User:Raph the Great
Hi, I'm Raph the Great, welcome to my Profile, You can call me Raph for short, though I prefer RTG. I own every kingdom Hearts game released except V-Cast and Coded (The KH games that I own include KH:FM, KH2:FM and BBS:FM)and I have beaten all of them except BBS:FM
I'm an avid KH Fan, and I'm a fan of Video Games in general.
I'm a relatively nice person, and I like to look on the bright side of things.
I love Organization XIII, and Riku and Larxene are my favorite KH Characters
I am also a model animator, and I specialize in boning and animating KH Models
I will use pics of my animated models as my avatars.
I hope to contribute to the wiki by creating and editing articles, uploading screenshots and gifs, and answerng some questions that haven't been answered yet.
I think that's it.
Well, :D a friend uploaded one of the songs that I made on youtube. So I thought I'd share it here too.
Enjoy, and tell me what you think. either here or on the youtube page. :) [1]
"This song is a remix of the Caves Boss Theme from Donkey Kong 64."
"The melody of the main verse from the Caves theme is in the Remix, but I improvised a lot! It does have a variety of DK themes mixed into it as well like the Factory Boss Theme and parts of themes from the SNES titles."
I lost the original, full quality version when my hard drive crashed. :( this one sounds really MIDI, (especially in terms of the beats and when it goes to the high and low notes) but it still sounds good. ;)
So the only music I have left are the ones that I've sent to people. XD and those have been toned down in order to make file transfer easier. Hopefully the others will surface soon.