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This page contains a list of quotes said by Vanitas, Ventus-Vanitas, and Vanitas Remnant during the course of Kingdom Hearts Dark Road, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Kingdom Hearts III, Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts Dark Road
- "How was Ventus?"
— asks after Master Xehanort drops Ventus off with Master Eraqus. - "Whatever. Good riddance."
— says after Master Xehanort doesn't respond. - "What do you mean, old man? Switching sides on me now?"
— upon learning that Master Xehanort acted on Ventus's behalf rather than Vanitas's. - "G-got it."
— backing down in response to Master Xehanort's threat. - "Hmph. I think it has nothing to do with me."
— dodging Master Xehanort's question. - "I’m my own being."
— in response to Xehanort's questions about an ancient darkness. - "Who knows?"
— in response to Xehanort's questions about an ancient darkness. - "And what exactly would I have to fear?"
— in response to Xehanort's questions about an ancient darkness. - "Ha! You think I’m afraid of Ventus? You’re dreaming."
— laughing off Xehanort's hypothesis. - "… What do you know?"
— responding to Xehanort's hypothesis. - "Nothing. Forget it."
— dismissing Master Xehanort's concerns.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
- "Yes, Master."
— after being born. - "He ain't gonna cut it. Somebody's gotta break that loser in."
— commenting on Ventus, to Master Xehanort. - "I know that. He just needs a little incentive to leave home."
— to Xehanort. - "Better hurry, Ventus... Or you'll never see Terra again."
— confronting Ventus. - "Like right now? He's leaving you behind. And by the time you catch up...he'll be a different person."
— telling Ventus about Terra. - "Oh, grow up. Is that what you call friendship? You'll never know the truth unless you go out and look for it yourself. Come on, what could you possibly know when you're stuck here, looking at nothing but what's in your tiny world?"
— after Ventus challenges him to a fight for insulting Terra. - "Exactly what I said, idiot. The Terra you know will be gone forever."
— when Ventus asks about Vanitas's comments about Terra. - "Stupid, or true."
— to Ventus. - "Good. Let's see what you're made of."
— challenging Ventus to a battle. - "That really all you got? Man, you are worthless. I'd be going against the Master's orders, but so what? As far as I'm concerned, your job here is done."
— preparing to kill Ventus. - "Hmph, you win. Consider yourself on probation."
— parting words to Ventus, after their first battle. - "Ah yes, Ventus. Tell me something, has he learned to put up a decent fight yet?"
— meeting Aqua in Radiant Garden. - "I'll be asking the questions. And why shouldn't I? After all, between the two of us...I'm the only one who will walk away from here alive."
— to Aqua - "Not bad at all. Congratulations. I'll keep you around. Never hurts to have a backup."
— after being defeated in his first battle against Aqua. - "So, have a good time hanging out with the kiddies?"
— meeting Aqua in Neverland. - "I think that kid's outgrown such a childish toy, if you ask my opinion. Just like I've outgrown my need for you."
— challenging Aqua to their second battle. - "Going somewhere?"
— meeting Ventus at Destiny Islands. - "Well, I'm just getting started with you. You're strong enough now to fulfill your purpose. So what are you waiting for? Join with me right here and now. Become the χ-blade."
— trying to persuade Ventus into forging the χ-blade on Destiny Islands. - "You used to be too broken to talk back."
— when Ventus refuses to fight Vanitas. - "Fine. Then I'll give you a reason to fight. Come and find me...at the one and only place to spawn the χ-blade—the Keyblade Graveyard. There you're gonna see me choke the life out of Terra and Aqua. Then we'll see how long you play the pacifist."
— threatening Ventus before leaving. - "You've done it, Ventus. Now that my body is about to perish...you and I will have to join together! The χ-blade will be forged!"
