Talk:Dream Eater

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Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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File talk:Wandanyan KH3D.png‎‎

First:Is this thing a dream eater? Second: Shouldn't we make a page for it and the bat-thing?--Xabryn 15:39, 16 September 2011 (UTC)

We don't know what they are... how are we to make an article about them? All we know is that they are in the game, and that they look like animals. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 16:44, 16 September 2011 (UTC)

you know, every time i think they can't make there creatures any more cartoony and ridiculous looking, SE comes out with next game to prove me wrong--ShadowsTwilightΧ-blade (Incomplete) KHBBS.png 18:06, 16 September 2011 (UTC)

Well there is an insignia on Wandanyan. Maybe it could be the Dream Eater insignia. But there are 2 insignias for the Dream Eaters. (At least I'm assuming there are 2 for them).

These 2 look different. This was taken from the offical website of KH3D. 11t5t1g.png

@The Inexistent: We also know that they're the new partners in the game and there are already some gameplay videos so maybe we can get some more from them
@ShadowsTwilight: The bat thing is not cartoony, it actually looks familiar to me(...wierd) and they're not ridiculous if you mean the color I'm supposing that it has something to do with their connection to dreams since the enemies have similar coloration.
@Keyblade0:The insignia is the reason I asked it in the first place.--Xabryn 00:50, 17 September 2011 (UTC)

While I'm not usually one to trust fansites, KHInsider posted a Nomura interview discussing the new gameplay elements of KH3D. One is the Dual Link. About it, Nomura says:
"In DDD, you fight along side demons known as "Dream Eaters." In the TGS demo, you start off with two of these in your party. As you build up a gauge, the Dream Eater's icon will begin to flash. Tap the icon on the lower screen, and you'll be able to do a team attack. You can also team up with both Dream Eaters simultaneously."
So yes, the Wandanyan and Koumori Bat are Dream Eaters, as is the unicorn thing Riku also has as a party member and whatever Sora's other companion is. Thus it's obvious the insignia on Wandanyan's chest is the Dream Eater symbol, or a variation of it. - Terra Master Symbol.png Eternal Nothingness XIII Terra Master Symbol.png
If we do end up making articles, we have to be careful about the term "Dream Eaters". We don't want another "unbirth" situation to happen. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 02:32, 17 September 2011 (UTC)

Even though I also thought it was a unicorn at first ENX when you have a better look at it you can to notice that it looks more like a stag. And wasn't the term Dream Eater already used in english while the term unbirth was just a mistranlation?--Xabryn 03:05, 17 September 2011 (UTC)

Two different types of Dream Eaters

ShardofTruth Once you believe, truth and lie are quite the same thing. — 12:33, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
Game Clear Data KHRECOM.png As speculated months ago, the two different symbols refer to two different types of Dream Eaters (translation taken from Kingdom Hearts Insider):

Dream Eater:
The Heartless are made up of darkness.
But in "The world enclosed by sleep" a different darkness exists.
Monsters who eat dreams, "Dream Eaters"
These are divided into two types:
"ones that eat dreams and plant nightmares" and "ones that eat nightmares"

Spirit (スピリット)
Nightmare (ナイトメア)
--Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 01:34, 22 September 2011 (UTC)

I was checking the Keyhole

And found it's version better than this. You could change this article it to be like this one--Lukethehedgehog 22:23, 22 December 2011 (UTC)

Can we get this unlocked? Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off. - Erry 18:41, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
It's unlocked now, but all the sort of info that the keyhole has in lead and gameplay sections needs to be sourced."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 18:47, 26 December 2011 (UTC)

Images of the Nightmare Ice Penguin

On the official Kingdom Hearts 3D site, the images of the Nightmare Ice Penguin feature an underwater setting. Do you think this could be part of the Prankster's Paradise world or possibly another world? I'd assume that it's part of Prankster's Paradise that leads to entering Monstro. Obviously this is just speculation so I'm not saying it should go on certain articles but just something I saw.


Item_2383.png AS IF! Item_2383.png The world is garbage! CRUNCH!
Is it me, or do the Dream Eater emblems look different on different Dream Eaters? Like, on Neko Cat the emblem is longer and has a different color gradient, not to mention pink highlights at the top. And for the Nightmares, the Mimi Bunny's emblem fades to a much brighter purple than the others. How, then, should we photoshop the emblems if they vary so much?

