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This page is a page with IRC moments that I thought were awesome, funny, or epic. Usually, the following stories are funny, so please read if you feel down. Remember: Laughter is the best medicine! c:


Global Warming comes to the IRC

[17:25] == globalwarming [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[17:25] <globalwarming> I WARNED YOU
[17:25] == globalwarming [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
[17:25] <Sove> ._.

Random's "Show"

[16:03] <Randomnessity> This has been Fun Times with Random.
[16:03] <Randomnessity> Join us next week when Random visits a farm.
[16:03] <Randomnessity> With kuh-razy results!
[16:03] <Satoru123> -_-

The TarNation

[21:28] <UnknownEnigma> What in tarnation
[21:29] <UnknownEnigma> What is tarnation?
[21:29] <Reeves|Lost> Tar Nation.
[21:29] <Randomnessity> ._.

The Universe

MX is a girl!?

Aqua and the Unnamed Heartless

[20:08] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: Ooh, extra BBS stuffs
[20:09] <Tabbeh> if I ever do fanon
[20:09] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: My, what big red eyes you have
[20:09] <Crono|Editing> ???: ALL THE BETTER TO SEE YOU WITH
[20:09] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: ಠ_ಠ

...they forgot.

[18:56] <Pokeblade0|Black> Oh yeah...

[18:56] <Pokeblade0|Black> Today's the next meeting right?

[18:57] <Doorsey> It is? ._.

[18:57] <Doorsey> ... oops.

[18:59] <BakaKidd> lol

[18:59] <BakaKidd> meeting fail

[18:59] <BakaKidd> schedule fail

[18:59] <BakaKidd> just fail

[19:02] <Luke|away> ...

[19:02] <Pokeblade0|Black> Tomorrow, then?

[19:03] <BakaKidd> ...

*In the other channel... the KHWiki-noticeboard channel...*

[19:03] <Doorsey> ...


[19:04] <Pokeblade0|Black> ._.

A bit of RP

Emoticons and butterflies

I went insane.

[22:45] <Keyblade0> MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

[22:45] <Keyblade0> PREPARE TO BURN, KID

[22:45] <Baka|Cloud> ._.


[22:46] <Keyblade0> KILL!

[22:46] <Keyblade0> WOO!!

[22:46] <Keyblade0> 1913 more DP :3

Finland - 1, Smosh - 0

[17:18] <Keyblade0>

[17:18] <Keyblade0> 3:22

[17:18] <Keyblade0> *4:22

[17:18] <Keyblade0> XDDDDDD

[17:18] <Keyblade0> XDXDXD

[17:18] <Keyblade0> XD

[17:20] <Sove> As a matter of fact

[17:21] <Sove> I have never got a package with newspaper in it

[17:22] <Sove> Or then they do that when they are sent abroad

[17:22] <Keyblade0> Finland - 1 Smosh - 0

RP, abilities and EXP

[23:46] * DoctorReeves counter-strike's Keyblade0

[23:47] <Keyblade0> ._.

[23:47] * DoctorReeves has defeated (1) Keyblade0! 12 EXP recieved.

[23:47] <Keyblade0> I took a part of his arm


[23:47] * Keyblade0 has auto-revive

[23:47] <Keyblade0> Aha!

[23:47] <TaBzEe> 8D

[23:47] <TaBzEe> Infinite EXP!

[23:48] * Keyblade0 also notices he has auto-death

[23:48] <TaBzEe> Oh.

[23:48] <Keyblade0> ;-;

[23:48] <TaBzEe> :\

[23:48] <Keyblade0> Crap

Twygs River

Keyblade0's Creepypasta (kind of) and Dance Parties. In. London!

Meanwhile, at the #FFWiki channel...

[22:38] <DrakeyC> oh Xep, they're all petty

[22:38] <DrakeyC> Look at Kalia and Porche, they did what Danielle told them to do

[22:38] <DrakeyC> Jeff was smart in getting rid of Danielle

[22:38] <DrakeyC> She proved repeatedly she can't be trusted

[22:39] <DrakeyC> But unlike others who can't be trusted like Adam or Shelly, she's good in competitions

[22:41] * DrakeyC screencaps his arena

[22:41] <DrakeyC> BH voting for Vaan

[22:41] <DrakeyC> This must be memorialized

[22:41] <DrakeyC> Iwanted to vote for the pirate hat, but THE BRAIN BLEACH POWER OF THE GOLDEN THONG, IT DRAWS ME IN!!! CANNOT... resist.... no... Jimcloud


[22:42] <Jimcloud> ._.

