Section Names
- 1 Keyhole Report-keyhole stuffs
- 2 .net stuffs
- 3 Trinity Archives-KH news
- 4 Featured Media- what it says
- 5 Dive to the Heart-walkthrough of the day
- 6 Olympus Coliseum-arena page
We need a better name for page 1,2, and 4. Suggestions?
- Page 1: The Keyhole's Unlocking
Page 2: Kingdom Hearts's Renewal
Page 4: Hall of Rewards. I dunno something like that? When you said you were the fun one on the lane, who was your competition? The mailbox? - Erry 20:21, 4 March 2013 (UTC)
- Page 4: what do they call the gold cards in COM? Room of Bounty or something? TheFifteenthMember 22:02, 4 March 2013 (UTC)
- Isn't it Room of Rewards? When you said you were the fun one on the lane, who was your competition? The mailbox? - Erry 22:38, 4 March 2013 (UTC)
- Yeh, Room of Rewards. Either that or Hall, I don't really care much. TheFifteenthMember 06:33, 5 March 2013 (UTC)
FinalRest - I move the stars for no one. TALK - 04:39, 6 March 2013 (UTC)
Thanks for getting started on this MEX! Just adding onto Caf's list and what sections need to be on each page:
- Page 1: Cover
- Page 2: Contents. Could you add in a box somewhere for an editor's letter? The name for the letter is The Secret Report. The black/white scheme is fine.
- Page 3: Trinity Archives. We need boxes for each piece of news. I was thinking maybe something like image on the left, then the info in a box to the right. Then for the next bit of news, the info box is on the left and the image is on the right. Then it alternates like that. Sorry if that's hard to understand, cause I'm terrible at explaining things. ^^ For color scheme, what about the traditional KH blue/silver from the KH and KHII logos?
- Page 4: Unlocking the Keyhole (going off of Erry's name idea). The sections we have are: Updates for the deletion, move and protection logs, info on the current battles going on in user arenas, introductions of new users and another section for updates from our Jiminy's Journal. For colors, how about going off the yellow in our logo?
- Page 5: Kingdom Hearts' Renewal. Sections are left up to you guys, of course. Same goes for colors, but what about the pink/white/black currently used in your theme?
- Page 6: Special Editor Page. The subject of this page changes, so the design is left to the current author. All you really need to do now is add the tab for it. :)
- Page 7: Dive to the Heart (aka the Tutorials page). We need one part for the wiki based tutorial and another for the game tutorial. I'm not sure about colors.
- Page 8: Featured Article. Same as the Special Editor page, you don't need to do anything for this either.
- Page 9: Round Room (Staff roundtable). For this one we'd need speech bubbles for each individual participant in the conversation, cause I think just copy/pasting the talk bubbles could space out the page a bit much. So maybe plain bubbles with staff avatars? Again, I'm not sure for colors.
- Page 10: Room of Rewards. We need boxes to talk about the Featured Articles and Media, images of each included. For colors, how about basing it off the colors of Treasure Chests?
- Page 11: User Page (this doesn't have a name yet). So far we need sections for a user interview, a top 5 list and a review.
- Page 12: The Game Grid. Currently includes a puzzle (possibly naming this section the Chasm of Challenges), a KH character skit and a mini arena. For colors, how about the greyish blue from the in game Game Grid?
- Page 13: The Interactive Page (also doesn't have a name). Needs a section for the chief editor hosted mailbag. Also needs another section for the to do lists, which include 5 tasks to complete from .net, 5 more for the Keyhole and 5 challenges for the KH games, so it needs to be separated into 3 sections somehow.
And that's all there is! I think each page should have its own color scheme, so they all differentiate. There also needs to be a place to put the written by box (take a look at the Fairy Tail wiki magazine to see what I mean). Also, would you mind if I were to stop by every now and again and help you out with putting this together?
- Of course you can help, Final Rest. I would be grateful. Today I have some homework to do, so I will not be able to help very much. But if you want, you can change the template, anything. - MateusinhoEX 14:21, 6 March 2013 (UTC)
I was taking a look at the contents page and I think it might be too cramped to put both the Secret Report and the Contents on the same page. The contents should be the main focus, so it should go up the top, but in that case I don't want the Secret Report to just be shoved to the bottom of the page. So, I was wondering if you think we should tab the contents page so it'd look something like this. Do you think that makes the page tidier or do you think it should be left as it looks now?
09:57, 12 March 2013 (UTC)
FinalRest - "I'll come back to you... I promise!" TALK - 14:17, 16 March 2013 (UTC)
Hello again. :) So, I spaced out the contents and I think it's a lot less cramped now, but it also leaves a big gap to the right of the box. I was thinking of ways to fill it, and I was thinking maybe we could put a sort of collage thing there to fill in the gap. Something like this, perhaps? However, I'm kind of iffy on the way that looks, so I was wondering what you guys thought. Obviously pay no attention to the images themselves cause I just added the first screenshots I could find. ^_^ I also noticed that page 11 and 12 were left out of the tabs and contents and I was wondering if there was a reason for that, or if it was just a mistake...