Images to be added:

  • Nightmare Kaeru Chef

Please and thank you!"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 12:48, 25 January 2012 (UTC)

1hkZD.png Neko Cat remodel

This would be the Fruit Cat I guess. --ShardofTruth 15:10, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

special trailer : Red eyed man.

In the new trailer the man in the black coat had red eyes. but they were Dream eater eyes. So he has to be a dream eater right? should we include him (and the Ventus armor with the nightmere symbol on its face) on the main page? Beacuse it could very well be possible that dream eaters could resemble people. (like the purple one who turned into pinocchio when Sora approced it in the special trailer) Unknown3619 15:18, 22 February 2012 (UTC)

He does not have to be anything. We don't know what those two are, so we're not going to list them under anything until we do. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 15:27, 22 February 2012 (UTC)

hermit crab dream eater

The Hermit Crab Dream Eater's name is Blazing Lobster. the latest famitsu weekly is on

Ah, so it's like Crayak from Phantom Hourglass, a lobster-hermitcrab thing. 16:32, 7 March 2012 (UTC)

The Gorilla's Name

Item_2383.png AS IF! Item_2383.png The world is garbage! CRUNCH!
Can anyone translate this? Because it contains the Gorilla Dream Eater's name in the upper-right corner.
maggosh The steel is forged... "Souls as far as the eye can see..."

"If you want light to rule over all, then you must rid the world of everything else."

Hakozaru (ハコザル?).
KrytenKoro - "It's always best when the other chap is willing to die for his beliefs; you both have the same goal in mind."
lit. "Box Monkey" (It's also a baboon, people)

From KHInsider:

  1. Nice/Good Flower (イイフラワー; "Iifrawaa")
  2. Elecunicorn (エレキユニコーン; "Erekiyunikõn")
  3. Frog Prince (カエル おうじ; "Kaeru Ouji")

And the bird's name is スペルカン I think --ShardofTruth 23:07, 22 March 2012 (UTC)

"Spellkan", whtever that means.
If someone with sharp eyes can read the names in the left-hand chart on this scan, that would be most helpful. So far I can see, besides the ones we already know:
  • Ryuu Dragon
  • Hone Fish (I think)
  • Wall Flower
  • Magic Rabbit
--Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 23:17, 22 March 2012 (UTC)
  • Tamasheep - Rolling Ball
  • Tsuno Kabuto - Target Shot
  • Tsunokeratops - Rolling Ball
  • Denden Cargot - Rolling Ball
  • Dokudoku Sansho - Poison Dash
  • Drill Sai - Rolling Ball
  • Neko Cat - Rythmic Pad
  • Hasami Kuwagata - Drop Shot
  • Haraguchi Ahiru - Rythmic Tail
  • Hari Lion - Hammer Slow
  • Hebi Tokage - Flame Slow
  • Boukun Rex - Flame Ride
  • Hane Fish - Water Blaster
  • Magic Rabbit - Giant Swing
  • Mimi Bunny - Giant Swing
  • Moerodan Horse - Fire Blaster
  • Yagi Cyber - Spinning Rodeo
  • Yagi Horn - Spinning Rodeo
  • Ryuu Dragon - Unison Cross
  • Wallflower - Poison Rain
  • Wandanyan - Wonder Jump
  • Ice Penguin
  • Ashika Juggler
  • Ii Flower
  • Electric Unicorn
  • Obake Pierrot
  • Kaeru Ouji
  • Kaeru Chef
  • Kaeru O??
  • Hakozaru
  • Spellican

Ele Kamakiri

I don't know if you can use this, but the Ele Kamakiri is called the Gigabyte Mantis on Dream Drop Distance's OST because it has its own boss music. Kamakiri definatly translates to mantis but I don't know how Gigabyte comes from Ele, there it is if you want to hear it

The Ele prefix means Electric. Also, please sign your posts. maggosh 18:33, 7 April 2012 (UTC)
"Gigabyte Mantis" is just a title, as "Luna Diviner" is for Saix. That doesn't make it the actual name."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 22:38, 7 April 2012 (UTC)
Same as "Hunter of the Dark" and the unnamed Heartless. maggosh 22:42, 7 April 2012 (UTC)

About The Dream Eaters

How do you collect them? Feeling into Notre Dame tonight 22:44, 8 April 2012 (UTC)

Colors and why there never will be a FM version

Exhibit A. I don't get it, can you customize the colors of your Spirits and are the Nightmares affected by this too? --ShardofTruth 00:41, 19 April 2012 (UTC)

