Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
Fantasia Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
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Spring Water
Spring Water
"Beautiful clear water."
Japanese きよらかな水
Rōmaji Kiyorakana Mizu

Translation Clear Water

Spring Water is a material type introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ.


Obtaining Spring Water materials

Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]

  • Spring Water: Can be found in Dwarf Woodlands at Flower Glade (x2), Dwarf's Cottage (x2), Dwarf's Cottage: 1st Floor (x1), Path to the Mine (x3) and in Daybreak Town at Fountain Square (x2), 2nd District (x2), Boardwalk (x2), Clock Tower Area (x2), Underground Waterway (x1, x2, x1, x2).

Synthesized items

Spring Water is used to strengthen the following Keychains: