"You stand before the final Dimention... And I am... The Darkness of Eternity"

I love Kingdom Hearts as a series. I will try to help out with everything I can, which is not much... I know a lot about KH so, I hope I can be usefull... I will be around, and I hope we can get along!

Which Organization Member am I? EditI. Xemnas

[x] You are the leader most of the time. [x] You like black. [x] You wished/wish you were someone else. [x] You don't listen to others. [x] You like doing research. TOTAL: 3

II. Xigbar

[x] You have bad eyesight. [x] You like throwing things at others when angry. [x] You wish you were able to teleport. [x] You wear your hair in a ponytail. [x] You have/wish you had a gun. TOTAL: 2

III. Xaldin

[x] You like windy days. [x] You have tried to steal something precious from someone. [x] You like dragons. [x] You have/like dreadlocks. [x] You've tried to anger someone on purpose. TOTAL: 1

IV. Vexen

[x] You are disrespected by the young ones. [x] Someone has already considered you a traitor. [x] You are the oldest of your group. [x] You like experiments. [x] You like cold days. TOTAL: 1

V. Lexaeus

[x] You are not very talkative. [x] You like brain games. [x] People are afraid of you because of your appearance. [x] You prefer heavy weapons rather than light ones. [x] You are very strong, physically speaking. TOTAL: 2

VI. Zexion

[x] You love reading. [x] You are not very sociable. [x] You are one of the shortest of your group. [x] You have a very sensible nose. [x] You like to elude others. TOTAL: 1

VII. Saïx

[x] You have double-personality issues. [x] You are more active during night rather than day. [x] You like werewolves. [x] Your superior trusts you. [x] You have a scar on your face. TOTAL: 2

VIII. Axel

[x] You are somewhat a pyromaniac. [x] You care deeply for your best friends. [x] You are a two-face when you need to be. [x] You don't like when people don't remember your name. [x] You have a very fiery personality. TOTAL: 2

IX. Demyx

[x] You like music. [x] You know how to play a guitar. [x] You like rainy days. [x] You like swimming. [x] You are usually a very happy person. TOTAL: 3

X. Luxord

[x] You like playing cards. [x] You like to gamble. [x] Your favorite color is gold. [x] You have stolen money from others. [x] You have/wished you could curse someone. TOTAL: 2

XI. Marluxia

[x] You like pink. [x] You like flowers. [x] You are plotting to overthrow your superior. [x] You were betrayed by someone. [x] You are a bit of a flamboyant person. TOTAL: 1

XII. Larxene

[x] You're the only female in your group. [x] You like storms. [x] You're pretty agile. [x] You like to mock others. [x] You think ninjas are cool. TOTAL: 3

XIII. Roxas

[x] You love ice cream. [x] You are the youngest of your group. [x] You think people are hiding something from you. [x] You usually have strange dreams involving people you've never met. [x] You prefer afternoons rather than nights and mornings. TOTAL: 4