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Forums: Index > The World that Never was > SPECIAL ROUNDTABLE: COMMUNITY FUSION

There have been a number of IRC discussions regarding the potential benefits of the re-merging of The Keyhole and into a single encyclopedia wiki at our location. The Keyhole will be supported by our joint community as a complementary website. This means that, as it was original proposed, there will one encyclopedic site and one fan-news and community site run by a single community. In this way, we hope to solve our mutual problems, which include flagging activity, as well as the way-overplayed and unnecessary drama.

Naturally, the process would be complicated. There are many issues that would need to be carefully addressed, so that's why:


The roundtable is currently set to be held on #KHWiki-noticeboard. Staff from both and the Keyhole are strongly encouraged to attend, if at all possible. The rest of our users are also welcome to attend, but we ask that if you do so, you conduct yourself appropriately. This is looking to be a long and complex process, so we need to keep serious on it. In particular, there will be a zero-drama policy. If you're attending and you have drama, be sure to dump it before you come by.

The roundtable will cover such topics as:

  • The combining of Staffs
  • Merging article content
    • Includes the use of tabbed subpages
  • Images and renders
  • Fusing policies
  • Template and other general issues regarding coding
    • Includes Main Page revamp
  • Combining Forums
  • Walkthrough space

Thank you for your patience. We look forward to getting our community back together!

--Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 06:11, 20 December 2011 (UTC)


UxieLover1994 Cuando la vida te da las herramientas, a construir motos libración — 07:23, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
480MS.png Problem: Wikia will refuse to delete wikis, unless it's a wiki ment to bully other users. So, either way, they'll still be a KHWiki at Wikia, which will get far more views than all of SEIWA's wikis combinded.