Forum:Main Page: KH3D

Revision as of 22:43, 10 October 2011 by LegoAlchemist (talk | contribs)
KHWiki-Forum Logo.png
Forums: Index > The World that Never was > Main Page: KH3D

Erry - Ragnarok de Dies Irae.
TALK - Nascent Requiem ~ 03:00, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
JGv9T.png Well let me be the first to announce that we are moving from the Ventus-Sora-Roxas theme to a KH3D theme. Everything will be rebuilt on the purple color within the logo. During the roundtable we discussed possible ideas for the new main page, such as a portal, similar to Traverse Town. We also are looking for new logos for the wiki. I have made these, one that strays away from the "traditional" columnar appearance and one that sticks to it with the released artwork.
zPOdk.png WUb2I.png

We want to see what you want to see. This is not only for the KH3D remodel of the front page (or actually wiki-wide appearance) but for the main page as a whole with included templates, portal pages (e.g: KHWiki: Games or KHWiki: Weapons, etc.).

We look forward to seeing your ideas.

BakaKidd The ultimate in nobody noobs! — 03:26, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
Ok so,what if for the portals,like the character portal,weapon portal,etc...we have it change every time you visit? like you click onto here and u have axel on the Character portal,then next time u visit the main u have anssem,braig,Ventus,or someone else. same bout the other portals. if it aint possible,e could put KH3D based things for them,like Neku for the character portal,and a spirit and nightmare dream eater for the enemy tab. let me know what you guys think! ^-^

Item_2383.png AS IF! Item_2383.png The world is garbage! CRUNCH!
1. This is my version of the logo, based on the traditional columnar appearance.

2. About the main page, I think Traverse Town should have a more prominent appearance on the page- if I hadn't been randomly clicking around on the sidebar one day, I wouldn't have known Traverse Town existed. Other than that, I don't think much else is missing from the page. Also, the Command Board needs to be renamed, and due to the overall lack of information about 3D, I wouldn't recommend setting any name in stone yet. And the Mirage Arena, Quote of the Day, and Did You Know sections need to be moved lower on the page and made less prominent, while the Command Board and Helping Out sections, which are infinitely more useful to newcomers, need to be more prominent. That is all.

Chitalian8 Say... — Only by allowing strangers in can we find new ways to be ourselves.

Life's little crossroads are often as simple as the pull of a trigger. — 04:45, 9 October 2011 (UTC)

20px-Pin_000.png I like Erry's first logo or As if's one, both suit me fine. But yeah, it is a little early to be changing our theme to KH3D, when we don't even know too much about the game.
Room Core.png
DoorToNothing Heartless Emblem.png — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 06:15, 9 October 2011 (UTC)

Keyblade-Blk.png I like the idea of having changing portal images. Excellent idea! I believe we had an idea earlier to have each one lead to a "sub-main page" that contains modified tidbits for just that group. Characters, for example, would have "Top Content", "Character News", etc. Basically similar versions of the main 3-4 parts of the main page that become exclusive to a group.

ErryK's logos are both nice, but As if's just takes the cake for me. I'm a fan of our traditional tri-columnar style.

LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids?
TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
Vsymbol.png I like As if!'s logo, but I honestly don't see what's wrong with our current theme.
Roxas (Oathkeeper and Oblivion)
LightRoxas Talk! — "Get real! Look which one of us is winning!"

Axel went somewhere. He went to sleep.

I like ErryK's first logo the best, but all are excellent.
17master - Hey, guys, check out my new camera!
TALK - Oh wait, this isn't a camera... - {{{time}}}
I really like ErryK's first logo. Although, As If!'s logo is as awesome as ErryK's.

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png Ven, Aqua... I'll find some way to make things right.
TALK - This light... it's so warm. — 15:12, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
Earthshaker Keychain KHBBS.png Would it be possible to see a variation of As If!'s logo using the renders? I prefer his over Erry's, but the way Wandanyan and Komori Bat are just cut off randomly doesn't work for me.
Item_2383.png AS IF! Item_2383.png The world is garbage! CRUNCH!
Something like this?

