Hello, and welcome to my Sandbox. Here, I will be doing many things related to the Wiki. This can range anywhere from creating new ideas for templates, personal things for my user page, rough drafts for new articles, et cetera. Please do not edit this page unless you have my permission! Thank you!

Game Concepts - For use in the Wiki's Magazine

"Young Eraqus and Young Xehanort" Game - CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT


  • The story explores the mysteries of the Keyblade War and connects to Kingdom Hearts III. Depending on who the player chooses to play as, they will either see the rise of Eraqus or the fall of Xehanort.
  • The game begins just after Young Xehanort returns to his proper place in time after the events of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. The game itself takes place before Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, some time after the events of the Keyblade War.
  • A rough idea of the story (Xehanort's side):
    • Xehanort is the "chosen one" who will restore balance to light and darkness, hence his desire to create a world where they exist in equilibrium.
    • Xehanort longs to see other worlds. He opens the door in the Secret Place on the Destiny Islands, and he winds up in the Land of Departure (or a similar place), where he meets Eraqus. The two travel to several worlds together with their Master and eventually come to see each other as brothers.
    • Eraqus and Xehanort's Master continually tells Eraqus secret information pertaining to the events of the Keyblade War and the like, shaking Xehanort's trust in both of them. Soon Eraqus and Xehanort are dubbed strong enough to travel from world to world on their own, leaving Xehanort vulnerable to darkness and its temptations.
    • While Eraqus uses the Keyblade per his Master's orders to protect the worlds from the darkness, Xehanort uses it to bring ruin and chaos.
    • Xehanort gains much knowledge on his journey and eventually discards his Keyblade Armor. He tries at first to maintain his brotherhood with Eraqus, but the man's devotion to light makes the two enemies. Xehanort goes on several unauthorized journeys to other worlds, and eventually, he and Eraqus have a climatic final duel from which Eraqus (?) emerges victorious.
    • Eraqus is pronounced a Keyblade Master, as is Xehanort, but Eraqus is the one chosen to inherit the Land of Departure. In a secret ending, perhaps, an older Eraqus takes Terra and Aqua in as students while, on his travels, an older Xehanort finds a boy named Ventus to train.

Side: Eraqus
Side: Xehanort


  • Both Eraqus and Xehanort are playable.
  • Gameplay is designed so that players may experience the full power of true Keyblade Masters for the first time ever.
  • In the various worlds they visit, Eraqus and Xehanort are presented with many choices concerning the characters they meet and how they interact with their environment. Most of the time, the choices they make shape the gameplay experience and how the plot unfolds. One of the most important choices is "Light or Darkness? Eraqus or Xehanort?"
  • Keyblade Armor and Keyblade Gliders return. Eraqus's armor matches that of the Armor of the Master, while Xehanort's matches that of No Heart. Eraqus's Keyblade Glider perhaps takes the shape of a horse, while Xehanort's is more like a jetpack.

Worlds and Characters

Kingdom Hearts: The Keyblade War - CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT


This game is chronologically the first in the Kingdom Hearts series and is a canon version of Kingdom Heart χ, detailing the events of the Keyblade War.


In the beginning, there was but one world, a world of light. The source of this light was Kingdom Hearts, which was protected by its counterpart, the χ-blade. Seeking the power of Kingdom Hearts for themselves, people began to battle each other for the light, releasing the darkness hidden deep within their hearts.

In a world called Daybreak Town, mysterious weapons known as "Keyblades" are forged in the χ-blade's image. Daybreak Town's residents strive to understand the reason for these weapons' existence and decipher their true nature. Daybreak Town is home to five schools, in which people can learn to become Keyblade wielders. Each school teaches the art of Keyblade wielding in a different fashion and emphasizes different strengths, techniques, and qualities. The five schools often compete to see which can produce the strongest Keyblade wielder. Those who survive the harsh trials of their training become Keyblade Masters. Each school in Daybreak Town is overseen by a mysterious Foreteller.

One day, a mysterious man arrives in Daybreak Town, bringing about the world's destruction. The Foretellers vanish without a trace, and Daybreak Town is torn asunder. In the wake of this disaster, only one student from each of the five schools is left standing. One student, Cordi, who belongs to the school of Leopardos, is taken by Daybreak Town's dark invader and becomes his underling. The other four, Ciel, a student of the school of Anguis, Brand, a student of the school of Unicornis, Linnea, a student of the school of Vulpeus, and Rain, a student of the school of Ursus, pursue them across various worlds to prevent the darkness from spreading, as well as to fulfill their original mission: to discover the Keyblade's secrets, which lie beyond the borders of Daybreak Town.