— unmasking himself after his defeat in his second battle against Ventus. - "It happened when you and I were split into two. The negativity took shape as these monsters. They are what I feel—a horde of fledgling emotions under my control. I released them in all the worlds I could, hoping to lure you away from home and isolate you from your Master. We needed to make you stronger. The Unversed were the perfect opponents. And better yet, no matter how many times you defeat them...their negativity flows right back into me. You never stood a chance against us, Ventus."
— revealing the nature of the Unversed. - "Our union was not finished. The χ-blade shouldn't stay broken like this. Join me now, and we can complete the χ-blade!"
— challenging Ventus to a final showdown. - "The χ-blade is made of your heart, too, idiot. If you destroy it, your heart will vanish forever."
— mocking Ventus after he threatens to destroy the χ-blade. - "Hmph, it's always about your friends, isn't it?"
— after Ventus explains why he's willing to sacrifice himself.
- "Correct. I am not Ventus. His heart has become a part of mine now. This χ-blade will open a door—one that leads to all worlds! Then, Keyblade-bearing warriors will flock here from each and every one of them, to battle for the light within Kingdom Hearts! And just like the legend says, the Keyblade War will begin!"
— revealing himself to Aqua and Mickey. - "What's wrong? Giving up already?"
— after defeating Aqua and Mickey. - "You're just wasting your energy."
— before clashing with Aqua.
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
- "Even if you are not the prisoner."
— taunting Sora with Young Xehanort at La Cité des Cloches.
Kingdom Hearts III
- "Gotta say, that strange facade had me fooled at first, brother."
— revealing himself to Sora at Monsters Inc. after the defeat of his Unversed. - "We haven't ever met in the flesh. I am Vanitas."
— introducing himself to Sora. - "This whole world... was powered by scream. They converted the screams of human children into energy. And this very company was what made it all happen. It's as rich a source of negative emotion as we'll ever find."
— explaining the background behind Monsters Inc. - "Did you? Then how do you explain all these canisters of surplus scream? This facility was everything I could hope for. And I was lucky enough to find a pawn whose heart was darkened by thoughts of revenge."
— responding to Mike Wazowski claiming that Monsters Inc. had stopped collecting screams, and his reasons for recruiting Randall - "My heart is made of just one thing. And the Unversed collected enough screams and sadness from those children to reconstruct it."
— explaining how he came back from the dead. - "But, even with all this negative emotion, my heart is still incomplete. I need something else. The half of me that sleeps on...inside of your heart."
— speaking about his desires to be fully complete. - "Ventus... What a strange place to slither off to...you insignificant speck."
— discovering Ventus's heart resides within Sora. - "Oh, you wouldn't remember. When you were little...you formed a special bond, with a boy named Ventus who joined with your heart."
— explaining how Ventus's heart came in contact with Sora during the events of Birth by Sleep. - "Now, you will return Ventus to me."
— declaring to tear Ventus's heart out of Sora to complete himself. - "Stay out of this."
— to Donald and Goofy. - "Join your heart...with mine!"
— preparing to unlock Sora's heart to retrieve Ventus. - "Let me go!"
— to Sulley. - "That was a neat trick. No wonder no one could find him."
— upon entering the Land of Departure and greeting Sora, Aqua, Donald, and Goofy. - "Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt your touching reunion, but surely you won't begrudge me a moment with my brother?"
— derisively mocking the heroes as he approaches Ventus in a comatose state. - "So, Venty-Wenty wants to keep sleeping. What am I ever going to do with you?"
— wondering how he'll awaken his "brother". - "You better settle down there, "Master.""
— taunting Aqua before their confrontation. - "Three guardians is more than I care to face. But now that my brother is awake...I'm just certain that he'll come to visit."
— expressing amusement over Ventus's awakening before leaving through a dark corridor. - "Only when your hopes have been broken by battle upon battle can the key be claimed to Kingdom Hearts."
— taunting the guardians of light at the Keyblade Graveyard.
Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind
- "Hey, guys. Feeling a little left out here."
