Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix

Sonic Shadow

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Sonic Shadow
(ソニックシャドウ Sonikku Shadou?)

Sonic Shadow in Birth by Sleep

Become one with the shadows and rush targets repeatedly, blinding the enemies you hit.
LV CP Required Attack No. of Hits Power Additional input time
LV1 Sonic Shadow 1~10 0.9
Additional input 2 1.0
Explosion 3 1.0
LV2 300 Sonic Shadow 1~10 0.9 2 sec
Additional input 2 1.0
Explosion 3 1.0
LV3 350 Sonic Shadow 1~10 0.9 2.5 sec
Additional input 2 1.0
Explosion 3 1.0
LV4 400 Sonic Shadow 1~10 0.9 3 sec
Additional input 2 1.0
Explosion 3 1.0
LV5 450 Sonic Shadow 1~10 0.9 3.5 sec
Additional input 2 1.0
Explosion 3 1.0
Element Status Effect Reload Speed Command Gauge
Neutral Blind (100%/5s) +0

Sonic Shadow is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It allows the user to cloak themselves in shadow and rush at targets, blinding them.


In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Sonic Shadow is a Shotlock that has a maximum level of 5 and max lock of 10. Once the attack has begun, the player can perform extra attacks by pressing Circle, X, Square, or Triangle when prompted to dive onto foes and cause pillars of darkness to erupt around you. The attacks have a chance to blind targets.

Learning Sonic Shadow

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

  • Terra has Sonic Shadow as his default Shotlock.