This page is a column written by UxieLover1994. Please do not edit without permisson.

KHII Status

File:Mickey Cloaked.jpg

King Mickey
Current Game Kingdom Hearts II
Current World Twilight Town
Current Guest Character None
Current Level* 9
Current Levels* Donald: 10
Goofy: 10
Guest: Unjoined
Highest Hits with Limits ??? - 0
KHII was started on February 24th due to inpatence. Current Spyro location: Shady Oasis

See the box on the right? That's my status box. It tells what world I am in and who else is in the team. In worlds where nobody is in the active team, it instead shows the most important character there (eg: Hollow Bastion - Leon). Each world's color is baised on the color in the command bar (eg: Timeless River - Grey, Space Paranoids - Blue).

The term "Guest Character" means the world baised party member. They also have color (usally the same as their world) in their names (eg: Mulan - Red). They all share the same level, and will all grow at the same time, thus, the level will always show "Guest" under the "Levels" in the status box.

Tips and Gags are some extras that can help out in the game. Tips will tell you on good ways to beat the game, while Gags refer to some jokes and such. There is only one tip at the moment, but once Sora wakes up, a character will appear before each tip and gag (I will use my Photobucket pictures for this): If the character is Zoe, that means it's a tip; If the character is Bentley, then it's a gag.

I always pick the Dream Sword in the Awakening, but I mostly train to keep the defence high.

Current Status

Sora, Donald and Goofy have just awoke in Twilight Town and are current at the train station. No guest party members at the moment. Meanwhile, Spyro and Sparx are helping the Hippos in Shady Oasis.

Tips and Gags

  • In the Awakening, each Dusk will grant you 6 exp each. In the area between the place with a Save Point and the boss, there are ten Dusks at a time (meaning: 6 x 10 = 60). Use this until Roxas is at least on level 5.
  • There are 14 Vivis that are fought. A 15th one appears, but it does not fight Roxas.
  • The easiest way to get 2,000 munny is by the Mail run. My best record is 8.14 seconds.
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