Forum:KHWiki 2013 Theme

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Revision as of 18:48, 5 March 2013 by Erry (talk | contribs)
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Forums: Index > The World that Never was > KHWiki 2013 Theme

Erry - I've got a fever, and the only cure is more dead angels!
TALK - You want to touch me?! ~ 01:38, 30 December 2012 (UTC)
WH0aR.png So yeah, since it was brought up on the main page to update the theme to either 10th anniversary or KH 1.5 HD Remix or something of the like. I think it's much too late to do a 10th anniversary theme, but we could build up a 1.5 HD Remix theme ready to be implemented in March, just in time when the game releases. So what do you guys think?
TheFifteenthMember I hope it's slow and painful; the elation I get from such kills is unmatched by anything, yeeeess... Just thinking about it makes me... oohhh... TheFifteenthMember 01:47, 30 December 2012 (UTC)
I thought that it was too late for a 10th anniversary too and I'm happy with a KH HD theme. The colour scheme should be silver and grey and that is all I have to contribute with.

I also wanted to use this as an opportunity to discuss changes to the main page (since the happenings still say you plan on revamping it). I've noticed everywhere else where this was being discussed, the discussions seem to have died out. Unless you guys are done "revamping" the main page. Jh1218 (talk) 19:24, 31 December 2012 (UTC)

One option for the theme is to take a version of our current background, maybe with more of the official icons, or a version of the one seen on, with the icons in either gray, or blue (Kingdom Hearts), gray/silver (Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories), and red (Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days) Jh1218 (talk) 20:06, 31 December 2012 (UTC)

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 04:05, 2 January 2013 (UTC)
TerraCharm.pngI personally think this forum should focus on the Wiki theme; we can create another if we have to to revive the main page-revamp discussion.

My opinion of what the theme should be? Definitely something KHHD-related. I feel like trying to get a color-scheme that alludes to KHFM, Re:CoM, AND 358/2 Days would have too much going on. I say we go for the simple black/silver/gray used in this image; the symbols in the back are as follows:

  • Roxas necklace
  • Mickey head
  • Heartless emblem
  • Nobody emblem
  • Crown
  • Heart
  • Keyblade w/ crown hilt

As for the Wiki's logo, that should also be styled around KHHD. Maybe use Sora, Riku, and Kairi's KH1 artwork or, even better, their new renders from the game...I could live with Sora, Riku, and Roxas in the logo if we wanted to allude to all three games included in the package, but I still prefer my first suggestion.

Now for an idea for the main page, specifically where Riku and the Komory Bat/Sora and the Meow Wow currently frame the "Welcome to the Kingdom Hearts Wiki" message: Replace Riku and the Komory Bat with an image we'd make combining Sora, Riku, and Kairi's KHHD renders. Where Sora stands with the Meow Wow, put another grouped image using Roxas, Axel, and Xion. This way, we allude to all three games included in KHHD without having to worry about that in the logo.

I personally don't see why we can't just keep the KH3D theme until KH3 is announced, but these are some suggestions based around what I'd like to see from a KHHD theme, were we to use one.


Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it.
TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 04:02, 3 January 2013 (UTC)
Earthshaker Keychain KHBBS.png When I linked to that image hosted on, it was only to illustrate the symbols and colorscheme.

Sora, Kairi, and Riku should be in the logo because they are the trio the series is essentially about. It's always been our tradition to use the artwork in the Wiki logo, but since this is KHHD and everything will be higher-quality, I thought it could be a nice change of pace and reference to this fact to use the KHHD renders. I still think framing "Welcome to the Wiki" on the main page with a group image of Sora, Riku, and Kairi on the left and one of Roxas, Axel, and Xion on the right would be cool.

I've always been a kind of aesthetics nut, too, mainly because of my artistic background, so I can sympathize with you there. Again, though, having colors and symbols from all three games is too distracting. The image I linked to had the important symbols of the series and presented them in a way that wasn't as much of an eyesore; yeah, black and silver isn't thrilling to look at, but you're here to read articles, not gaze at the background on the Wiki. I agree that expecting to leave the KH3D theme up for so long was a bit ridiculous when you put it that way; I guess I just don't see KHHD as the huge thing everyone else does.

