Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Vexen during the course of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
- "Humbled by someone of such limited significance. You shame yourself and the Organization."
— to Larxene. - "Disappoint YOU? You presume too much, No. 11. I am No. 4, and I will not stand for your snide remarks!"
— talking to Marluxia. - "No... Please, don't! I beg of you! Leave him out of this!"
— talking to Marluxia about Xemnas. - "That's no way to greet a stranger, Sora. I am Vexen. I've come to collect your debt."
— upon meeting Sora and company. - "I see no need to tell you. Why trouble in your final moments?"
— before battling him for the first time. - "You'll yet have your chance. As we fought, I delved deep into your memory... and look what I found. This is a card crafted from memories locked in the other side of your heart. If you want to fight me for real, then step into the world within this card!"
— before vanishing. - "If you remain bound by the chains of memory, and refuse to believe your heart... then you may as well throw your heart away. You're no Keyblade master, no master of anything — just a slave to twisted memories. Just like my Riku. You're not fit to exist."
— before fighting him for the second time. - "Put him back? Fool of a boy! Even now you understand nothing. The Riku you speak of has but one fate — to sink into the emptiness of darkness. And you will share that fate, Sora! If you continue to seek the girl Naminé, the shackles will tighten... You'll lose your heart and become Marluxia's pawn!"
— talking to Sora after he is defeated. - "M-Mercy, Axel! I don't want to... go yet..."
— before Axel slashes and kills him.
- "And that's why you mistook him for the Superior. Fascinating... The dark power given to Riku facilitated his escape from the realm of darkness. One with ties to both the Keyblade and the powers of darkness... This merits further research."
— talking to Zexion about Riku. - "Yes, he and his companions arrived earlier. By now that dog Marluxia is already using Naminé to meddle with Sora's heart."
— talking about the Organization's plans to Zexion. - "Oh ho, so it's a fight you want. Very well—a fight you shall get!"
— before fighting Riku. - "Precisely. Your fiery reaction provided just the data I needed. You have my thanks, Riku!"
— before vanishing. - "Nothing's definite, but yes, it may come to that. I intend to make good use of you."
— to Riku Replica. - "Didn't I say I intended to make good use of you?"
— to Riku Replica.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
- "How could you be humbled by someone of such limited significance? You shame the Organization."
- "I came to lend you a hand. You obviously believe this Sora has much potential, but I remain unconvinced he is truly worth such coddling. I think an experiment would show if he really is of any value to us."
- "I'm a scientist. Experiments are what I do, yes."
- "Valet? He's the product of pure research"
- "Hmph. You should just learn to be quiet."
— to Larxene - "You're one to talk. As if you have such a heart to speak of yourself."
- "Disappoint YOU? You go too far! In this Organization, you're No. 11! I'm No. 4 and I will not have you—"
— to Marluxia - "Pity to be so ignorant. As you're only able to see the surface of things, I should not expect you to appreciate my true might."
- "Your insincerity is comforting."
— to Marluxia - "I am Vexen. I have come to collect your debt, Sora."
— to Sora - "Oh, but you do. You owe me for reuniting you with your former friend."
- "Indeed, I do. I'm the one who brought Riku to you."
- "I see no need to give you information about where Riku is. After all—Why trouble you in your final hour?"
— before fighting Sora - "As expected, you weren't one to die very easily."
- "I wouldn't be so sure. Did you even notice? I was delving deep into your memory as we fought. And here... Look what I found. A card crafted from all the memories that are locked in the other side of your heart."
- "So, feeling nostalgic?"
— encountering Sora in Twilight Town - "Sora...a question, then, for you... Your memories of Naminé or your feelings here—which of the two of these is more real, I wonder."
- "The memory's wiles can be cruel. In its silence, we forget. In its obsession, it binds our hearts."
- "I told you—This place was created solely from another side of your memory. It is on the other side of your heart that the memory of this place exists. It is your heart that remembers."
- "If you remain bound by the chain of memories and refuse to believe what is truly found inside your heart... then throw it away. You are not a Keyblade master—just a slave to twisted memories. Yes... Exactly like my Riku. Your existence is worth nothing!"
- "Urrgh... You have such strength, even at the mercy of your memory—"
— after fighting Sora - (laughs) "Just put him back? The Riku you speak of...has but one fate, to sink into the darkness—and you will share that fate, Sora! If you continue to seek the girl, Naminé, the shackles will tighten, you'll lose your heart... and end up becoming Marluxia's pawn!"
