Adding On

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Even though Seifer did appeared in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, his name was mention when Roxas first encounter Hayner, Olette, and Pence on his day off in the Organization. Do he add this to his profile?

Also, same thing goes for Sally. Her name was mention, but she never appeared. From what her father said, Sally spotted Lock, Shock, and Barrel in the game.

Fighting Style

JFHavoc Talk to Me! — I once took an IQ test and got a score of over 9000.

You're all morons. — 01:52, March 4, 2010 (UTC)

Talk_Bubble_Legend_zpsa9c4698c.png The fighting style section of this page is completely blank. o.o Unless someone was intending to wright one this very moment should we really leave a blank section there?

EDIT: Also, does anyone know what the possessive form of Sorceress is?

  Of course not, thanks for noticing this. If you'd like (or someone else), add a brief little snippit of information to it; similar to Vivi's article.
Xion4ever Who am I? — 01:57, March 4, 2010 (UTC)
JFHavoc Talk to Me! — I once took an IQ test and got a score of over 9000.

You're all morons. — 02:02, March 4, 2010 (UTC)

Talk_Bubble_Legend_zpsa9c4698c.png Normally I would, but I don't remember his fighting style very well. I usually just beat him into submission and don't get much of a chance to see his attacks. So anyone who actually knows how he fights should probably take this one. Also, on a side note, is it just me or is there something wrong with the navigation templates?

  You could just summarize the opening paragraph from the battle article, but I digress.

The possessive form of Sorceress I believe is "Sorceress'." It depends on the context its being used in. For example:

"The King was worried about the Sorceress' chanting." Puts emphasis on the chanting the Sorceress is doing. Compare that sentence to this one:

"The King was worried about the Sorceress chanting." Puts emphasis on the Sorceress, not her chanting.


Xion4ever Who am I? — 02:06, March 4, 2010 (UTC)
KrytenKoro - "Hurricane beats all housing or apartments. This sucker is a Cat-6!"
Actually, you never drop the possessive s unless the word is already plural, so it would be "Sorceress's".

No, KrytenKoro, that isn't true. If a word has an S at the end of it, then you only put an apostrophe. For example, "Roxas' bedroom" is correct, while "Roxas's bedroom" isn't. Breloomasaurus (and her talk page): Read Total Drama Flipside! 21:28, August 26, 2010 (UTC)

Please read the MLA, or apostrophe. Hell, there's webcomics about this, even.Glorious CHAOS! 15:31, August 27, 2010 (UTC)
"Roxas's Bedroom" is entirely correct, and in fact preferred.Glorious CHAOS! 15:32, August 27, 2010 (UTC)


I just looked over this page, and I was wondering if you should have like, a couple Seifer Quotes. Just a question. Oh, and I'm not sure how to do this, but if you need to talk to me, my username is KHGenesis. I don't know how to do the link thingy.

You sign your posts with four tildes like this: ~~~~ .As for the quotes, as long as they're from Seifer in Kingdom Hearts, there's no real reason not to.LapisLazuliScarab22:40, June 4, 2010 (UTC)

OK! Um, what do you mean by that? Let me try...I don't think it will work though... Genesis NEEDS to be in Kingdom Hearts! 22:54, June 4, 2010 (UTC)

It did work...yay! Genesis NEEDS to be in Kingdom Hearts! 22:54, June 4, 2010 (UTC)

Seifer being friends

I disagree with claiming Seifer was being totally mocking (with zero sincerity) when he mentioned the possibility of friendship with Roxas. If NinjaSheik has something we can both find satisfactory, go for it. Another possibility is just erasing the friendship part entirely. Soroxas (talk) 19:48, 25 June 2018 (UTC)

His tone in that line was, in the English dub, very sarcastic. The wording of the line is also very aggressive. The journal talks about there being bad blood between Seifer and Hayner's gang, and as soon as Sora shows up, Seifer accuses them of being there to pick a fight. It's possible the line was a prelude to his eventual grudging respect for Sora, who didn't have the "bad blood" between them, but at the moment in time he gave that line, it seemed pretty clear he still hated Roxas."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 20:48, 25 June 2018 (UTC)
That was also part of my reasoning I presented before. Seifer and Roxas clearly are being antaognistic towards each other: facial expression, body language, tone, and dialogue makes this very clear. But I'd like to go a bit deeper, as Soroxas made the remark that I was "forcing my interpretation" of the scene rather than relying on what's objectively shown in the scene. In fact, completely disregarding the tone, the dialogue itself clearly indicates Seifer was being sarcastic in his scene with Roxas. First, here is the scene in the Japanese and the English versions of the game. From the beginning, the argument Soroxas presented was contradictory, as they kept pointing back the sarcastic line Seifer said without bothering to look at the following that makes it clear Seifer was being mocking in this scene. The conversation is as followed:
Seifer: "Why does looking at you always tick me off?"
Roxas: "I dunno. Maybe it's destiny."
Seifer: "Destiny... In that case, let's be friends. I don't feel like cooperating with destiny."