I'm not too sure about the Nightmares, but I believe it was said in a gaming magazine a few months ago that the Spirits can have their colors customized, yes. - Challenge Sigil KHD.pngEternal Nothingness XIIIChallenge Sigil KHD.png 00:51, 19 April 2012 (UTC)

Yes, you can obtain some type of paint item that will change the coloration of one of your Spirits. I think you can obtain multiples for individual colors. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 03:03, 19 April 2012 (UTC)

Okay, that's good to know. I wondered if the Nightmares change accordingly (to the complementary color) because we still have this image. --ShardofTruth 03:30, 19 April 2012 (UTC)
I deleted the image, since we don't need it, but wasn't it getting redder during that scene?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 06:21, 19 April 2012 (UTC)

Ah. Another thing. Many times during battle, a Nightmare will go into an "enraged" state, wherein it will turn red and in some cases grow larger for a short period of time. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 13:51, 19 April 2012 (UTC)

It's an actual status effect, called "Berserk" Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off. - Erry 14:23, 19 April 2012 (UTC)


Arn't Pureblood Heartless and Nightmare Dream Eaters the same thing?-- 10:44, 18 May 2012 (UTC)

According to Yen Sid they have the same composition, yes, but it's kind of a snake adapted for an aquatic ecosystem and one adapted for land. 15:10, 18 May 2012 (UTC)

Origins of Spirits

According to this thread over at, Dream Eaters are born from the energy of Jiminy's Journals. Now the game's intro and the appearance of the recipes make more sense to me. --ShardofTruth 15:02, 26 May 2012 (UTC)

English Names

Have any new English names been revealed yet? --Littleman 16:56, 8 June 2012 (UTC)

Tyranto Rex

Okay not to sound rude but why dismissed this Dream Eater. Sure it wasn't a Nightmare boss like the others in the game, but you did fought it as a mini-boss in the Country of the Musketeers World. Besides I believe this is the only Dream Eater that appears as both a boss(mini-boss) and just a regular Spirit/Nightmare Dream Eater. DisneyGirkeybladewielder95 22:10, 30 June 2012 (UTC)

Because this is ridiculously specific "trivia" again. Yes, he's a boss. No, that doesn't need to be highlighted as trivia. It can be mentioned in his story and strategy sections.
Plus, doesn't the Kaeru Ouji also serve as a boss?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 07:00, 1 July 2012 (UTC)
Kaeru Ouji is a boss and a normal enemy. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off. - Erry 07:14, 1 July 2012 (UTC)
It could also count. DisneyGirkeybladewielder95 13:06, 1 July 2012 (UTC)


Permission to upload and use images on The Keyhole? Heartless Emblem.pngDarkheart3 Nobody.png 07:24, 5 July 2012 (UTC)

Personally I have no problem with that, I don't know about Erry, As if! and maggosh though. --ShardofTruth 13:14, 5 July 2012 (UTC)

Should I consult them before uploading? Heartless Emblem.pngDarkheart3 Nobody.png 06:27, 6 July 2012 (UTC)

Well considering we had a truce that renders can be uploaded regardless of who uploaded it, although people should be credited, such as Shard, myself, maggosh and As If! Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off. - Erry 09:51, 6 July 2012 (UTC)
So please give credit to the uploaders, than it's fine Darkheart. --ShardofTruth 12:28, 6 July 2012 (UTC)

That's great! Thank you for your help :) Heartless Emblem.pngDarkheart3 Nobody.png 03:30, 7 July 2012 (UTC)

Any more?

Are these all the dream eaters? or are there more to come?

  1. Sign your posts.
  2. Unless more AR cards are released, these are indeed all of them. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 17:19, 10 July 2012 (UTC)

OK, thanks, but i don't know what signing a post means

[Incredulous look]
It means you need to somehow identify yourself when you write something on a talk page. You can do that by typing four tildes, i.e. ~~~~, after the content of your message. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 17:42, 11 July 2012 (UTC)

Thanks again, i'll be doing it from now on unless i forget(it happens more often then you would think). 21:16, 16 July 2012 (UTC)Rex Ronald Rilander

Dream Eater Attribute?

