This page contains a list of quotes said by Riku-Ansem during the course of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts II.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- "You made me a promise."
— talking to Namine. - "So what's the solution?"
— talking to Namine about a way to get Sora's leaked memories back. - "To Sora, she's someone very special."
— talking to Xion about Kairi. - "When his memories were scattered, some of them found their way inside you. Now, Sora has been put to sleep so that we can piece together his memory. Except..."
— talking about Sora's memories to Xion. - "You'll find out. I don't think you'll have much trouble tracking her down."
— talking to Xion about Namine. - "Exactly. They want Sora's memories... which means Naminé isn't the only one picking up the pieces. And as long as they've got their hands on Sora's most precious memories--the ones of Kairi--I don't think Sora will recover."
— talking to Mickey. - "Promise me, Mickey. You have to be there for our friends."
— talking to Mickey about their promise. - "Her? You mean Xion? It's a struggle just to remember the name now, isn't it? Either way, I can't let you go doing anything crazy."
— talking to Roxas about Xion. - "Why!? Why do you have the Keyblade?"
— before Roxas tries to attack him. - "I have to release the power in my heart--"
— before battling Roxas. - "If he had met Sora, things might have been different."
— talking to DiZ.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "But...why would the Nobodies steal photographs?"
— talking to DiZ. - "Is it really that hard to make a beach?"
— talking to DiZ about making a beach for Roxas. - "It's best he doesn't know the truth."
— talking to Roxas before leaving. - "Take it."
— before giving Kairi Destiny's Embrace. - "I'm no one---just a castaway from the darkness."
— before Sora and company finds out that it is Riku. - "I couldn't. I fought with Ansem. With... Xehanort's Heartless---when it invaded my heart, and I won. But to use the power of darkness, I had to become Ansem myself."
— talking about how he looks like Ansem. - "In the past, I was overcome by the dark and betrayed you. Look what's become of me. I wasn't sure I wanted to see you...but Kairi insisted."
- talking about how he looks like Ansem. - "Some members of Organization XIII see fighting as a game. No matter what the rules are, you'll always have a chance to win. Don't miss that chance."
- talking about Organization XIII. - "It's the King and DiZ---I mean, Ansem the Wise. They must be higher up. We better hurry.'"
— before Sora fights Luxord. - "Hmph. Not bad, Sora. You've grown stronger. You don't need my weapon, Sol Eater, or the power of the dark yet."
- after Sora defeats Luxord. - "I can sense Saix. He's using something to boost his power. If we can figure out his power source, we may be able to use it, too."
- talking about Saix. - "Xemnas was the one who found Roxas. He could use the Keyblade because he was your Nobody. That's why Xemnas brought him into the Organization--- But Roxas betrayed them. After that I fought him because I thought it would help you wake up. I lost, but the next time we met I made sure I was the stronger one."
— talking about Roxas and how he lost to him. - "I met Roxas because of a guy named DiZ. I didn't trust DiZ at first, but we both needed each other's help."
- talking about Roxas and DiZ. - "The path is open. Xemnas is waiting up ahead. He's the leader of Organization XIII. Try not to slow me down, Sora."
- talking about Xemnas. - "His heart's decided. We can't change that."
— grabbing Mickey's hand.
Action Quotes
- "Like I'd ever give up?!"
— Riku activating his Limit Break. - "You can't stop me!"
— Riku activating his Final Limit.
Battle Quotes
- "It's over!"
— using his Dark Firaga attack. - "Keep trying"
— when countering with Dark Shield. - "Sloppy!"
— when using Dark Aura. - "Just try to keep up!"
— when entering the second phase of the fight.