
Revision as of 15:16, 12 January 2012 by ArchAngelus (talk | contribs)

ArchMouse - You sure have lotsa friends to help. So, I guess we better all pull together and finish this battle for good!
TALK - I don't wanna break my promise
A Talk Bubble with Mickey's Sprite
ArchShadow - You may have created me, doctor, but I will now lead this empire and androids will rule!
TALK - If the world chooses to become my enemy....I will fight like I always have!
Talk Bubble with Shadow's Sprite
ArchKaito - Our true enemies are ourselves, because only we have the power to defeat ourselves. This creates an odd paradox though.
TALK - Now, Now...Anyone knows who am I? XP
A Talk Bubble with Kaito's Sprite