But Terra, Aqua, and Mickey all engaged him and retrieved the princess’s hearts. However, in the chaos Xehanort’s stabbed Terra in the heart and pieces of his heart went to Xehanort, giving him his present day appearance and no memory. He was then vanished, but reappeared in Radiant Garden and all worlds became disconnected with the true light remaining hidden. This whole conflict created the legend of the keyblade and also explains Xehnaort having supernatural powers, able to open the doors, and even being the only one to have a human heartless and nobody; he is a chaser who was the first to use the powers of darkness.

Terra felt ashamed over his actions and remained in the desert guarding it in case Xehanort returned. Mickey was named king after his victory and Aqua returned to radiant garden.

Xehanort was found by Ansem the wise and became his foremost apprentice. When Ansem did experiments on Xehanort, he remembered portions of his past and sought Kingdom Hearts again. Using the chaser symbol he still had from his time as one, he used it as inspiration to create the heartless symbol. During the course of his experiments, he found Aqua who was a Resident there along with her daughter Kairi. Xehanort abducted both and sent Kairi away to other worlds to find the keyblade wielder. He then had a room constructed called the room of sleep where he kept aqua. This room would help him remember his past and Aqua would further help that with her armor and keyblade.

Maleficent soon began to recapture the princesses and would use the heartless when Xehanort eventually came to create them. Terra learned that Xehnaort was at it again, he chooses Riku for the keyblade, but then the keyblade itself choose Sora instead. Yen Sid is the strange voice and transported Sora to that shrine dimension to train him.