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it.
TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 15:39, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
Earthshaker Keychain KHBBS.png I think now that I see that version, I prefer the artwork (we've always used the art in the logos in the past. But it would look better if Wandanyan and Komori Bat filled the entire space like Sora and Riku do.
Item_2383.png AS IF! Item_2383.png The world is garbage! CRUNCH!
If I make them fill the entire space, part of their bodies will get cut off. You complained about that in my first logo, so I made them really small in order to make them fit in the second one. Now you want them larger again. Are you okay with their bodies being partially cut off too?

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png Funny... This whole time, I've been telling myself I want to be stronger, more independent... But the second I let my heart do the talking... I find out how little I really know myself. And how much I miss them.
TALK - All this time, I've been staring into the darkness... But... that doesn't mean I have to jump in. — 16:03, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
TerraCharm.png What I didn't like about your first logo, As If!, was how Wandanyan's legs were just missing and Komori Bat was so small. I want to mask the fact that Wandanyan has no legs.
Item_2383.png AS IF! Item_2383.png The world is garbage! CRUNCH!
If I make Komori Bat any bigger, too much of his wings will be cut off. Unless you really want that there's nothing else I can do to the image. Sorry to let you down.

EDIT 16:51, 9 October 2011 (UTC): Here is the one ENX asked for:


Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png The three of us can never be torn apart, all right? I'll always find a way.
TALK - When I really need you, Ven, I know you'll be there. — 17:18, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
TerraCharm.png That looks PERFECT!!!

Mickey Mouse TR KHII.png
Okay, I really like the render one you made, As If.
LightRoxas"So many are still waiting for their new beginning, their birth by sleep. Even me... and even you."

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 21:05, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
TerraCharm.pngThe only problem with the render one is it breaks our trend of always using artwork, and Wandanyan/Komori Bat are too small.
Symbol - Identity Disk.png
FA icon.png I would rather stick to the artwork one, and so I would go for Asif's final version of the logo. I would also go with refraining from using renders - we attempted to use renders for the BBS logo at one point in time, but ultimately switched back to artwork, didn't we?

But good on you, Erry, for bringing about the theme change. I'll gladly welcome it.

Also, will the changes apply to all skins? I personally hope they do.

I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! TroisNyxÉtienne — 21:42, 9 October 2011 (UTC)

The Inexistent - All the world's a puzzle, and I the one who made it so...
EVIL has come... at last...
I honestly can say I hate what I did with the place. (O_O). BUT, I can tell you what I was TRYING to do.
  • The Background: Instead of a boring four symbols, I upped it to nine, and gave it some color as opposed to the gray and white. HOWEVER, the color, in my opinion, didn't turn out well, and, because I was too lazy to try to fix the background (because the original version was a jpeg; it was immensly artifacted), it had to remain as two shades of gray.
    • The Symbols:
      • Heart- obvious.
      • Another Heart- to make it nine... if someone wants to stylize a new one for me, I would appreciate it.
      • "Somebody" symbol- Because it fits with the them.
      • Keyhole- obvious.
      • Mark of Mastry symbol- Because the MoM is the focus of DDD.
      • Mickey Head- obvious.
      • Dreameater symbol- obvious.
      • Crown- Sora's symbol. If Riku had a symbol, I would replace the second heart with it.
      • Key- obvious.
  • The Navi headers- the one thing I didn't completely screw up. I think they're good, as the color isn't too intense, yet not too weak.
  • The Logo- like I said at the Roundtable, I like the traditional three column- artwork style best, although As If!'s logo is a tad too large.
Chitalian8 Say... — Mother and Father call me Joshua. I guess you can call me Joshua, too... Since you're my dear, dear partner.

I don't see how this is my fault. You're the one who refuses to call me Pink. — 01:52, 10 October 2011 (UTC)

20px-Pin_000.png I like what you have with the symbols so far. Isn't Riku's semi-official symbol the Heartless emblem, minus the spiked "X" across the middle? You could have that instead of the second heart.

