Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX


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Revision as of 05:36, 4 February 2015 by Ultima Spark (talk | contribs) (This is how his attacks are listed in the Ultimania ( Quite frankly, I don't know how to clean up the remaining "strategy" section.)
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Issues: Attack names should not use term-capitalization unless they are verified to an official source; please use correct lowercase

Roxas is a boss in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix at The World That Never Was.



  • Continuous Swing: Roxas swings his Keyblades wildly, and then dashes straight ahead (leaving shockwaves in the process). Guarding the final dash causes Roxas to stagger, after which Sora can get in a free combo.
  • Whirlwind Swing: Assumes an offensive stance and unleashes a whirlwind in the immediate area. Roxas always beings the battle with this attack.
  • Aerial Spin Swing: Spins in midair and falls forward.
  • Keyblade Throw: Throws Keyblades like a buzzsaw up to five times, and afterwards unleashes a wave of dark power that draws Sora in. If above 40% HP, only two iterations of the "throw" are used and the "dark power" phase does not occur.
  • Counterattack: Dashes straight ahead. This attack is only used if Roxas is staggered after a guarded Continuous Swing and Sora fails to react after several seconds.
  • Duel Attack: Initiates a duel between Sora and Roxas, similar to the Samurai's Duel Stance Reaction Command. "The End" must be selected within 0.8 seconds; if successful, Sora steals Roxas's Keyblades (which deal additional damage after a finisher); if failed, Sora takes significant damage.
  • Instant Recapture Attack: Roxas steals back his Keyblades from Sora; damage can be prevented with the Reversal Reaction Command.
  • Spot Beam
  • Arranged Beam
  • Keyblade Release: Roxas dashes to the middle of the battlefield, rises a few feet into the air (changing the background in the process), and unleashes fourteen orbs of light that home in on Sora. This attack is used after reaching 75% HP, 40% HP and randomly thereafter; it is unblockable with the standard Guard, and must be either Reflected or dodged in some way.

Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix

Dark City

The battle will always begin with Sora directly in his attack range. Just as the battle commences, Roxas will immediately use a variation of Whirlwind Break that covers a large portion of the field. He will then run behind Sora and use either Aerial Dive, Whirlwind Break, or Combo Charge. Roxas will use Aerial Dive if Sora attacks him enough or hits him with Explosion. Roxas may use Duel Assault every now and again, and should Sora win, will start using Spot Beams and Trap Beams relentlessly until he gets the chance to close in and use Return. Depending on the number of hits in the combo and if Roxas was first hit with Reflect, he will counter Sora's first combo finisher instead.

After a quarter of his health is gone, Roxas gets even more aggressive. Duel Assault is used less frequently, and he will also begin to use Keyblade Raid in placement of Aerial Dive, along with Dark Combo. Roxas replaces Whirlwind Break, Aerial Dive, and Combo Charge with Cyclone Break, Aerial Eclipse, and Combo Overcharge respectively.

Once he is down to 40% of his HP, Roxas will use "Magic Hour" frequently, as well as Twilight Combo to replace Dark Combo. Light beams will be launched simply from dashing around.

Data Rematch

In the data rematch, use Dodge Roll, Reflect, Guard and melee attacks—Roxas will use his light shields more often. The projectiles in Magic Hour now fly at faster speeds, requiring Sora to use Glide. His health has also greatly increased, making the fight more dangerous. The best strategy is to activate (and win) his Duel Assault whenever possible to steal his Keyblades hit Roxas continuously. As long as Sora heals when necessary, the battle can be cleared with little-to-no problems.

Kingdom Hearts coded

Main Article: Game: Data-Roxas


Roxas—Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Roxas's Data Rematch—Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Roxas-Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix (HD 2.5 Remix)
<youtube width="320" height="240">Gn5Horql_Bo</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">dqCR8Di2p3c</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">6HIWp3wmj60</youtube>