Template:Nobody/KHII The Assassin is a high-ranking Nobody controlled by Axel that is found in Kingdom Hearts II.
Journal Entry
Kingdom Hearts II
An assassin. A high-ranking Nobody. It hides in the ground and attacks quietly from behind.
It cannot be attacked while it is in the ground. Parry its attacks to get it to surface.
When it starts running around, look out! It'll begin to unleash powerful attacks. Don't miss any chances to use the reaction commands to defeat as many as possible at once!
Assassins spend a lot of time on the ground. When they attack by flailing wildly, parry the attack.
If you can use the Reaction Command Fail-Safe, do so. This will make the Assassin explode, cause you no damage and still giving you Experience.
If you wish to fight powerful Assassins, the upper area of the Hall Of Empty Melodies in the Castle That Never Was is the only good place. However, in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, you can fight even more powerful Assassins in the Cavern of Remembrance.
The Assassin is based on the Final Fantasy job class of the same name.
Nobodies |
Organization XIII |
I. Xemnas | II. Xigbar | III. Xaldin | IV. Vexen | V. Lexaeus | VI. Zexion | VII. Saïx | VIII. Axel | IX. Demyx | X. Luxord | XI. Marluxia | XII. Larxene | XIII. Roxas |
Enemy Nobodies |
Sorcerer - Sniper - Dragoon - Berserker - Assassin - Dancer - Gambler - Reaper - Ninja - Samurai Dusk - Creeper - Specter - Twilight Thorn - Fake Vivi |
Special Nobodies |
Naminé - Absent Silhouettes - Organization XIII's Replica Data - Anti-Saïx - Data-Roxas - Data-Naminé |