- "Is this ... the end?"
- —CaelumLucisCaliga
- "Should I talk to Angie or smoke a cigarette? Both make my life shorter. But the taxes on the cigarettes will pay for schools. I'm doing this for the children!"
- —Benny, George Lopez
Finished Games
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories Kingdom Hearts II 358/2 Days Final Fantasy VII
Hey! I'm CaelumLucisCaliga, but you can call me Caelum or CLC. I am a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts, and this is my primary wiki, though I do go to the FF Wiki and iCarly Wiki.
When I got hooked
Compared to most Kingdom Hearts fans, I'm actually kinda late to the series. In fact, I barely knew Kingdom Hearts until my friend bought 358/2 Days and started bringing the manual everyday to school (he really liked the series but didn't have a PS2 and refused to play the GBA Chain of Memories. Really, the only KH things he has are: Days cutouts from gamer magazines, Days itself, Kingdom Hearts II manga (volume 1 + 2), and assorted miniature versions of certain Keyblades). One day I was bored and I said, "What the heck?" and rented Days. Turns out I really like it. After I returned it, I got a PS2 and Kingdom Hearts for my birthday. I soon got Re:CoM, Days, and KHII and I'm now waiting for Re:Coded, 3D, and KHIII!
What's with my username?
Some of you might think it's a reference to Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Even though I'm dying to have it, it's not. It's actually a reference to Sora, Kairi, and Riku. The name is Latin.
CaelumLucisCaliga=Caelum + Lucis + Caliga
My Kingdom Hearts To Do List
Defeat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts (normal)
Defeat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts (hard)
Defeat Kurt Zisa in Kingdom Hearts
Defeat the Phantom in Kingdom Hearts
Win all cups in Kingdom Hearts
Get Save the Queen in Kingdom Hearts
Get Save the King in Kingdom Hearts
Synthesize Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts
Seal all Keyholes and find all Dalmations
Unlock Another Side, Another Story
Defeat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts II (normal)
Defeat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts II (proud)
Win all Underdrome Cups
Synthesize Save the Queen in Kingdom Hearts II
Synthesize Save the King in Kingdom Hearts II
Synthesize Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts II
Complete Jiminy's Journal
Unlock The Gathering
Unlock The King in 358/2 Days
Unlock Sora in 358/2 Days
Obtain 358 Mission Crowns
Obtain 255 Challenge Sigils and unlock all Secret Reports
My Friends!
This is a list of incredibly cool, hot, awesome, smart, athletic, sweet, amazing, bad in the good way, ripped people who are my friends, which is why they are incredibly cool, hot, awesome, smart, athletic, sweet, amazing, bad in the good way, and ripped. So if you wanna be incredibly cool, hot, awesome, smart, athletic, sweet, amazing, bad in the good way, and ripped, just go to my talk page and ask me!

Riku's Love, who is constantly bored
Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono 
Pea14733 ---- [氷]
Firaga Genius Mage
Hangon - All you need is love! ♫ 
User:Dual Wield Roxas/signature
Secret agent man clank
Random!to a point! He's not my friend or my enemy, but a disturbingly indifferent aquaintance of randomness.
My Beastly Sig!
By beastly sig. Most are Yogi Berra quotes! (Note: not to be confused with Yogi Bear)
Life is 90% mental. The other half is physical
My Personal Talk bubbles
These talkbubbles were made possible by: JFHavoc's Talk Bubble 101, HikariKH's pics, SER's pic of Jeremie's head, and some my friend Sam's quotes.
CaelumLucisCaliga What? - I'm just a pretty ... Little ... GIRL. Well Grim, I gotta say. This is ... a real surprise.
My Mandy bubble, thanks to HikariKH
CaelumLucisCaliga Talk! - Join the Darkness. We have cookies. Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies!
The first of my signature talk bubbles.
CaelumLucisCaliga Talk! - The only thing sad about Final Fantasy X... Is that it leads to Final Fantasy X-2
Quite true.
CaelumLucisCaliga Talk! - My level 3 troll can totally defeat your level 5 ogre! Total PWNAGE!
Let's go fight! After school! In World of Warcraft! :P
Where's up? Where's down? I don't know! CRASH!
CaelumLucisCaliga Talk! - My dragon eats tofu like it's water! I don't think highly of myself. I think lowly of others.
CaelumLucisCaliga Talk! - Christmas Christmas time is here! Time for Poker and time for beer! We can hardly stand the wait, please Christmas don't be late!
My seasonal bubble. This will change depending on the season/nearby holidays
Which Organization Member Are You?
Copy and Paste this into your own profile!
I. Xemnas
[ ] You are the leader most of the time.
[x] You like black.
[x] You wished/wish you were someone else.
[ ] You don't listen to others.
[x] You like doing research.
II. Xigbar
[x] You have bad eyesight.
[ ] You like throwing things at others when angry.
[x] You wish you were able to teleport.
[ ] You wear your hair in a ponytail.
[ ] You have/wish you had a gun.
III. Xaldin
[x] You like windy days.
[ ] You have tried to steal something precious from someone.
[x] You like dragons.
[ ] You have/like dreadlocks.
[x] You've tried to anger someone on purpose.
IV. Vexen
[ ] You are disrespected by the young ones.
[ ] Someone has already considered you a traitor. SUSPICIOUS GLANCE
[ ] You are the oldest of your group.
