UxieLover1994 Nya? — Hola, amigos! Desea conversar conmigo?
Meet UxieLover1994, admin of the currently defunt Spyro Wiki!
Hable (which is Talk in Spanish) is if you just want to have a friendly chat with Uxie. Información (Infomation in Spanish) is if you need to give her infomation on anything (eg: what's happening with the wiki etc). And Ayuda (Help in Spanish) is where you want if you need Uxie's help or if she requested help from you.
Due to recent harrasment from someone using three IP adresses, there will be rules on this page. Should you bully Uxie and call her something racist or something like that, she will remove the contents and report you.
GA's started a walkthrough for Spyro: Year of the Dragon, and plans on getting some cheats and glitches and stuff down for KHII as well. However, there's been a delay because she's been ill, but her next video should be done soon. Click here to see her latest video.
Wanna chat? You can right here! - UxieLover1994
Nice Blaze Bubble. :D
UxieLover1994 Tiempo de morder de nuevo con el poder! El tema de hoy: su sorpresa! — 05:46, 7 August 2011 (EDT)
I'm just doing a Spyro Walkthrough for YouTube, plus I'm currently active on KHII. And thanks for the nice comment on my new character bubble. Yeah, I grew bored of the bubble with Amy.
If you need to give me infomation, right here should do! - UxieLover1994
Need any help with, well, anything, say it right here. I would be happy to give out hints and that! - UxieLover1994
Spyro Wiki
I've got admin rights at the Spyro wiki, so you will exept to see me there for now on. You can join me there if you want to! If you have any infomation about our purple friend, such as non-English stuff, you can tell me right here! - UxieLover1994