This page contains a list of quotes said by Player during the course of Kingdom Hearts Union χ.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
- "I'm Player from the Union [Union]."
— to Ephemer. - "This whole thing was my idea. I was the one who wanted to look for Ephemer, and for good reason. You see, I've gone to different worlds to gather Lux; a lot of effort has gone into the contributions to my Union. I've even had to fight those I consider my friends. I've done everything that was expected of me without a second thought. And then I met Ephemer. We didn't know each other for very long, but he left a lasting impression. Not all of our memories are good ones; in fact, he even broke one of our promises. No matter what happened, I knew we were still friends. But you took him away from me. I feel sad, I feel angry, I feel hurt. Maybe that means I have darkness in my heart; I don't care. But I can't let you get away with what you did to my friend. Even if I have to fight you, even if I don't stand a chance, even if I may disappear...I will because I know in my heart that Ephemer would do the same if he were here. Master [foreteller], I mean no disrespect, but this is something I must do."
— to Master Ava. - "What'll happen to the others? The ones who aren't chosen?"
— to Master Ava. - "May I take some time to think about my decision?"
— to Master Ava on joining the Dandelions. - "Ephemer's my friend, and he's important to me. But so is everyone else, and I can't just abandon them."
— to Chirithy. - "I don't belong to the Dandelions."
— to Master Aced. - "Is this...? Who...? What's going on? Is that...?"
— having a vision of the battle between the seven lights and thirteen darknesses. - "Did you... Did you find Ephemer?"
— waking up to Skuld and Chirithy. - "Where is she?"
— about Master Ava. - "Then let's go talk to him."
— about Master Gula. - "We don't have time."
— to Chirithy and Skuld. - "It's all right, Chirithy."
— to Chirithy. - "Chirithy. What happens to you if I disappear? You'd disappear too?"
— to Chirithy. - "Oh. What do you think I should do?"
— to Chirithy. - "I couldn't hear anything that was being said. I didn't know what was about to happen, what was about to unfold in front of us. The intensity in the air was overwhelming. Images and sounds were burned in my brain. There was no time to stop and think about why we were fighting—why our enemies were no longer monsters, but each other. Our friends. But no matter how hopeless the situation, people will cling to the last shred of hope, the last piece of their dream, until the very end."
— the Keyblade War. - "It's not over. Not yet."
— fighting in the Keyblade War. - "I can still fight."
— after fighting the first foreteller. - "No, don't go..."
— seeing a heart lost. - "I've been looking for you. Master Ava, why are you here? I thought you'd be guiding the wielders away—"
— to Master Ava. - "I thought the world's end would be a horrible sight."
— in the aftermath of the Keyblade War. - "You broke...your promise."
— to Ephemer. - "You're late."
— to Ephemer. - "Where am I...?"
— waking up from experiencing memories prior to the war. - "Was it all...a dream?"
— to Chirithy. - "I think I will. How long was I asleep?"
— to Chirithy. - "What should we do today?"
— spending time together with Ephemer.