Mission 1: Killing the Fruit
[20:30] <Shiggen> GIRF! DS!
[20:30] <Shiggen> BED!
[20:30] <Shiggen> As in, time for me to go to bed
[20:30] <Pokeblade0|XD> Night Mango
[20:30] <Shiggen> nite nite
[20:30] <Pokeblade0|XD> OH MY GODS
[20:30] <Pokeblade0|XD> I KILELD MANGO
[20:30] * Pokeblade0|XD shoots Mango
[20:30] * Shiggen (~Mango@196-215-55-156.dynamic.isadsl.co.za) Quit (Quit: OH MY GODS YOU
[20:30] <Pokeblade0|XD> :3
[20:32] <Pokeblade0|XD> Mission Accomplished.
Mission 2: Producing that awkward-ish moment
[22:05] <Asora[Away]> Keyblade0. ;_;
[22:05] <Asora[Away]> Why you join when I leaev?
[22:05] <Asora[Away]> * leave
[22:06] <Keyblade0> ...
[22:06] <Keyblade0> I don't know.
[22:06] <Keyblade0> It's not like I leave when you come in, and I leave when you come in.
[22:07] <Keyblade0> I don't do that.
[22:07] <Keyblade0> Ya know me better than that.
[22:07] <Keyblade0> :D
[22:08] * Keyblade0 stabs the IRC
[22:08] <Keyblade0> Now it's dead again.
[22:08] <Keyblade0> See?
[22:08] * Keyblade0 holda up a jar of the IRC's blood
[22:09] <Keyblade0> *holds
[22:12] <Asora[Away]> ._.
[22:14] <wolf5000> Asora i'm ** ok?
[22:15] <Asora[Away]> ...
[22:15] <wolf5000> what?
[22:16] <Asora[Away]> nothing
[22:23] <Keyblade0> :P
[22:23] <Keyblade0> I was expceting that ._. face, Auror.
[22:23] <Keyblade0> Mission #2 Accomplished.
[22:28] <Asora[Away]> o_o
[22:28] <Keyblade0> ..
[22:40] <wolf5000> >.>
Mission 3: Pretending to be a Bot
[18:02] * Prodi (~a@CPE0026f33339fe-CM0026f33339fa.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #SEIWA
[18:04] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> Hi Prodi
[18:04] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> Welcome to SEIWA's IRC channel in Freenode.
[18:04] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> *Beep Bop Boop*
[18:05] <Prodi> hey Pokeblade0|Emrld
[18:05] * Prodi (~a@CPE0026f33339fe-CM0026f33339fa.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has left #SEIWA
[18:05] * Prodi (~a@CPE0026f33339fe-CM0026f33339fa.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined
[18:05] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> ..
[18:05] <Prodi> not really a bot eh?
[18:05] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> WB.
[18:05] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> :3
[18:05] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> So I tricked you....
[18:05] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> For like 2 seconds.
[18:07] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> Excellant. *in a Mr. Burns-ish way*
[18:07] <Prodi> you try :)
[18:07] <Prodi> /hop
[18:07] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> Misssion 3 Accomplished.
[18:07] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> Heh heh heh..
[18:08] <Prodi> i'm serious, rejoin the channel ;)
[18:08] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> Rojoin?
[18:08] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> Now>
[18:08] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> Okay..
[18:09] <Prodi> yea
Session Close: Tue Oct 04 18:09:10 2011
Session Start: Tue Oct 04 18:09:14 2011
Session Ident: #SEIWA
[18:09] * Now talking in #SEIWA
[18:09] <Prodi> .•«WB (Pokeblade0|Emrld) WB»•. - *Beep Bop Boop*
[18:09] <Prodi> :)
[18:09] <Pokeblade0|Emrld> :)
Mission 4: Another Year Older, another Year closer to death
[22:00] <Keyblade0> Days..
[22:00] <Keyblade0> Oh, that reminds me.
[22:01] <Keyblade0> 10 Days till my birthday! ^_^
[22:01] <Keyblade0> Yay
[22:01] <Keyblade0> Another year older.
[22:01] <Sora1995|Cloud> Another year closer to your death
[22:01] <Keyblade0> I was going to say that.
[22:02] <Sora1995|Cloud> lol
[22:02] <Keyblade0> Mission 4: Failed.
Mission 5: Killing the Conversation
[17:11] <Chitalian> Besides Yojimbo and Odin, are there any other insta-kill summons we need to be aware about? ._.
[17:12] <Dark-EnigmaXIII> Ehhh... I dont think so
[17:16] <RPGblade0|VX> Odin can kill people instantly?
[17:16] <RPGblade0|VX> ._.
[17:16] <RPGblade0|VX> He always game me Haste in FFIII
[17:16] <RPGblade0|VX> .....or was that another summon?
[17:18] * RPGblade0|VX feels like he destroyed any type of conversation to be formed in the
near future.
[17:18] <RPGblade0|VX> >:3
[17:18] <RPGblade0|VX> Excellant.
[17:18] <RPGblade0|VX> Mission Accomplished.
[17:20] <RPGblade0|VX> Mission 5 is complete.
Unfortunately...a minute later, conversation started. The mission failed. :<