
From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
Revision as of 21:01, 8 August 2016 by Rainbow (talk | contribs) (i liiiive)
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Hometown Michigan
Birthday January 26th
Age 20
Gender Female
Height 5'2" /157 cm

About Me

I am a person. An eternally bored 20 year old to be exact.
Been playing KH since I was a kid, got back into it thanks to the 1.5 and 2.5 remixes. Oh, and KHIII finally being a thing.
I like a lot of video games and won't list them all cause it's 2many, but I really like Fallout, Hitman, Grand Theft Auto, Ratchet & Clank, and Pokemon.
My favorite colors are blue and green (or anything in between) and I like playing video games, drawing, sewing, and cute boys.


Youtube: (I upload Pop'n Music songs cause that's another thing I like)

Wiki Stuff I Might Do

• Gifs for pages that needs them like abilities. Although I own like every KH I don't own a capture card so unless I get one I'm stuck with emulators. (PS4 can record stuff tho so that'll be fun when KHIII comes around)
• Scans. I have a KHII book somewhere and I notice some of the heartless and other stuff have kinda small pictures so maybe I'll get on that sometime.
Currently feeling pretty lazy and will start contributing again...when I stop being lazy
Still bein lazy btw (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

Lotsa boxes

en This user is a native speaker of English.
Kairi_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is female.
qxP0V8f.png This user's monitor resolution is 1600x900 (PC)
1024x600 (Tablet)
ipuOopZ.png This user is a fan of Disney movies.
51jqMJU.png This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
0QfJZih.png This user contributes with Windows.
760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
Symbol_-_Keyhole.png This user has locked every single Keyhole.
KZtjZrZ.png This user conquered Castle Oblivion and took down Marluxia.
MeoGwdI.png This user mastered the darkness and defeated Ansem.
jhdYTAx.png This user conquered Castle Oblivion and took down Marluxia.
OwyYcz4.png This user mastered the darkness and defeated Ansem.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
yQ8rKjn.png This user is a fan of Sora.
HLyOjLr.png This user is a fan of Kairi.
3qjvQZL.png This user is a fan of Riku.
6N5Wgbs.png This user is a fan of Terra.
nDopSzl.png This user is a fan of Aqua.
u4GyHEc.png This user is a fan of Eraqus.

YgfmCvP.png This user keeps forgetting not to mess with Keyblade wielders.
QRgmNSV.png This user will not have Radiant Garden fall to the likes of you!
rJAEUSU.png This user wishes to live on forever. Get it memorized!
DobGD0s.png This user is no more eternal than that radiance of yours...
yidmdso.png This user wonders if you've been a good boy.
Vfr6rba.png This user would like you to enlighten us about that pet project of yours.
Axel3_zpswtbwjcko.png This user wants to let the flames burn you! Got it memorized?
Bzyb62y.png This user is a master of water.
cjREgxg.png This user is a master of flowers.
7MydijL.png This user is a fan of Roxas.
f7j5qQs.png This user is a fan of Mickey Mouse.
FtdWLXz.png This user is a fan of Donald Duck. Quack!
NXVh8cE.png Gawrsh! This user is a fan of Goofy.
7dNeXdU.png Tarzan will forever be in this user's heart.
mi1AOsy.png This user is a fan of the Beast.
8xSneDP.png This user is a fan of Jack Skellington, the...... new Santa Claus??
C67aCxq.png C:\Users\Rainbow > run TRON.exe
88LExZk.png This user is a fan of Minnie Mouse.
QtKkYeT.png This user is a fan of Daisy Duck.
xbvaPJN.png This user is a fan of the big blue lump!
Ea9xnNP.png Oh là là, this user is a fan of Belle...
cmh4lJY.png This user is a fan of Hades and DRIVES HIM CRAZY!

JOl1PW9.png This user is a fan of Squa-- uh, Leon. Whatever.
R0D1ykY.png This user is a fan of Tifa, and begs pardon for bothering you.
iws5VfD.png This user is a fan of Auron, and would like to be part of his story.
jgylEze.png This user is not interested in anything except Cloud.
knFHeVL.png This user is a fan of the One-Winged Angel.
leBSP7g.png This user is a fan of Zack.
3QB4iyR.png This user loves to ruffle the Moogles' pompoms!
Pinkagaricus_zpszdmlyyh7.png This user dances by swaying from side to side!
UserSamurai.png This user is a noble Samurai, now draw your weapon.
UserSniper.png This user is a Sniper and has got you in his or her sights.
the jams