Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX


Revision as of 18:02, 6 October 2014 by Neumannz (talk | contribs) (→‎Kingdom Hearts II: i don't know what's in it)
Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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Reports are recurring features that appear throughout the Kingdom Hearts series. They are information texts that keeps track of progressing storylines and records information about characters, enemies and game records.

Kingdom Hearts

Main article: Jiminy's Journal

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

Main article: Jiminy's Journal


The D-Report, as it appears in Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories.

While Sora's events are chronicled in Jiminy's Journal, the Reverse/Rebirth's storyline data is recorded in the D-Report ("D" standing for "Darkness"[citation needed]). It is divided into three sections with the third section containing another three sub-sections. When a section or sub-section is completed, it is stamped with a Hidden Mickey.

Story is the first section in the D-Report. It summarises the story of Reverse/Rebirth in a number of chapters which are unlocked as Riku progresses through Castle Oblivion.

The second section of the D-Report is Card Index. This section contains descriptions of every card excluding map cards. Unlike Jiminy's Journal, it does not contain sub-sections for each card type.

The last section is Characters and it contains three sub-sections. The first sub-section, Characters I, contains descriptions for all of the main characters and Organization XIII members. The second sub-section, Characters II, contains descriptions of minor characters like Disney villains. The last sub-section, The Heartless, contains descriptions of each Heartless that Riku faces.

Kingdom Hearts II

Main article: Jiminy's Journal

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Main articles: Roxas's Diary and Secret Reports

Enemy Files

The Enemy Files contains descriptions and pictures of enemies that have been beaten, along with a list of the treasures they drop when defeated.

Character Files

In Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX, a new Character Files feature is unlocked after watching every cutscene of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. This database lists every major character of the game with each entry containing an image and short biography.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep


Aqua, Ventus, and Terra each have their own individual Reports in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, which have similar coverage of their progress. When a section or sub-section is fully completed, it is marked with a yellow Mickey stamp.

Each journal contains a Story section, which summarizes the character's adventures in each world they have cleared. The pages of Xehanort's Report that have been obtained can be found under the Secret Reports section, while the Game Records section lists the character's progress in the Mirage Arena, mini-game records, and Hit Counts for Shotlocks, Dimension Link, and Finish commands. In the Final Mix versions of the game, the Battle Mission is added into the Game Record section.

The Character Files and The Unversed sections cover characters and enemies, respectively, that have been encountered so far. The Command Collection keeps a record of all the Deck Commands, Shotlocks, Dimension Links, Finish Commands, and Abilities that have been obtained, while the Treasures section tracks the Treasure Chests that appear in each world.

In the English and Final Mix versions of the game, the Sticker Album also appears in the Reports.

Trinity Archives

The Trinity Archives as it appears in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

The Trinity Archives (トリニティレポート Toriniti Repōto?, lit. "Trinity Report") is another report that provides an overview of Terra's, Ventus's and Aqua's stories compiled together and is unlocked the first time the player clears an episode, and is updated each time episodes are cleared or re-cleared. It is divided into five sections.

The Timeline displays the entire adventure for all three protagonists in both graphic and text form and the Theater contains all the cutscenes in the game. The Trophies section shows all earned trophies and Xehanort's Secret Reports compiles all unlocked Reports in one area.

The Game Stats summarizes the player's completion of the game and is divided into four sub-sections, which are all marked with the percentage of completion. The first sub-section, Combat, increases as the player defeats each type of enemy in the game. The Mini-games sub-section increases as more mini-game objectives in the individual reports, outside of the Mirage Arena, are completed. The Story increases as more episodes and scenarios are completed. The Treasures sub-section increases as the player collects 100% treasures in each world, in each storyline.


Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

Debug Reports

The Debug Reports screen.

The Debug Reports in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded consist of five sections covering various facets of the game, along with a record of the level of completion for each section.

The Trophies section shows the trophies that have been earned on the top screen and tracks various game records and progress towards earning trophies on the bottom screen.

The Collection records all the Stat Chips used and the Bonus Boosters and Cheat Tuners activated on the Stat Matrix, and the Deck Commands and Keyblade, Finish command and Accessory chips that have been obtained.

The Story section summarises the events in each completed chapter of the game.

The Enemy Profiles show all enemies that have been encountered, and it includes descriptions, item drop data, and how many times a type of enemy has been defeated.

The Character Files contains short biographies for each encountered character, as well as their conversation sprites.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance


Sora and Riku both share the same Report, in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance.
