User talk:Ark

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Revision as of 15:03, 22 November 2011 by (talk)
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UxieLover1994 Tiempo de morder de nuevo con el poder! El tema de hoy: su sorpresa! — 06:16, 22 November 2011 (UTC)
710MS.png You from the Keyhole? It's very unuseral for some new user to know everything there is to know about editing only seconds after joining, y'know.

Ark - Eternal Darkness
TALK - 06:51, 22 November 2011 (UTC)
No, not the Keyhole. I originate from the FFWiki.
KrytenKoro - "That's when we bumped into Hannity. Sean Hannity. See the thing about this dude is, at first he's fair, right? And you're like "Wow!" But then BOOM. The dude's balanced, too. And you're like, HOLY SHIT."
I don't want to derail the forum by asking it there, but how clear, exactly, is it that a certain person is an op on the IRC? I've never been super-experienced on the IRC, so I'm wondering if the "reflecting badly" thing would only be apparent while the user is opped on the channel, or if your argument is closer to "he should be banned from the channel".