
No Heart KHBBSFM.png
LapisScarab Xemnas (card).png Embrace... nothing! — 16:01, 9 August 2011 (UTC)
Xemnas's Replica Data KHIIFM.png You did a nice job archiving your talk page. Just a reminder, you should link to the archive on your normal talk page, rather than just outright blanking it. If you want a different image, just let me know and I'll change the archive box for you.

Grow up

Erry - Fight and Away
TALK - It is a massive shit taken on the display and functionality of the site purely to draw in more advertising cash. ~ 21:26, 30 September 2011 (UTC)
eEB612q.png Just grow up. You learn from your mistakes, you made lots but yet you did not learn. It is not our fault you didn't know what on Earth you're doing. OBVIOUSLY you'd be interested in the other site since they're all about community. We're about knowledge. We don't put down newcomers, we put them to the test on working under pressure. If you can't do that you probably aren't meant to be here. Thus you blew up under pressure, like so, and left to the other wiki. I won't apologize if I offended you, because this is real life.
Erry - Problem?
TALK - U Mad? ~ 21:39, 30 September 2011 (UTC)
Template says it all.
KrytenKoro - "It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living."
I'm going to try to be as polite as I can here, and only focus on the stuff that might help you in life;
  • You need to listen to other people more. The whole debacle started at first because you ignored requests to not use talk pages as forums, and then got angry up when those talk pages were naturally deleted. The Aero thing was the same situation--I went to the effort of creating a list of what exactly needed fixing, and instead of following the list or even asking how to do what was still incomplete, you just marked the sections as "done". We got angry at you because you just didn't care to listen when we tried to explain things to you.
  • You need to have more tact. When you brought up the other could you not see that you were blatantly implying that you thought we sucked? You outright said "Was the move a mistake? I think so." You were calling us idiots for the decision we had made, and regardless of whether you may have been right or not (I don't think you were, but everyone's allowed to defend their position), that's going to piss people off.
  • You need to step out of denial. We did not at all expect you to know how to do everything, and we spent a good long period trying to teach you and correct you before getting frustrated when you refused to listen.
  • You need to get a more accurate opinion of the worth of your opinions. The whole "posting forum-material on talk pages thing"? You explicitly said that it was because people weren't responding to your forums. Well...maybe that's because what you were saying simply wasn't interesting. You seem to have this idea that everything you think and say should be perused and applauded by everyone else, and...that's just going to lead to letdowns in your life.
  • You need to focus on how you can provide for those around you, rather than how you can get other people pay attention to you. More than anything else, you seem to have an issue with needing people to like and listen to you, rather than trying to simply do your part in making something good. Facebook and places like it might encourage an ego-masturbatory mindset, but encyclopedias, wikis, do not. In real life, the parts of it that are at all worthwhile, it's the same. On a wiki, people respect the thing we are working together to create. We do not respect celebrities, or people trying to become them. Hell, I'm one of two chief editors to this thing, and I'd love for people to stop saying "This is the right thing to do because Kryten said to do it," but rather "This is the right thing to do."

The Keyhole might feel like a better fit for you now, but I guarantee you, if you keep up with these behaviors, you're going to be in for more letdowns. Even if you decide not to come back here, I urge you to step back and evaluate your actions, and try to learn from them.

AlVan - I'm the leading man, you know.
TALK - {{{time}}}
What part of do not try to contact me do you not understand!? Shut Up!!!!! Shut up!!! I am tired of arguing with you guys! I have not spoken to you people in over a month I am not trying to argue for my own amusement! I'm just tying up loose ends and ditching you guys. I said nothing offensive on my user page! Now if you can't just say Bye and shut up, then back off stalkers!