Beast first made his appearance in Kingdom Hearts and has a important role. He first helped Sora by foiling Maleficent's plot. After Sora loses the keyblade, he joins the party and helps Sora stay alive through Hollow Bastion. Beast was at Hollow Bastion in order to rescue Belle, who, as one of the Princesses of Heart, was captured by Maleficent in order to open the Final Keyhole.
Chain of Memories
In Chain of Memories, his role is minor, serving as a memory of Sora. Similarly to his first appearance, the memory of Beast searches for Belle, who has been taken by Maleficent.
Kingdom Hearts II
In Kingdom Hearts II, he welcomed Sora, Donald, and Goofy with hate and rage, while locking his servants in the dungeon. The one responsible for this is Xaldin. Xaldin had planned to take advantage of the Beast's rage and anger, and use them to turn him into a powerful Heartless and Nobody in order to use them for the Organization. On Sora's first visit, Xaldin pitted Sora against Nobodies and the Dark Thorn. Later, after the Beast dances with Belle privately, Xaldin takes the Beast's rose. Beast in rage asks Belle to leave the castle. Not long after, Xaldin kidnapped Belle along with the rose. Outside, Belle manages to steal back the rose, allowing Sora and company to attack him. After Sora wins, the Beast rescues Belle and the rose.
In battle, Beast use his hulking strength with animal features and no weapons to defend himself. Stunning the enemies with some earthquakes to the ground is a good strategy when surrounded.
The ending credits scene of Kingdom Hearts II, shows him dancing with Belle, but in his human form, the spell having been obviously broken. Unless some event forces him back into his beast form or, though highly unlikely, he will gain a new fighting style in his human form, it is no longer possible for the Beast to become a party member in any future game set after Kingdom Hearts II.
Limit Commands
AP Cost: 30AP
Auto-Limit auto equipped: Yes
MP Cost: All
Limit: Twin Howl
Combo: Stalward Fang/Outcry
Combo Finisher: Last Howl
Command Triggers: Menu switches Attack to Outcry, and Stalwart Fang appears as a Reaction command. In the end, Reaction command "Last Howl" appears.
Skillset Description
Twin Howl
Description: Beast howls loudly while Sora stand by his side.
Stalwart Fang
Description: Beast roars loudly and creates and shockwave that damages all foes in range.(close range)
Description: Sora charges and power up purple-ish energy waves around himself.Damages all enemy who came in contact. If there is no enemy near Sora, he will charge at the closest enemy in targeting range.
Last Howl
Description: Sora and Beast stands side by side as Sora bares his teeth and Beast releases a loud roar creating a large shockwave. Damages all foes in range.