Ciel, Brand, Linnea, and Rain separate and reunite various times over the course of their journey; they encounter many of the worlds' denizens, as well as other Keyblade wielders, from whom they learn of the war raging around them. The heroes discover that the man who caused the chaos in Daybreak Town is named Animus; he is determined to erase all traces of light by destroying Kingdom Hearts. While his companions remain steadfast in their goals and objectives, Rain starts to walk down a darker path. He manipulates his friends into traveling to the Badlands, the place where the war rages.

In the final battle of what goes down in history as the Keyblade War, the heroes attempt to destroy Animus. However, they only defeat his physical form; it is revealed that he is the physical manifestation of the darkness born of the Keyblade War. In his dying moments, Animus uses Kingdom Hearts to spread darkness across all worlds. He vanishes from existence, and chaos ensues as the ultimate heart of light is corrupted and the worlds start to fall apart and die along with it.

Rain flees in his cowardice, unbeknownst to his comrades. Meanwhile, Ciel, Brand, and Linnea sacrifice the light in their hearts, and thus their lives, to restore the worlds in a splintered form. The Keyblade War is put to an immediate end; the Badlands become a graveyard for the many Keyblade-wielding warriors who gave their lives in pursuit of the χ-blade.


Rain returns to what has now come to be known as the Keyblade Graveyard. Finding the abandoned blades of his former comrades, he vows to make amends for his wrongdoings by training the next generation of Keyblade wielders. Rain takes two boys to be his apprentices, one named Eraqus, and the other named Xehanort.


The five Foretellers stand in a circle at an unknown location, each flipping through the pages of a Book of Prophecies. The Anguis Foreteller's Book projects an image of Aqua before her. The Leopardos Foreteller is presented with an image of Ventus, while the Unicornis Foreteller sees an image of Riku, the Vulpeus Foreteller sees an image of Kairi, and the Ursus Foreteller sees an image of Terra. Suddenly, a man in a black coat emerges from a corridor of darkness. He approaches the Foretellers and summons Master Xehanort's Keyblade. Reconnect. Kingdom Hearts


  • Characters level up through the Ability Grid. By spending AP (Ability Points) accumulated by defeating enemies, players can unlock stat boosts, different abilities and attacks, as well as their upgraded forms.
  • The player can customize the characters' outfits. Accessories and such are found throughout the worlds visited on their journey.
  • Players can upgrade, build, meld, and transform Keyblades and accessories in a similar fashion to the weapons system in Final Fantasy XIII.
  • Because the worlds are technically still one during the time of Kingdom Hearts: The Keyblade War, a new method of travel between the games' various locations has been developed to preserve this fact.

Worlds and Characters


  • The story and gameplay ideas listed here are property of EternalNothingnessXIII of the Kingdom Hearts Wiki.
  • EternalNothingnessXIII is in NO WAY affiliated with Disney or Square Enix. "Kingdom Hearts" and all related games, worlds, items, and characters are property of Disney and Square Enix.

Talk Bubbles

Here, I shall place drafts of the various talk bubbles I intend to use or am considering using here on the Wiki.

Organization XIII


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  So...it seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Very good. You don't miss a thing. I can not feel—sorrow... No matter what misery befalls the worlds. No matter what you think, what you feel, or how you exist.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Heed me, Kingdom Hearts! Lend me your power, so that we may be complete! The power to erase the fools that hinder us.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  The Keyblade...a truly marvelous weapon. Were it only in more...capable hands...


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  You've really put Organization XIII in a pickle. I guess that must be why the Keyblade chose you. But MAN, did it pick a dud this time. You don't look like you're half the hero the others were.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Have you been a good boy?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Rambling? As if! All I'm trying to tell you, traitor, is that your time is up!
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Why don't I remind you how tough the crowd you're dealing with really is?


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  You don't know when to quit.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  ...Kingdom Hearts. When Kingdom Hearts is ours, we can exist fully and completely.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  I've come to take something you hold very dear.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Trust no one. Feed your anger! Only anger will keep you strong.


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Pity to be so ignorant. As you're only able to see the surface of things, I should not expect you to appreciate my true might.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  The memory's wiles can be cruel. In its silence, we forget. In its obsession, it binds our hearts.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  If you remain bound by the chain of memories and refuse to believe what is truly found inside your heart...then throw it away. You are not a Keyblade master—just a slave to twisted memories.