— annoyed by Ventus and Aqua ignoring his presence. - "Huh? But my home is in you. You know what'll happen, right? I'll just disappear inside of you forever. Don't you have any love at all for your own brother?"
— attempting to persuade Ventus. - "You believe that? Then you really are naïve. This may shock you, but we're not the same like you think. I was just hidden deep inside of you, for a really long time. All Xehanort did...was tear me right out of you."
— rebuffing Ventus's claim that they're both the same person. - "Hmm... Make me."
— mocking Ventus.
Kingdom Hearts III
- "I'm the piece of Ventus that was taken away. And you're the piece Ventus needed to be whole again. So...why shouldn't you and I look exactly the same? You define me, Sora, the same way that Ventus does. We are brothers who, together, make a greater whole."
— revealing that Sora and Ventus both define who he currently is. - "Because I am darkness. And I do stand by your side. I'm the shadow that you cast. How much closer could I be?"
— telling Sora his acceptance of his role as a dark shadow standing by Sora and Ventus's side. - "But... Ventus, I did decide who I am. You see?"
— telling Ventus he already made up his mind. - "What I am is darkness."
— accepting his role as the darkness to Ventus's light before fading away.
Battle Quotes
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Terra's Story
- "Go!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs, burrowing underneath the ground. - "Gotcha!"
— teleporting and then attacking from above. - "Pathetic!"
— teleporting and then attacking from above. - "See ya."
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs, bursting up from under the ground and summoning a rain of fireballs. - "Suffer!"
— jumping up and unleashing pillars of fire, casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs, using his dark lightning. - "Too slow."
— cartwheeling, teleporting and then attacking from above, dodging an attack.
Ventus's Story
- First Battle
- "Go!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs. - "Gotcha!"
— teleporting and then attacking from above. - "Pathetic!"
— teleporting and then attacking from above. - "See ya!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs. - "Suffer!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs, using his dark lightning. - "Too slow."
— cartwheeling, teleporting and then attacking from above, dodging an attack.
- Second Battle
- "Darkness waits"
— releasing a barrier of darkness. - "Go!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs, sending homing orbs, burrowing underneath the ground. - "Gotcha!"
— teleporting and then attacking from above. - "Pathetic!"
— teleporting and then attacking from above. - "See ya!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs, sending homing orbs, bursting up from under the ground and summoning a rain of fireballs. - "Suffer!"
— sending homing orbs, casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs, using his dark lightning. - "Too slow."
— cartwheeling, teleporting and then attacking from above, dodging an attack.
- Third Battle
- "Darkness waits!"
— repeatedly charging while the χ-blade cloaks him in dark energy. - "Forge the χ-blade!"
— charging his weapon. - "Go!"
— shooting a homing blast of energy in the shape of an "X". - "Gotcha!"
— vanishing and appearing behind the player. - "Show me anguish!"
— charging his weapon, creating large beam of damaging light. - "Suffer!"
— using his dark lightning. - "Pathetic!"
— vanishing and appearing behind the player. - "There's no escape!"
— repeatedly charging while the χ-blade cloaks him in dark energy. - "Too slow."
— cartwheeling, vanishing and appearing behind the player, dodging an attack. - "What's yours is mine!"
— charging his weapon, creating large beam of damaging light. - "Playtime's over!"
— shattering the pillar and initiating the second phase of the battle. - "Join now with your better half!"
— the two D-Link attacks collide. - "You cannot resist, Ventus."
— the two D-Link attacks collide. - "You're an empty husk!"
— the two D-Link attacks collide. - "Why?"
— upon defeat.
Aqua's Story
- "Go!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs. - "Gotcha!"
— teleporting and then attacking from above. - "Pathetic!"
— teleporting and then attacking from above. - "See ya!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs. - "Suffer!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs, using his dark lightning. - "Too slow."
— cartwheeling, teleporting and then attacking from above, dodging an attack.
- "Fool."
— repeatedly charging. - "Too slow."
— cartwheeling, teleporting, dodging an attack. - "Suffer!"