Is there anyway someone could piece together a rough draft of my suggestion, just to see if it's even worth supporting on my end? If anyone else has ideas for a KHHD-revamp, I'd say they should post everything here. We can then put things through a vote and adapt the winning version of the Wiki-theme in honor of KHHD!




ShardofTruth Once you believe, truth and lie are quite the same thing. — 13:26, 4 February 2013 (UTC)
Game Clear Data KHRECOM.png I like the first logo a lot although the lettering is a bit hard to read when it's almost black on a black background. The argyle pattern is a bit bland, I don't know if it's the missing connective dots or because it's just black and white but there seems to be something missing. Maybe we should reduce the complexity of the pattern to the KHD one, this seems also more closer to the pattern on the KHHD cover.


Coldasfire - Eternal Flames KHII.pngHey, I feel like we're friends already.Eternal Flames KHII.png
TALK - Chaos Crystal KHBBS.pngGet it memorized already.04:37, 6 February 2013 (UTC)Chaos Crystal KHBBS.png
I like the colors of the letters on the second one.



The banner that was released for the US/EU KH1.5HD announcement, I managed to produce a seamless pattern from it: fKW8NxE.png

I will help as much as I can since I have my new computer now. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off. - Erry 17:08, 25 February 2013 (UTC)


Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 16:41, 2 March 2013 (UTC)
TerraCharm.pngI quite like where this is going.

I would have to say that this is my favorite version of the logo; the rough draft of the main page with the new theme installed looks great, and it will look even better once the entire thing is KHHD-ified. All that needs to be done now in my opinion is those pink bars (you'll see what I mean when you look at the rough draft; I understand you obviously couldn't change all of it) need to be turned gray, and I'd really like to see if we could get those group images of Sora, Riku, and Kairi, as well as of Roxas, Axel, and Xion (their KHHD renders) made to frame the "Welcome to the Kingdom Hearts Wiki message (they'd be placed on either side of it in my mind, in a similar fashion to Sora and the Meow Wow/Riku and the Komory Bat on the current main page).


TheFifteenthMember Yes. You're creepy. I can't say we'll miss you while you're gone, so it'd be best if you did go. We all win that way. TheFifteenthMember 17:22, 4 March 2013 (UTC)
I'm somewhat ambivalent. Your background looks more visually pleasing to me however Erry's background is an official background. If I would have to choose though, I would say go with the first background (we don't need everything official, do we?)

I decided to create my own rendition, all in all the same as Jh's but I fixed up the colors (Riku's was a bit too blue and added some contrast to all 3) and gave it a more darker appearance: 0RC2wvu.png Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off. - Erry 18:42, 4 March 2013 (UTC)

I like. TheFifteenthMember 18:50, 4 March 2013 (UTC)
And soon implemented it as a theme here. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off. - Erry 18:57, 4 March 2013 (UTC)
I like. Freezing Cold
I like most. TheFifteenthMember 21:59, 4 March 2013 (UTC)
Well... this is so awesome... that I think this...
Became useless... It's awesome, Erry. I just think that you could change the background color of Riku's picture to black, white, or grey instead of blue. - MateusinhoEX 14:15, 5 March 2013 (UTC)

So now, after taking MEX's suggestion, I decided to do a version with a "less-blue" Riku but both having a black/grey background:
bjjNUdG.png I4BgEOl.png
The "blue-er" Riku with black background The "less blue-er" Riku with grey-ish background.

Personally, I prefer the less blue-er version... Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off. - Erry 17:45, 5 March 2013 (UTC)

I personally, prefer the less blue-er version too but it would be even better if Kairi's background isn't so bright either. TheFifteenthMember 18:04, 5 March 2013 (UTC)
Made less bright:

Es8cCGP.png Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off. - Erry 18:48, 5 March 2013 (UTC)