Cloud In Kingdom Hearts I

Cloud is a character in the Kingdom Hearts series from the Final Fantasy universe. He is the main character in Final Fantasy VII and a supporting character in the Kingdom Hearts Series.

Role In Kingdom Hearts

Cloud can be found in The Coloseum. He is working for Hades to try and destroy Hercules in the upcoming Tournament. During The Tournament he must fight Sora and Regardless of wether you win or you lose Cloud appears to have beaten you. When he refuses to kill Sora during their battle, Hades sets Cerberus on the both of them but then Hercules runs in and saves them both but sora insits on fighting it anyways. Later Cloud meets with Sora says that he lost the light within his heart, and he is searching for it, and thats why he was working for Hades. Cloud Makes apperances in other Tournaments alone and with Leon (also a character from Final Fantasy). During the credits at the end of the game, Cloud is shown reuniting with other various characters from the game that are all from various Final Fantasy games in the library at Hollow Bastion.

Role In Kingdom Hearts II

Cloud As He appears in Kingdom Hearts II