— using his dark lightning, bursting up from under the ground and summoning a rain of fireballs. - "See ya."
— bursting up from under the ground and summoning a rain of fireballs. - "None of this can be changed!"
— charging the χ-blade before releasing a powerful "X" shaped shockwave. - "See how powerless you are!"
— charging the χ-blade before releasing a powerful "X" shaped shockwave. - "Sleep forever!"
— charging the χ-blade before releasing a powerful "X" shaped shockwave. - "And now, the end!"
— charging the χ-blade before releasing a powerful "X" shaped shockwave. - "You're already too late!"
— charging the χ-blade before releasing a powerful "X" shaped shockwave.
Vanitas Remnant
- "Darkness waits!"
— rushing the protagonist. - "Gotcha!"
— teleporting and then attacking from above. - "Pathetic."
— charging his Keyblade. - "See ya!"
— releasing himself from the ball of darkness, bursting up from under the ground and summoning a rain of fireballs, rushing the protagonist. - "Show me anguish!"
— charging his Keyblade, repeatedly teleporting and attacking, cloaking himself in darkness. - "Suffer!"
— releasing himself from the ball of darkness, bursting up from under the ground and summoning a rain of fireballs, shooting a homing blast of energy in the shape of an "X", rushing the protagonist. - "There's no escape!"
— cloaking himself in darkness, releasing several beams of darkness, rushing the protagonist, using his Shotlock. - "Too slow."
— cartwheeling, teleporting, dodging an attack, icicles burst up from the ground. - "What's yours is mine!"
— using his Shotlock. - "Why?"
— upon defeat.
Kingdom Hearts III
- "Alright! Let's see what you're made of, "Master"!"
— at the start of the battle with Aqua. - "Well, that's better. I was hoping to have company."
— at the start of the battle with Sora, Aqua, and Ventus. - "Destroy!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs. - "Perish!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs. - "Take this!"
— casting a fireball that splits into three homing fireballs. - "Give it up!"
— teleporting and then attacking from above, dodging an attack. - "Nope!"
— teleporting and then attacking from above, dodging an attack. - "Annoying!"
— dodging an attack during the fight with Sora, Aqua & Ventus. - "You wish!"
— countering an attack by teleporting and then attacking from above. - "Let's go!"
— summoning a number of Keyblades in a flowing spiral. - "Dodge this!"
— speeding up his Keyblade spiral and launching multiple ice spells. - "Writhe!"
— speeding up his Keyblade spiral and launching multiple ice spells. - "You're nothing!"
— finishing his Keyblade swarm attack by surrounding himself in the air with the Keyblades and launching waves at Sora. - "Despair!"
— finishing his Keyblade swarm attack by surrounding himself in the air with the Keyblades and launching waves at Sora. - "See? You're nobody's master anymore!"
— upon victory, in the Game Over screen when defeating Aqua. - "Be one with darkness!"
— upon victory, in the Game Over screen when defeating Sora. - "I'll let you have this one..."
— upon defeat by Aqua. - "I need the rest of me!"
— upon defeat by Sora or Aqua in Re Mind.
Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind
- "Let's not disappoint our masters in this fight."
— Intro during the start of the battle with Aqua and Ventus. - "Once again, you couldn't save him."
— upon victory, in the Game Over screen when defeating Aqua in Re Mind. - "I've been waiting for this!"
— during the start of his data rematch. - "Too slow!"
— taunting Sora while teleporting. - "This is the path I've chosen."
— Upon defeat during his data rematch. - "Be one with darkness."
— when he defeats Sora during his data rematch.
Unused Quotes
- "You go."
— unused during his fight with Terra-Xehanort. - "Right on."
— unused during his fight with Terra-Xehanort. - "That works."
— unused during his fight with Terra-Xehanort. - "What a handful."
— unused during his fight with Terra-Xehanort. - "Ya need a hand?"
— unused during his fight with Terra-Xehanort.