[22:42] <Koharu> ._.

[22:42] <Kirbyblade0|AR> ._.


[19:09] <Sove> [01:42] * UnknownEnigma ( has joined #KHWiki-social

[19:09] <Sove> [01:43] <BlackSoulBlade> Hey DTN, UE

[19:09] <Sove> [01:43] <UnknownEnigma> Hi

[19:09] <Sove> [01:43] <UnknownEnigma> Good KB0 is not here

[19:09] <Sove> [01:43] <UnknownEnigma> No Skyward Sword spoilers for me

[19:09] <Sove> [01:47] * Daiton|away is now known as Daiton

[19:09] <Sove> [01:51] <FFblade0> WB Tabbs, hi BSB, HI DTN, hi UE and WB Daiton

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <FFblade0> :I

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <FFblade0> I DON'T GIVE SPOILERS FOR SKYWARD SWORD

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <Daiton> Yo

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <UnknownEnigma> I don't want to know anything about it.

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <Daiton> But I do give spoilers!

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <UnknownEnigma> I anything game wise

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <FFblade0> Besides I don't know ANYTHING besides the Lady's name.

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <BlackSoulBlade> In SS

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <UnknownEnigma> Stuff like, how many hours of gameplay is okay

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <BlackSoulBlade> You get...

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <BlackSoulBlade> A SWORD

[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <UnknownEnigma> Leaving

[19:10] <Sove> [01:52] <BlackSoulBlade> AND A SHIELD

[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <FFblade0> ._.

[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <FFblade0> XD

[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <BlackSoulBlade> AND GREEN CLOTHES

[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <BlackSoulBlade> OMG SPOILERS

[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <Daiton> Like 5000+ hours of gameplay!

[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <FFblade0> XDXDXD

[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <BlackSoulBlade> *9000+

[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <FFblade0> IT'S OVER 9000!

[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <Daiton> IT'S OVER 9000!

[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <Daiton> gah you beat me to it!

[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <FFblade0> :D

[19:10] <Sove> [01:54] <FFblade0> OMG SPOILER!

[19:10] <Sove> [01:54] <FFblade0> There's a evil orange in the game

[19:10] <Sove> [01:54] <FFblade0> ;)

[19:10] <Sove> [01:54] <Tabzee> SECRET DUNGEON

[19:10] <Sove> [01:54] <Daiton> And a bomb that float on the wings of a butterfly!

[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <FFblade0> And the main enemy is a female. Who is it? ZELDA TURNS EVIL

[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <BlackSoulBlade> ANOTHER SPOILER

[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <FFblade0> </spoilers>

[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <BlackSoulBlade> You play tennis with the boss

[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <Daiton> You beat him with a jar!

[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <FFblade0> Ohwait! MOAR SPOIELRS

[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <FFblade0> The only way to beat the final boss is to...

[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <FFblade0> PLay tic tac toe with her.

[19:10] <Sove> [01:56] <FFblade0> Be lucky and you save Hyrule again! Yay!

[19:10] <Sove> [01:56] <BlackSoulBlade> HIT IT WITH A SWORD

[19:10] <Sove> [01:56] <BlackSoulBlade> FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE

[19:10] <Sove> [01:56] <Daiton> SAVE S/H/IT WITH THE POWER OF LOVE!

[19:10] <Sove> [01:56] <FFblade0> Another spoiler? Ya know it.

[19:11] <Sove> [01:56] <FFblade0> YOU GET 3 SWORDS

[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] <FFblade0> A reguler one, master sword, and a UMBRELLA KEYBLADE

[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] <FFblade0> >:D

[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] * UnknownEnigma is now known as UnknownbEnigma

[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] <UnknownbEnigma> Silence!

[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] <UnknownbEnigma> Or I'll keel you!

[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] <BlackSoulBlade> You'll also have something following you that you may or may not want to strangle

[19:11] <Sove> [01:59] <FFblade0> TEH ULTIMATE SPOILERAH!

[19:11] <Sove> [01:59] <FFblade0> The cloud of Darkness appears in the ga*shot*

[19:11] <Sove> [01:59] <FFblade0> Okay. Yes we had some fun with that. TIme to get back to work.