May I draw your attention to the line I have bolded. If Seifer was sincere by saying, "It's destiny, then let's be friends," then why would he say in the next line, "I don't feel like cooperating with destiny"? He's outright rejecting the idea of being friends with Roxas and co. by saying a line that completely contradicts the previous one. He's saying, "If it's destiny for us to be friends, then I'm not going to cooperate with that destiny." The Japanese dialogue matches with the English, as Seifer states in the Japanese he wants to resist destiny. It's a clean translation between the Japanese and English versions, and again, it's pretty obvious Seifer only showed up in that scene to make fun of Roxas and friends. As Kryten pointed out, the journals make it clear that the virtual version Seifer has bad blood against Roxas and friends.

Outside the stimulation, Seifer still exhibits his more negative traits. That said, he's not a bad character, as he later gives Sora the Struggle trophy as a sign of respect for his strength, but that is a completely separate matter. Again, this isn't a personal interpretation, but rather an objective fact given to us, the viewers, clearly through the characters' body language, facial expressions, tone, dialogue, and the full context of the scene and the relationship between these characters. Please provide an objective counterargument without biases or subjective feelings if you have one. If none is presented, we'll bring in other users and cast a vote, as per policy.--NinjaSheik 21:26, 25 June 2018 (UTC)

First of all, I'm not female (and you criticized me for assuming things about you...)
Secondly, I'm not denying there's been rivalry and bad blood and hostility between Seifer and Roxas. However, just because there has been in the past, it doesn't mean that the two can't show some friendliness eventually or change their feelings.
Thirdly, just because Seifer gives a reason for wanting to be friends (i.e. not cooperating with fate), it doesn't make a possible desire any less real. Sure, he may want to become friends (or at the very least, be friendlier) because he hates the idea of being a victim of fate, but it doesn't necessarily mean he's mocking the possibility of a friendship as if it's a stupid idea. If anything, he's entertaining and pondering the idea, not throwing it out the window and thinking becoming friends is a ridiculous idea.
Fourthly, I stand by my point that you thinking there's no sincerity at all from Seifer is still an interpretation (not a fact) of that scene, and that by denying all possible sincerity and rejecting my interpretation as a possibility, you're pushing an interpretation. But that's enough about that, or we'll keep going in circles. At the end of the day, we can't know all of Seifer's true intentions during that scene, so we should leave it open ended. Like the lyrics of Don't Think Twice from KH3, sometimes people can say things they don't really mean. Soroxas (talk) 22:22, 25 June 2018 (UTC)
Ah, apologies. I actually meant to put a dash there it would be "s/he" to keep it gender-neutral, but I suppose "they" would be better. I fixed the typo now.
And I will have to continue to disagree with you. You mentioned you're not denying the rivalry between the two, but your counterargument in the second post, you argue based on a possibilities and not really providing an argument based on the evidence given to us. All you've given is opinions and the hope their relationship has changed at that point in the game, despite a few seconds before that, Seifer admits that he gets ticked off by looking at Roxas and we can seeing them glaring at each other. You aren't really giving anything to support your conclusion based what's in the game, only your opinions.
It is a fact. Body language, facial expressions, tone, dialogue, and context, plus the additional information included in the game itself, outright confirms it. You are continuing to insist upon your own interpretation, disregarding the evidence I presented and having none to present yourself, so yes, we'll agree to disagree. As per policy, I'd like to request other users to chime in and voice their thoughts so we can close this matter.--NinjaSheik 22:42, 25 June 2018 (UTC)
Years of feelings towards someone or something can change in less than 5 seconds because of something told to you that makes you ponder and question *why* you think the way you do. It's not impossible. For example, this could occur to a bully who has bullied their victim and has seen their victim cry as a result for the first time. For Seifer, the "tears" would be the concept of becoming a victim of fate. If you don't think that scene is about this concept, then it makes the scene pointless, as if it's just "HAHA, you suck Roxas! (insert talk about becoming friends, victims of fate, destiny, cooperation) HAHAHA, I still hate you Roxas!" It doesn't make sense. Soroxas (talk) 22:52, 25 June 2018 (UTC)
I mean...yeah, it's a pretty short scene, it's not really a speech about those concepts. Seifer's tone is derisive, aggressive, and sarcastic. Those are the markers of being insincere. Roxas also clearly didn't interpret it as sincere, as he seems shocked that Seifer had (before the talk) agreed to investigate the Old Mansion with Hayner's gang.
At least in the English version, it's presented as "man, I hate you. Oh, you think it's destiny? Well I hate destiny too, so suuuuure, let's be friends." It comes off as mocking Roxas's retort more than it does any sort of serious, sincere introspection, and illustrates Seifer's anti-social, aggressive personality, similar to how not everything Braig/Xigbar says is honest/sincere."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 14:04, 26 June 2018 (UTC)