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Strength is the measure of your character's physical power, if you choose the Dream Sword in the opening sequence of both games, your strength will be given a boost. The item, Strength Boost (or Power Up) is capable of increasing this stat, along with the strength status of most weapons and also as the character progresses up the level table.
The actual strength status of a character determines its overall physical power used to inflict damage to an enemy, the more the strength value the greater the damage inflicted to an enemy.
- In Kingom Hearts II, making your strength to 120 or above will allow Valor genie's limit to knock away 5-7 bars, and a full ( Break X 3)Trinity limit to be able to take out Cloud, Leon, Yuffie, and Tifa at the same time.
- After stepping through the door to the final battle, all strength boosts and magic boosts are negated.
- Soras max strength in Kingdom Hearts 2 is more than double what he will have by progressing to level 99 without boosts.
- In Kingdom Hearts II, Sora's max strength is 153. This can be increased with equipment to 159, and to 166 with Fenrir.