Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix


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Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
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Template:Enemy Yuffie is normally an ally that occasionally assists in Sora's journey, however, she is also encountered in tournaments in the Coliseum as an enemy. Her way of battle specializes in stealth and agility, thereby making a tough opponent. Yuffie uses a shuriken to attack from great distances.


Kingdom Hearts

Pegasus Cup

In the Pegasus Cup, Yuffie appears alongside Leon as the first seed. Unlike Leon, Yuffie carries out long-range attacks, and Yuffie has less HP than Leon, so make use of her attacks and defeat her before concentrating on Leon.

Her normal attacks include throwing her shuriken towards Sora - dodging it will be futile, because the shuriken follows Sora wherever he goes. Instead, lock on to Yuffie and deflect her attacks with Guard and Counterguard. If the shuriken is successfully deflected, Sora will gain more experience. Also, if the deflected shuriken hits Yuffie, it will stun her for a while - take this opportunity to hit her with the Keyblade as many times as you can.

When she powers up the shuriken and makes it larger, be on your guard: the large shuriken is very difficult to deflect, or it cannot be deflected at all. Yuffie can heal whenever her HP is depleting, so attack whenever she stops moving. Do also remember to heal whenever necessary.

There is usually not much time in the battle when Yuffie is not moving, always flipping and jumping and dodging, so it is wise casting Stop(ra/ga) every so often.

It should be noted that in the Hades Cup, Sora will have to fight Yuffie again, but this time she is alone.

Kingdom Hearts II

In the Pain and Panic Cup and its Paradox Form, Leon and she will fight on the 10th round. She will jump and teleport constantly throughout the fight, making it hard to avoid or hit her. After she teleports, quickly lock on and attack her with a combo, or even use Trinity Limit. Yuffie fights with her signature giant shuriken, which she can greatly increase the size of, which is indicated by it growing greatly above her and turning green. Quick Run or jump away in order to avoid it, but make sure you don't run into Leon while doing it. After she is done, continue with your combo onslaught until she is finished.


She normally attacks by throwing shuriken at Sora. These don't do much damage but can become an annoyance if the player is trying to focus on Leon. She can also heal Leon and herself. She also can become annoying to fight herself because she often jumps halfway across the arena before Sora can get a full combo off. In Kingdom Hearts II, she fights much the same way but at a certain low health level turns her shuriken gigantic and green, making it much harder to dodge/guard against. This also increases its damage.


Leon and Yuffie - Pegasus Cup - Kingdom Hearts Yuffie - Hades Cup - Kingdom Hearts
<youtube width="320" height="240">Zjap9JPMTqo</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">BjVBFqSji1E</youtube>
Leon and Yuffie - Pain and Panic Cup - Kingdom Hearts II Leon, Yuffie, Tifa, and Cloud - Hades Paradox Cup - Kingdom Hearts II
<youtube width="320" height="240">rxNzKXSatXI</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">j95RcYIWDKI</youtube>
