theres a keyblade that looks like saixs weapon meaning that it may be from 358/2 days suporting the fact that every member may have a key blade made after them like xaldin resembles the wind maker. the keyblade i am refering to is the one next to the fenrir.
What are the requirements to see this video (in-game of course)? Maggosh 20:12, 18 May 2009 (UTC)
I think there is somenting wrong with the requirement. There aren't keyholes to lock in Kh2 and if they are taking about the Gummi paths, opening them is mandatory.
did anyone notice that the only keyblades with keychains are the once what are pulled out of the ground.
Terra's, Aqua's and Ven's keyblades dont have chains but also almost all the other keyblades you see, for exemple the ferir you see in the screen it has no keychain.
Keys withouth Keychains.
OMG i just thought about this. in the article it basicly says it shows all the keyblades without chains and -"one of which resembles the Fenrir Keyblade" i was thinking. what if the keyblades with chains somehow umm gained the power of all the other blades and harnesses them by adding a keychain to maby somehow all thoes chainless blades turn into keychains maby?-mr.xeroxero
Man, i rly cant get off the idea of having the keys without chains -mr.xeroxero
The three Keyblades TAV pick up - Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key D, Way to the Dawn - were the same three Keyblades used when Sora (well, the player would have a different keychain equipped, no doubt, but you get my drift), Riku and The King unsealed (?) the door to Kingdom Hearts in II.
Fate, perhaps? Were TAV trying to seal Kingdom Hearts away, out of Master Xehanort's 'capable hands'?
No idea. It could be possible, but one of them used two Keyblades, right ?
There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:54, November 1, 2009 (UTC)
The Gathering 3 Keyblade
I have a theory with 3 Keyblades in The Gathering. I was thinking since Terra orginally chose Riku as the Owner of Kingdom Key maybe Ventus orginally chose Sora to be the owner of Way to Dawn. Maybe thats why Sora's Nobody look excatly like Ventus. Also maybe Aqua chose Kairi to weild Kingdom Key D orginally but the King found it instead. Maybe those 6 are connected because of the meaning of their names, personality and their bonds are pretty simalir. Its just a theory so what do you think? Cococrash11