First, thank you so much for your help with images! ^_^ We've been needing help with them for a while now. One thing, though: when you upload an image, please make sure you use the proper name. For example: Your Berserk Charge .gif should be named "Berserk Charge KHIIFM.gif" Just a heads up. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Thanks again!
I just uploaded one without the game name in it. AGH. This one. I'll add the game name in future GIFs. Thank you!
Image Placement/Minor Request
EternalNothingnessXIII If you have a dream, don't wait. Act. One of life's little rules. Got it memorized? — 02:28, 5 January 2015 (UTC)
Just a heads-up, it is preferred that images meant to illustrate the subject matter of an article be placed at the top of said article by the header, especially if no other images are present. Also, rather than plopping a thumbnail onto a page, please add the caption "<insert name of user here> using <insert name of ability/attack here> in <insert world here>" when placing an image into an article until someone can come along and improve it.
Those two things aside, is it possible that you could get new versions of the Diamond Dust and Dark Impulse .gifs you uploaded? While we're overjoyed to have them, it would be a better illustration of the Command Styles if the .gifs actually include the Command Styles' finishers, when the standard attack command actually changes to say the Command Style's name. It would be greatly appreciated if you could! Thanks again for getting us those images!
Thanks! I would say please do so if the following is true of the currently-used images:
If there is only a screenshot on the page
If the image does a poor job illustrating what the Command Style actually does.
An idea I just had, if it is impossible to get one file that shows the Command Style's full combo and finisher is this:
What if we used TWO files, one displaying the standard combo, and one displaying the finisher? That way, readers would get the full picture (no pun intended)
Two gifs is fine. Some of them, like Fever Pitch and Firestorm, have the combo but not the finisher. I'll upload the new Finisher gifs as (Command Name) Finisher.gif. So I'll upload Fever Pitch Finisher KHBBS.gif as a separate file, and leave Fever Pitch KHBBS as it is. I'll reupload the gifs that I overwrote to bring the combos back, then reupload the finishers as Finisher.gif.
There's a lot I plan on doing. I'm jumping around a little bit but I'll get everything. :D