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Cast away your useless fear. Open your heart. Embrace the darkness.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  You've done well thus far. But to possess your powers, and yet fear the darkness... What a waste.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  I, Lexaeus, will not yield to the frail heart—of an infantile coward! Now, stop resisting—and let the darkness in!


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  If you don't believe the words I say...then you had best see the truth with your own eyes.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  After all your protests, you're still like us, on the side of darkness.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  This is absurd... Then I shall make you see... That your hopes are nothing—nothing but a mere illusion!


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Organization XIII has no further use for you... Just look there. Our Kingdom Hearts... Thanks to you, we've collected countless hearts... Can you hear their euphoria?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  If I had a heart, this would be where I die of laughter.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Pitiful Heartless, mindlessly collecting hearts. The rage of the Keyblade releases those hearts. They gather in darkness, masterless and free...until they weave together to make Kingdom Hearts. And when that time comes, we can truly, finally exist.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  True, we don't have hearts. But we remember what it was like. That's what makes us special.


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  My show now, Keyblade master. Who am I? Oh, my name's Axel. Got it memorized?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  If you have a dream, don't wait. Act. One of life's little rules. Got it memorized?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Hey, Roxas. Bet you don't know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors. And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Good answer. Just what I'd expect from the Keyblade master.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  You really do remember me this time? I'm SO FLATTERED. But you're too late!
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  What's your problem? You both...think you can do whatever you want. Well, I'm sick of it. Go on, you just keep running. But I'll always be there to bring you back!
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Talk about blank with a capital B. Man, oh, man. Not even the Dusks are gonna crack this one...
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  The Roxas that I know is long gone. Fine, I see how it is...
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  You really don't remember? It's me. You know, Axel.


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Let's see, here... "If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition"... Right. Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one...
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Hey, you guys are looking lively.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Oh, we do too have hearts! Don't be mad...
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Run! Run away!


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  The fun is in not knowing, isn't it? What is the point of betting on something if you already know the outcome?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  There—the dice have been cast. Things are in motion. He can't stop this.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  I'd rather we just skip the formalities.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  How could you...Roxas...
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  The Darkness of men's hearts—drawn to these cursed medallions; and this Heartless—a veritable maelstrom of avarice: I wonder, are they worthy to serve Organization XIII?


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Soon the emptiness will shatter your heart—here in this world of nothingness! As lightless oblivion devours you, drown in the ever-blooming darkness!
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  The Keyblade's power—how I've longed to make it my own.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  You would knowingly shackle your heart with a chain of memories born of lies? You would be one who has a heart, yet cast aside your heart's freedom? You turn from the truth because your heart is weak— You will never defeat me!
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  In this place, to find is to lose, and to lose is to find. That is the way in Castle Oblivion.


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  I should tell you that I'm in an EXTREMELY foul mood. Thanks to you, all our plans are ruined!
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  You're such an idiot. There is no promise, and there never was! You're just delusional. Must you insist on playing the hero? Whatever. If that's the way you want it... You're going down alone!
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Okay... Have it your way. More pain for you means more fun for me!


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  You make a good other.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  I'll go buy us some ice cream!
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Like I asked! Know-it-all.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Where did I think I could go? What a joke.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  No! Xion...Who else will I have ice cream with?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Am I...the one who did this to you?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  How many times do I have to beat you?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  I hardly know who I am! What is so wrong with wanting some answers!?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  What are you talking about? I am me. Nobody else!
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Does that mean...it's time for me to go back to where I belong?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Tell me... Tell me why he picked you!


 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Is it that I'm not supposed to exist?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  I'm sorry, but...I can't go with you. It's my friends—they need me. And I need them, too.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  So, do you hate me for taking your friend away from you?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  I went to a new world today, Roxas. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. I hope that you can join me next time.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Who am I? What am I...here for?
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  The way things are...I'm gonna wreck everything...
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Please don't hold back, Axel. Promise.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  Kind of weird that we can feel anything at all. Without having hearts to feel with.
 Eternal Nothingness XIII  My Keyblade is not a sham! What gives you the right to say that?


Here I shall place rough drafts of the signatures I plan to use for my various Wiki-themes.

Organization XIII Wiki-theme


  Superior of the In-Between  


  The Freeshooter  


  The Whirlwind Lancer  


  The Chilly Academic  


  The Taciturn Stalwart  


  The Cloaked Schemer  


  The Luna Diviner  


  The Flurry of Dancing Flames  


  The Melodious Nocturne  


  The Gambler of Fate  


  The Graceful Assassin  


  The Savage Nymph  


  The Key of Destiny  


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