Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Cloud during the course of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts coded.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts
- "The great god of the Underworld is afraid of a kid? Sorry, but my contract says—"
— talking to Hades about his contract. - "I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into darkness, and couldn’t find the light."
— talking to Sora after the fight with Cerberus. - "I think I'll pass."
— before Sora learns Sonic Blade from him.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
- "Which is why you hired me."
— talking to Hades. - "You restore my lost memories. As we agreed."
— talking to Hades about his contract. - "They're not. The games have a new challenger. Name's Cloud."
— saying he'll participant in the Games. - "You can put that away. I'm not looking for a fight with you, so keep walking."
— talking to Sora and company about not fighting them. - "Big mistake."
— before battling Sora. - "But... my memories! We had a deal!"
— talking to Hades. - "That's for you. For helping me out."
— before giving his summon card. - "Sorry. Not interested."
— before leaving.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "For your light? Don't lose sight of it."
— during Roxas's dream. - "I'll get him. This time we settle it. Me, and the one who embodies all the darkness in me."
— upon meeting him in Hollow Bastion. - "Silver hair. Carries a long sword."
— talking about Sephiroth. - "I just--- Listen, even if I go far away, I'll come back."
— talking to Aerith. - "Well... Might be tough if one more shows up."
— talking to Leon during the Battle of 1000 Heartless. - "Yeah. Once I get rid of you, the darkness will go away."
— talking to Sephiroth during the Battle of 1000 Heartless. - "Relax. Those three aren't going down that easily."
— talking to Leon when Sora and company leaves Hollow Bastion. - "I'm not interested in what becomes of this world. Besides, you and the others should be able to handle things."
— talking to Sora and company. - "I see... So I guess it's time we settled this."
— after Sora tells him where Sephiroth is. - "Sorry to keep you, Sephiroth!"
— upon meeting Sephiroth in the Dark Depths. - "Tifa! Stay back!"
— talking to Tifa during his fight with Sephiroth. - "I just... don't know."
— before he starts glowing.
Kingdom Hearts coded
- "If I defeat them, will it really open the path to the next world?"
— talking to Hades. - "Are you Hercules, the Hero?"
— upon meeting Sora. - "...Sorry. I need to fight to you. There is someone I have to protect... so let me test that power."
— before Sora fights him. - "My name is Cloud... I fight heroes."
— talking to Hercules. - "Sorry for the trouble."
— before leaving. - "I don't want you to get involved. I must pay for my own sins."
— talking to Sora and Hercules. - "Make no mistake. I'm only doing this because the enemy must be defeated before we can leave this place. That's the only reason I'm going with you."
— before joining the party. - "I'd like to hear this, too."
— before fighting Hades.
Action Quotes
Kingdom Hearts II
- "Sora"
— upon entering battle.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded
- "Farewell"
— when using Omnislash
Battle Quotes
Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
- "That the best you can do?"
— taunting. - "Farewell..."
— when using Omnislash. - "Come on, gimme your best shot."
— after using Omnislash. - "I can't keep going..."
— upon defeat.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "Now!"
— when attacking. - "Farewell."
— when attacking. - "Gotta keep going..."
— upon defeat.