- "No... Please don't! I don't want to—"
— before Axel incinerates him
- "You are half correct. Let us say that he is not the Ansem with which you are familiar. He is Ansem and he is not Ansem. Perhaps a "Nobody" best conveys the idea."
— after being asked whether he's "with Ansem" - "He belongs to neither the light nor the dark but walks the twilight between. Catching on now? Oh yes, you also stand in between the light and the darkness. It appears we have much in common."
- "Oh ho! So it's a fight you want. Very good—I shall take you on!"
— before fighting Riku - "I find, coursing through you, there is a darkness of formidable power growing! Well worth the trouble of aggravating you. All this excitement has provided me with invaluable data. Many thanks, Riku!"
- "So, how was the real thing?"
— to the Riku Replica - "In the meantime, would you be interested in meeting another who's considered a hero?"
- "We'll see... Yes... I intend to make good use of you."
- "I told you I would make good use of you, didn't I?"
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- "A Keyblade wielder... This could prove quite enlightening."
— on Day 9. - "Hee hee... Interesting... So much to inspect... To dissect..."
— on Day 11. - "You're mine today, Roxas."
— when on a paired mission with Roxas. - "Now, listen carefully. Your mission today is to perform reconnaissance in this area."
— talking about the mission. - "Oh, there's far more to the Organization than that, boy. Our work wouldn't go half as smoothly if we didn't gather the needed intelligence beforehand. Fortunately, you are in good hands. I will be by your side today to help stimulate that insensate mind of yours. First, take a look around the immediate area, and report anything unusual you find. And don't go wandering too far until you've carefully examined the clues closest at hand."
— talking about reconnaissance work. - "We'll never get anywhere with you simply stating the obvious."
— talking to Roxas. - "Easy to get lost? Your job is to be mentally mapping this place! Think of this as a landmark. Consider it a clue."
— while on mission. - "Never mind. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. You're showing some improvement, at least, even if your natural talents do fall woefully short of my own."
— talking to Roxas about improving. - "Whenever the Organization needs to know more about a world, naturally. Every world is unique, with its own terrain, values, Heartless population--any number of variables that could be turned to our advantage in the missions ahead."
— talking about worlds. - "That's right. Now come along."
— before leaving the mission.
Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix
- "I suppose I have no choice but to wait; but the clock is ticking. Time is running out. What to do? Why is he never around when I need him? It's almost as if he knows I'm looking for him..."
Battle Quotes
Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
First Battle
- "I've had enough of this!"
— using Freeze. - "I shall freeze you!"
— using Freeze. - "Shatter!"
— when attacking after using Freeze. - "No good!"
— blocking Sora's attacks with his shield. - "You're too much trouble!"
— when using an Item Card. - "Here you go!"
— when attacking. - "Taste this!"
— when attacking. - "You are just an experiment!"
— when his HP is dwindling. - "You imbecile!"
— using Ice Needles. - "You're pushing it!"
— using Ice Needles and using an Item Card. - "You don't know a thing!"
— when defeated.
Second Battle
- "No good!"
— blocking Sora's attacks with his shield. - "Shatter!"
— when attacking after using Freeze and finishing Slide Break. - "Taste this!"
— when attacking. - "You're too much trouble!"
— when using an Item Card. - "You are just an experiment!"
— when his HP is dwindling - "Here you go!"
— when attacking and in the middle of Slide Break. - "You imbecile!"
— using Ice Needles. - "You're pushing it!"
— using Ice Needles and using an Item Card. - "I shall freeze you!"
— using Freeze. - "Come to me, ice blade!"
— starting Slide Break. - "Away you go!"
— finishing Slide Break.
- "I've had enough of this!"
— using Freeze. - "I shall freeze you!"
— using Freeze. - "No good!"
— blocking Riku's attacks with his shield. - "Here you go!"
— when attacking. - "Shatter!""
— after using Freeze. - "Taste this!"
— when attacking and after using Freeze. - "You are just an experiment!"
— when his HP is dwindling. - "You imbecile!"
— using Ice Needles. - "You're pushing it!"
— using Ice Needles and using an Item Card. - "You're too much trouble!"
— using an Item Card. - "Now, feel the piercing chill."
— using Diamond Dust. - "How do you like this?"
— using Diamond Dust. - "The final touch."
— after using Diamond Dust. - "Crow while you still can!"
— when defeated.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- "I've had enough of this!"
— Vexen when activating his Limit Break. - "You're too much trouble!"
— Vexen when activating his Final Limit.