SilverCrono Well, I can tell who you are. — "Looks like you're prepared." "What is with you and picking up stray puppies?" — 21:20, 9 February 2011 (EST)
While I too would love (you don't even imagine, I would ejaculate everytime I even think of the letters "K" and "H") an interface liek teh Metroid Wikeh, I think we should focus on updating the wiki an finishing the move. It is by no means done - have you seen this?
AS IF! The world is garbage! CRUNCH!
I've edited on it and posted some things as well. We should definitely fix all those problems first. I was just fantasizing a little...
New Skin
Well, I contacted a lot of people, so we might get something going soon. --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono
23:20, 9 February 2011 (EST)
- Axiomist, from WiKirby here. I'm certain someone will try to help skin KHWiki, but you should understand that we all see the skins as works of art like Masterpieces. You just don't duplicate them exactly. Dkpat respected the design on WiKirby enough to build off of it for GSU and NWiki, but changed enough of the skin file that few people immediately notice they similar. Keep that in mind when you work on it, and you'll have the appreciation from just about all of us at NIWA. Congrats on moving and I hope we can all be good affiliates to one another whenever you guys want. :) 01:10, 10 February 2011 (EST)
- I don't want an exact duplicate (that wasn't even what I asked for, please don't misunderstand me), I just want something like your wiki's skin that we can tweak and use for our wiki. --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono
06:01, 10 February 2011 (EST)
Question — How exactly do we get the entire layout for the pages (including the search bar and even the most minute details) changed ? I can come up with the colours needed as well as a BG depending on the occasion, but beyond that... TamboursTonnerre Ensemble ! 20:29, 11 February 2011 (EST)
- Pretty much just read this to see why we can't really don anything now, at least not yet... Well, I can't. --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono
20:39, 11 February 2011 (EST)
I can perhaps work a prototype, provided there aren't any extra MediaWiki files to tweak. My personal favourite is the WiKirby layout, though I'm not sure how to centre-align the search bar. I'm going to see what I can do... It'll take days, though. TamboursTonnerre Ensemble ! 20:44, 11 February 2011 (EST)
AS IF! The world is garbage! CRUNCH!
So what? Radiant Garden wasn't built in a day. I hope you can make something good out of it!
I'll need :
- The pages where all the tweaking to the main page, the wiki appearance and the BG are going to apply. I'm not sure if they're still MediaWiki pages over here.
- On the subject of MediaWiki pages, if anyone can find the related page for WiKirby's layout, I'd be glad to modify it. I'll also need to see the resolution needed for the header.
- Help with tiling of the KHW background. The file can be found here. I need a perfect tile, say 15 x 5, no visible overlaps or gaps. I'll handle the colours and the brightness and everything else later.
- Suggestions for the layout of the boxes on the front page. Please head off to the last section of User:Troisnyxetienne/Mensa.
- Suggestions for the title font, logo and search bar font, considering that my idea is to centre-align the search bar and the header (think WiKirby retweaked).
This is all I can think of now. I've realigned the artworks of Terra, Ven and Aqua so that they look EXACTLY like the BBSFM wallpaper above, but now I'll need all this for the top header to look presentable.
EDIT 21:26, 11 February 2011 (EST) : No wait, before I even go any further : Which layout do you prefer ? CHOOSE ONLY ONE !
- The Bulbapedia layout (Note : This is shared by most NIWA wikis.)
- The Metroid Wiki layout
- The Golden Sun Wiki layout
- WiKirby's layout
Personally, I'm all for WiKirby modified, but since I can't code polls in this place, I'll need your feedback here.
Today you will be examined for the Mark of Mastery. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 21:19, 11 February 2011 (EST)
SilverCrono Well, I can tell who you are. — "Looks like you're prepared." "What is with you and picking up stray puppies?" — 22:03, 11 February 2011 (EST)
Glad we're going somewhere.
- ...not sure what you mean.
- That link is broken..?
- <>
- Center the search bar, but not the header.
WiKirby or Golden Sun.
You know back in Wikia, the page to modify the layout was MediaWiki:Monaco.css ? Now, there should be a similar page somewhere, except perhaps it's under a different title.
And as for the search bar, I change my mind : I'd have the search bar on the right of the page, and the header will take up the rest of it. Go see the Mensa, please...
Also, please re-check the link — I just corrected it. ^_^
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 05:09, 12 February 2011 (EST)
AS IF! The world is garbage! CRUNCH!
- I agree with modifying WiKirby's layout. It just seems like the best one, although Metroid Wiki is my second choice.
- For the Logo, We should modify the one we have now (take the original Kingdom Hearts logo, recolor it, and add the word "wiki" to it. I don't know about fonts, though, but I think we can do better than the one you picked out.
- I LOVE your prototype header, although I think it would look better if you flipped the artwork so that it is oriented the way it is normally.
- I can't really help you with the tiled background, but if I find anything, I'll tell you.
I'm glad you're making progress, and can't wait to see what it ends up looking like!
EDIT: Your logo is actually fine. I like it the way it is and don't think there's much to change.
Also, what do you mean by wanting one 15 x 5 square? I found a square from the BBS FM logo that you could use if that's what you meant.
Well, I initially wanted it for the prototype header (because the FM wallpaper seemed to have it tiled at the back), but I realised that less is more.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:09, 12 February 2011 (EST)
Action plan
Okay, now that the images are done on my part, I need....
- a list of other things I can do on my part — divs, Common.css, whatnot.
- someone to call Erry on the IRC ! Not ErryK, just Erry — she's agreed to help us with the CSS.
Today you will be examined for the Mark of Mastery. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 07:00, 16 February 2011 (EST)
SilverCrono Well, I can tell who you are. — "Looks like you're prepared." "What is with you and picking up stray puppies?" — 23:31, 19 February 2011 (EST)
I've tried to compile a checklist of what is necessary.
- Needed
- Steps
- Upload the following folders and files into the MediaWiki skins directory: the roundedblue folder,
roundedblue.php and roundedblue.deps.php (Keep in mind that the path to the stylesheet is relative. It is skins/roundedblue/main.css .)
- If the stylesheet is not being applied when you select this skin in your preferences, then change the main.css stylesheet path to fit the directory structure in your own MediaWiki installation.
- Other Stuff
- The easiest way to customize the skin might be to leave the CSS/HTML/PHP intact (except for the background) and just change the pictures. The psd-files of the WordPress theme this MediaWiki theme is based on, might be helpful.
That's all I've got from this. If anybody has better instructions (I barely understand them) or if you can go ahead and start doing this, TNE, that would be awesome.