I'll see if I can switch the symbols tomorrow. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 02:00, 10 October 2011 (UTC)

LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids?
TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
Vsymbol.png Is it possible to make the faces of the characters fill the columns a little bit? Sort of the way it is with our current logo? It just looks a little, I don't know... small?
Symbol Character - Mickey.png
FA icon.png Again, will the changes apply to all skins? I'll gladly help with Roundedblue if needed.

EDIT 09:55, 10 October 2011 (UTC): At this point I'm handling the header titles (Community, Toolbox etc.) They're almost done, but now all I'll need is to work out the header, come up with a background colour and work accordingly. I have access to Photoshop on the university computers, so I trust we should be okay.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne — 09:33, 10 October 2011 (UTC)

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png Ven, Aqua... I'll find some way to make things right.
TALK - This light... it's so warm. — 13:19, 10 October 2011 (UTC)
Earthshaker Keychain KHBBS.png In my mind, the perfect KH3D theme will be as follows:
  • Slightly (keyword SLIGHTLY) smaller version of As if!'s most recent logo
  • Only use the official KH3D "wallpaper" from the Japanese site for the navigation headers/background (obviously we'd change the background from purple to the gray and white we're currently using; navi headers would be purple like in the wallpaper).
  • Main page would be recolored to match KH3D (what's yellow becomes purple, etc.

And there's my two cents on the subject.

Erry - Ragnarok de Dies Irae.
TALK - Nascent Requiem ~ 15:08, 10 October 2011 (UTC)
JGv9T.png Well here's my take on the logo (basically mimicing As If's.):

If you would rather have the part behind "Kingdom Hearts Wiki" I will gladly remove it. Although instead of using the Birth by Sleep pattern and just updating the symbols why don't we just use the pattern already supplied by Square Enix? I have this...

Chitalian8 Say... — Mother and Father call me Joshua. I guess you can call me Joshua, too... Since you're my dear, dear partner.

I don't see how this is my fault. You're the one who refuses to call me Pink. — 15:17, 10 October 2011 (UTC)

20px-Pin_000.png The only problem I have with yours, Erry, is that the black borders in-between the boxes are a little thick. Otherwise, it looks good.

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png Ven, Aqua... I'll find some way to make things right.
TALK - This light... it's so warm. — 15:23, 10 October 2011 (UTC)
Earthshaker Keychain KHBBS.png I agree with Chitalian; the black borders separating the three images are a tad thick, but just a TAD! As for that symbols image provided by Square, YES, YES, YES!!!
Erry - Ragnarok de Dies Irae.
TALK - Nascent Requiem ~ 15:51, 10 October 2011 (UTC)
JGv9T.png So something like this?

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png Ven, Aqua... I'll find some way to make things right.
TALK - This light... it's so warm. — 15:52, 10 October 2011 (UTC)
Earthshaker Keychain KHBBS.png Looks just fine to me.
Item_2383.png AS IF! Item_2383.png The world is garbage! CRUNCH!
I like it, except why does the Komori Bat look kinda squashed? It looks like you shrunk it horizontally.
Erry - Wretched SeeD
TALK - -CESONIV SOCEW CESUL SOHTIF- + -FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC- ~ フィートス ルーセク ヱーコス ヴィノセク - Erry 18:00, 10 October 2011 (UTC)
IHm1Edc.png Because if I placed it and scaled it down (normally), it would look too distorted (probably from the camera angle). So I sized it down horizontally so as to look more round.
SilverCrono Well, I can tell who you are. "Looks like you're prepared."

"What is with you and picking up stray puppies?" — 22:08, 10 October 2011 (UTC)

Isa_bbs.png I come back from oblivion only to learn I'm probably gonna have to rebuild Roundedblue. Eh, I'll probably enjoy it.

I like the art column logos, especially the most recent one posted.

LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids?
TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
Vsymbol.png Okay, I'm liking Erry's version, except for a few small details: I still feel like Sora's face should be filling his column, and it feels like he (or Riku) should be facing the opposite way, to keep the momentum of the image balanced.