To moderators and/or admins: would you wish the addition of each Dream Eaters elemental affinity/attribution? I figured it might be an additional "quirk" some viewers may be interesting in knowing, but it is by no means not understandable if you wish to exclude its inclusion. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Knoname (talkcontribs)

We still haven't begun the coding for the stat infoxbox, so this information will be included eventually. I'm not sure where to put it at the moment, although this "attribute" is more a valuation from the Bradygames staff based on the Dream Eater's abilities and resistances rather than being a hard programmed fact, so maybe mentioning it in the Dream Eater's description would be more appropriate. --ShardofTruth (talk) 00:54, 1 August 2012 (UTC)
From what I understand, it actually is a mechanic that factors into how the Dream Eater works with Dual Links. I should have the template up soon."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 02:57, 1 August 2012 (UTC)
You're right, I completely forgot about that. --ShardofTruth (talk) 03:45, 1 August 2012 (UTC)

Dream Eater Riku

I just got to the World that Never Was in KH Days, and after the fight with the Anti Black Coat Nightmare, Ansem tells Riku that he has become a Dream Eater Spirit, designed to battle soras nightmares, and that during the process of the game hes been in soras dreams the entire time. and that's why Riku has the spirit dream eater symbol on his back. Should we make a separate article for Riku's appearance in KH3D?
Ixbran (talk) 01:49, 9 August 2012 (UTC)

No, for the same reason we don't have separate articles for Roxas during his time in Organization XIII and after: it's still the same guy. - Challenge Sigil KHD.pngEternal Nothingness XIIIChallenge Sigil KHD.png 01:52, 9 August 2012 (UTC)
Ahhh, okiday then, i was just wondering. Should we put the dream eater tag on Rikus character page then?
Ixbran (talk) 02:13, 9 August 2012 (UTC)
Again, no. He's not a Dream Eater in the sense that Meow Wow is. He unknowingly dove into Sora's dreams and started to carry out the function of a Spirit by vanquishing Sora's nightmares. He's not an actual Dream Eater. He just fulfills the same purpose. - Challenge Sigil KHD.pngEternal Nothingness XIIIChallenge Sigil KHD.png 02:17, 9 August 2012 (UTC)

Individual Dream Eater/Spirit pages

I've noticed that information on the specific creatures are lacking and I would like to add information (like commands they reward, etc.) however I don't know where to start. (What information is important would be nice to learn) Is there a project or something working on this? On another note I beat the Shadow Ventus-Armor and unlocked the secret message, but my reports say Story: 70% complete... whats up with that? (I realize this probably isn't the best place to pose this question but I'm new so please give me a break.) Γ-Lord XaleΓ (talk) 05:25, 12 August 2012 (UTC)

Hello, it's nice to hear editors eager to help. If you have information like that, it would be a good idea to put it on the respective Dream Eater's talk pages; the KH3D stats template is under construction, so that information is more than welcome.
And on the subject of Story; I believe you'll need to both defeat Julius and unlock the secret ending. maggosh 05:41, 12 August 2012 (UTC)

Alright, thanks. Γ-Lord XaleΓ (talk) 20:24, 12 August 2012 (UTC)

Development Section

I talked with Kryten earlier about what this page needs, and he said we should get a Development section, to cover why Dream Eaters were chosen, the removed Dream Eaters, and anything else. Anyone want to right up a draft for this? LightSymbol Character - Roxas.pngRoxas 02:25, 1 September 2012 (UTC)

Rare Nightmares

So...what is the significance of these things? 13:28, 11 May 2013 (UTC)

They're the recolored versions of Nightmares that appear in Secret Portals. maggosh 19:04, 11 May 2013 (UTC)

In battle differences with heartless

I don't know exactly how to describe that but I know it's something important. Like, when the player is attacking a Heartless, like a Shadow for example, it will be being hit and will not be able to move, attack or take any action. Giant Heartless do not stagger from damage, the same with Giant Dream Eaters. Although, different from that, even small Dream Eaters don't do that. It's not all attacks that interrupt their action. I mean, sometimes, while the player attacks a Yoggy Ram, it can move out of the way, stay imobille (like if nothing was happenning, like if it wasn't even being attacked) or even attack you, even if you just hitted it. Although, sometimes, the player atttacks really makes them stagger, being unable to move or attack, but it's not every attack, like it happens to a Heartless. If you guys understood what I said, I think that, in a more simple way, of course, should be noted somewhere in the article, since it's something much different from other enemies, that can't do nothing while being attacked. - MateusinhoEX - 13:55, 05 July 2013 (UTC)

That's Stun (status), isn't it?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 21:56, 7 July 2013 (UTC)

Does the popping bubble effect appear? --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 04:39, 8 July 2013 (UTC)