[19:11] <Sove> [02:00] <FFblade0> Or back to killing random enemies, getting the last treasure chests, defeating Xande, and CoD

[19:11] <Sove> [02:00] <FFblade0> ...again -_-"

[19:11] <Sove> [02:01] <UnknownbEnigma> Good

[19:11] <Sove> [02:01] <UnknownbEnigma> Git

[19:11] <Sove> [02:01] <UnknownbEnigma> Go to do your errands

[19:11] <Sove> [02:02] <FFblade0> Why did I say again? Because I died in the World of Darkness

[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] <FFblade0> AND NO SAVE POINT. >:(

[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] <BlackSoulBlade> LOL

[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] <BlackSoulBlade> Don't you just love FF3s complete lack of save points?

[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] <DoorToNothing> FFIII thoughts:

[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] * FFblade0 is now known as Fblade0|3

[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] <DoorToNothing> "Oh hey, where is the save poOH I FORGET THERE AREN'T ANY"

[19:11] <Sove> [02:04] <DoorToNothing> ... That pretty much summarizes my entire experience with FFIII.

[19:11] <Sove> [02:04] <BlackSoulBlade> I managed to beat FF3

[19:11] <Sove> [02:04] <UnknownbEnigma> No save points FTW

[19:11] <Sove> [02:05] <UnknownbEnigma> I mean-

[19:11] <Sove> [02:05] <UnknownbEnigma> FTL

[19:11] <Sove> [02:05] <BlackSoulBlade> And by 'managed' I mean 'down to one ninja, and this turn will make or break this fight'

[19:11] <Sove> [02:05] <BlackSoulBlade> Toss shuriken

[19:11] <Sove> [02:05] <BlackSoulBlade> Win

Special Thanks to Sove for logging this for me.

The Expectation

[21:16] <Sora1995|Cloud> RL might get on today

[21:17] * Soxra ( has joined #KHWiki-social

[21:17] * Pokeblade0|XD expects someone to say "YAY! YES!! WOO~~!!!!!"

[21:17] <Pokeblade0|XD> WB Soxra

[21:17] * Sora1995|Cloud looks at Sove

[21:17] * Pokeblade0|XD glares at Sove

[21:17] <Sove> ._.

Today's Main Topic: Buttpockets

Origins of the Legendary Toe-Nail Sword

The Gross Stat

[2011-09-09 22:55:07] <ErryK|ACB> Oh, gross.

[2011-09-09 22:55:08] <--| ErryK|ACB has left #KHWiki-social

[2011-09-09 23:05:14] <DoorToNothing> I'm gross.

[2011-09-09 23:05:16] <DoorToNothing> ...

[2011-09-09 23:05:17] <DoorToNothing> Yay?

[2011-09-09 23:05:21] * DoorToNothing earns +1 Gross.

Meanwhile, again at #FFWiki and #Freenode...

21:31:04 <BlueHighwind> gotta be quicker than that

21:31:16 <BlueHighwind> o o

21:31:18 <BlueHighwind> ~~~

21:31:26 <BlueHighwind> O O

21:31:27 <BlueHighwind> ~~~

21:34:32 <BlueHighwind>  

21:34:56 <BlueHighwind> ⇔

21:35:56 <BlueHighwind> :∠ o o o o o o o

21:36:43 <BlueHighwind> —

21:36:46 <BlueHighwind> | |

21:36:49 <BlueHighwind> no

21:36:57 <BlueHighwind> ——

21:37:00 <BlueHighwind> | |

21:37:02 <BlueHighwind> NO!

21:37:04 <BlueHighwind> —

21:37:07 <BlueHighwind> no!

21:37:08 =-= TBS|Away is now known as TheBlackShadow

21:37:10 <BlueHighwind> crap

21:37:15 <BlueHighwind> —

21:37:18 <BlueHighwind> | |

21:37:20 <BlueHighwind> crap

21:37:27 <BlueHighwind> anyway

21:37:35 <Ark> I have a challenge for you, Blue. See if you can post six consecutive lines of the same text in #freenode

21:37:54 <Sorceror_Nobody> Oooh

21:38:07 <BlueHighwind> okay, you want to see?

21:38:12 <Sorceror_Nobody> Now that would be impressive

21:38:16 |<-- BlueHighwind has left freenode (Killed (idoru (Spam is off topic on freenode.)))

21:38:24 <Ark> XD XD XD

21:38:27 <Sorceror_Nobody> Wow

*...meanwhile, in #freenode...*

21:38:20 <BlueHighwind> I've been given a challenge

21:38:21 <BlueHighwind> I've been given a challenge

21:38:22 <BlueHighwind> I've been given a challenge

21:38:22 ⇐ BlueHighwind (182e9b01@gateway/web/freenode/ip. quit: Killed (idoru (Spam is off topic on freenode.))

