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Shadows are an enemy from all Kingdom Hearts games.

Shadows are the weakest and most common of all Heartless. They are Pure Heartless found almost anywhere, though their hot spots include the Destiny Islands, Traverse Town, Wonderland, End of the World, and The World That Never Was. Shadows are created when the darkness in an ordinary person's heart is unleashed. Other pure Heartless, like Darkside, can produce Shadows.

Despite their weak appearance, Shadows can be a threat if Sora is ill prepared for battle. Usually in the occasions he's encountered them when he doesn't have his keyblade, since without he can't inflict any noticeable damage to them.

One step up from a Shadow is a Neoshadow.

Shadows have been seen in screenshots of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, each time during battle.

Journal Entry

Kingdom Hearts II: It sinks into the ground while moving, so timing is the key to defeating it. The moment it surfaces, attack away!


see:Shadow (Enemy Card)

Nobody Counterpart