[x] You like experiments.
[ ] You like cold days.
V. Lexaeus
[ ] You are not very talkative.
[ ] You like brain games.
[ ] People are afraid of you because of your appearance.
[ ] You prefer heavy weapons rather than light ones.
[x] You are very strong, physically speaking.
VI. Zexion
[x] You love reading.
[ ] You are not very sociable.
[ ] You are one of the shortest of your group.
[x] You have a very sensible nose.
[ ] You like to elude others.
VII. Saïx
[x] You have double-personality issues.
[ ] You are more active during night rather than day.
[x] You like werewolves.
[ ] Your superior trusts you.
[ ] You have a scar on your face.
VIII. Axel
[ ] You are somewhat a pyromaniac.
[x] You care deeply for your best friends.
[x] You are a two-face when you need to be.
[x] You don't like when people don't remember your name.
[ ] You have a very fiery personality.
IX. Demyx
[x] You like music.
[ ] You know how to play a guitar.
[ ] You like rainy days.
[x] You like swimming.
[x] You are usually a very happy person.
X. Luxord
[x] You like playing cards.
[ ] You like to gamble.
[ ] Your favorite color is gold.
[ ] You have stolen money from others.
[ ] You have/wished you could curse someone.
XI. Marluxia
[ ] You like pink.
[ ] You like flowers.
[ ] You are plotting to overthrow your superior.
[x] You were betrayed by someone.
[ ] You are a bit of a flamboyant person.
XII. Larxene
[ ] You're the only female on your group.
[ ] You like storms.
[x] You're pretty agile.
[ ] You like to mock others.
[x] You think ninjas are cool.
XIII. Roxas
[x] You love ice cream.
[ ] You are the youngest of your group.
[x] You think people are hiding something from you.
[x] You usually have strange dreams involving people you've never met.
[x] You prefer afternoons rather than nights and mornings.
I'm Roxas? AWESOME! By the way, all this is true (even the strange dreams). *sigh* if only I one day find out that I'm living in a digital world and I'm really a Keyblade wielder. Oh, cruel world.
About Me!
Likes Inside Kingdom Hearts
Favorite Game: Kingdom Hearts II
Story: Kingdom Hearts
Male Protagonist: Roxas
Female Protagonist: Aqua
Antagonist: Master Xehanort
Organization XIII Member: Roxas
Disney Character: Mickey Mouse (duh!)
Final Fantasy Character: Cloud (double-duh!)
Keyblade: Two Become One
World: The World That Never Was
Heartless: Neoshadow
Nobody: Samurai
Party Member: Riku
Magic Spell: Curaga (basically the only one I use)
Drive Form: Final Form/AntiForm (can't choose, they're both too awesome)
Limit: Eternal Session (Riku)
Sleight (CoM, Re:CoM): Trinity Limit
Boss: Riku with the Keyblade of People's Hearts
Optional Boss: Sephiroth in KHII
Song: Simple and Clean Remix (Full)
Character Theme: The Other Promise (Roxas's Theme)
Likes In Real Life
Food: Italian, Asian
TV Show (animated): Code Lyoko (beastly) / Tom & Jerry (who doesn't?)
TV Show (not animated): Robot Chicken / The Nanny
Color: Green
Books: Umm...
Movie: Inception (mega beastly)
Song: Just The Way You Are (Bruno Mars) / You Belong With Me (Taylor Swift) / Just Haven't Met You Yet (Michael Bublé) / Don't Stop Believin' (GLEE)
Commercials: Tootsie Pop Commercial / Geico Commercial with the Whee Whee Whee Pig / Old Spice
Dislikes Inside Kingdom Hearts
Least Favorite Game: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Story: None, really.
Male Protagonist: Sora (he's too nice for his own good)
Female Protagonist: Naminé
Antagonist: Pete (I mean seriously)
Organization XIII Member: Vexen (he needs to quit idolizing his rank)
Disney Character: Pete (once again, seriously?)
Final Fantasy Character: Seifer (not that fond)
Keyblade: Sweet Memories (not that useful, well except for leveling up Valor Form)
World: Atlantica in KHII (not very exciting now that it's singing-oriented)
Heartless: Crescendo (or as I like to call them, Fruity-Tooties)
Nobody: Dancers
Party Member: Donald (only used for healing purposes)
Magic Spell: Gravity (I find it very pointless)
Drive Form: Valor Form
Limit: Duck Flare (ooh, fire crackers. So exhilirating (I'm being very sarcastic here))
Sleight (CoM, Re:CoM): Sliding Dash
Boss: Ursula in KHII (and once again, Sora defeats yet another Disney villain through the power of music!)
Optional Boss: Yuffie in KHII (quit teleporting!!!)
Song: None (they're all too good)
Character Theme: Same as songs
Dislikes In Real Life
Food: Everything Mexican (except tacos)
TV Show (animated): Flapjack / Chowder (super-suckish!) / Caillou
TV Show (not animated): Big Time Rush
Color: Light Pink
Books: I don't know
Movie: Harry Potters (first ones were great but then it got so LAME)
Song: Anything by Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry... (this list could go on and on...)
Commercials: Milestone Electric
Youtube Vids That I *Heart*
Simple and Clean [Full and Awesome Version]
Aerith's Theme (WITH WORDS!!!)
Best Song EVA!