21:38:56 <+jbroome> I'd say he failed

21:39:31 <Athanasius> haha

Special Thanks to Ark for posting this log.

Kickword Rules

[14:48] <Satoru123> What's kickword

[14:48] <@Pea|SoulSilver> KB0

[14:48] <@Pea|SoulSilver> Explain

[14:49] <Keyblade0|KH3D> Why is it always me ._.

[14:49] <Keyblade0|KH3D> Welp.

[14:49] <Keyblade0|KH3D> Kickword is a game, obviously.

[14:49] <Keyblade0|KH3D> The OP gives us a word.

[14:50] <Keyblade0|KH3D> And we have to change one letter/add one/subtract a letter to make a different word.

[14:50] <Keyblade0|KH3D> We cannot name names.

[14:50] <@Pea|SoulSilver> Example:

[14:50] <@Pea|SoulSilver> "gang"

[14:50] <Keyblade0|KH3D> Also, if you make a word that has been said already, or never existed, you are kicked from the channel.

[14:50] <Keyblade0|KH3D> Then you come back in.

[14:51] <@Pea|SoulSilver> Additional rules are that

[14:51] <@Pea|SoulSilver> OP have to play too

[14:51] <@Pea|SoulSilver> *has

[14:51] <Keyblade0|KH3D> Also, if a full minute passes, whoever last changed the word wins, and the game starts over.

[14:52] <Keyblade0|KH3D> Everyone in this channel must play, or be kicked.

[14:52] <Keyblade0|KH3D> If the OP gets the word wrong...

[14:52] <@Pea|SoulSilver> If the OP fails, the person that said the correct word before the OP gets to be the next OP and the old OP must kick his/herself

[14:52] <Keyblade0|KH3D> It is mandatory, MANDATORY that he/she should give OP powers who changed the word before the OP did.

[14:53] * Pea|SoulSilver sets mode: +o Keyblade0|KH3D

[14:53] <@Keyblade0|KH3D> Then the OP kicks himself/herself

[14:53] * Keyblade0 was kicked by Pea|SoulSilver (Satoru123)

[To whoever was kicked, the message will appear like this... [15:03] * You were kicked by Pea|SoulSilver (Keyblade0|KH3D )]

[14:54] <@Pea|SoulSilver> A Kick is like this XD

[14:54] <Keyblade0|KH3D> Yes.

[15:05] <Keyblade0> And use /mode ##KHWiki-kickword -o <username>

[15:05] <Keyblade0> To deop someone...

[15:05] <Keyblade0> And use /mode ##KHWiki-kickword +o <username>

[15:05] <Keyblade0> To OP someone.

[15:05] <Keyblade0> Those are the rules!

I am Xemnose

Sove the Stove

[14:12] * Sove (sove@seiwa/admin/sove) has joined #FFWiki

[14:12] * Sorceror_Nobody is unpoked

[14:13] * Pokeblade0|Blak2 pokes Sove

[14:13] <Pokeblade0|Blak2> Hi.

[14:13] <Pokeblade0|Blak2> :3

[14:13] <Yunie_X> Hi, stove.

[14:13] <Pokeblade0|Blak2> Lol.

[14:13] <cooky560> right now my TV has a big red light meaning its turned off, I like this setting :P

[14:13] <Yunie_X> *SOVE

[14:13] <Pokeblade0|Blak2> XD

[14:13] <Ark> And then Sove was a stove

Playing with a New Bot

The Strange Chronicles: The Bumps, Hair and Sunglasses

The Hi of Death

[21:04] * Inpu ( has joined #KHWiki-social

[21:04] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Inpu

[21:14] <Keyblade0> Hi, KK.

[21:14] * +Inpu ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:16] * Inpu ( has joined #KHWiki-social

[21:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Inpu

[21:27] <Keyblade0> WB, KK.

[21:27] * +Inpu ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:27] <Keyblade0> ...are my Hi's killing him?

[21:28] * Inpu ( has joined #KHWiki-social

[21:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Inpu

[21:29] * RikusLove ( has joined #KHWiki-social

[21:30] * RikusLove ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)

[21:30] * +Inpu ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:32] * Inpu ( has joined #KHWiki-social

[21:32] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Inpu

[21:34] <Keyblade0> Hi, KK.

[21:34] * +Inpu ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[21:34] <Keyblade0> :I