This world shall not be able to stand still for much longer. The blasts, the quakes, the tremors are proving too much for the canyon of the Keyblade Graveyard. Entire walls are falling easily, and the ground is collapsing in on itself. The air around the mountain is now mixed with the dust and rubble of the crumbling world, having been shaken to its knees. On this mountain, four warriors, the bravest of heart, remain able to fight. The shadow of the hero must now fight a warrior so similar, from long ago. They seek the same, and yet they will fight to the end. More violently, the King of the Castle is forced to draw his blade against his long-time friend, the one he has guided for so long. Light, darkness--neither are distinguishable now. Kingdom Hearts above is firing rays and gigantic beams of golden light and blackened darkness out of it; it cannot take the amount of hearts and emotion being released on the landscape. In the midst of a decaying world, the final four shall remove the two fighters who cannot make it to the final match--for then, the war shall be reversed, and reborn. Then, the war shall truly begin. The Nobody, the mage, the King, and the friend draw their Keyblades once more, and wage war.
I don't care in which way Aqua is "better" than Roxas or Roxas is better than Aqua... I like them both, but in this case, I just have to support Roxas. --Drace 11:05, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
.... You do realize if Aqua wins this, Riku will have zero chance if he wins against Mickey, right? Ok, just pointing it out. User:UltimateExplosiveHeartless
If Roxas had boobs was a woman, he'd be winning. Go away, Aqua. Soxxeh 1:51pm, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
because I am starting to think people have gotten into the habit of voting for Aqua becuase of her sexiness without even thinking about the opponent. besides, can Aqua dual-wield? no. is Aqua a member of Organization XIII? no. did Aqua have her own game? No (yes, she had a game where she was a playable character and a main character, but it wasn't her own game). does Aqua have a decen VA? no. Roxas hands down--ShadowsTwilight 14:32, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
C'mon Roxas deserces to win! Vexilor 15:17, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Aqua is really empty space, and Roxas is awsume--Laurxafinal 15:42, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Votes for Aqua
I am ashamed that Roxas, of all characters Roxas, of all of the Godawful, depressing, and ridiculous characters, Roxas, has made it to the Semifinals. Aqua, o' well developed character with a good storyline, you are our LAST HOPE. --DTN 05:38, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Surprising you're not wailing about her VA, DTN. :P But yes, Aqua would clearly excel over Roxas. maggosh 05:41, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
For Sora! Dan - Don't Blink! ♫ 11:30, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
I can't belive Sora lost to that IDIOT OVER THERE!!!Jackdap 12:24, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
First, "to each his own." Secondly, as much as I like Roxas, Aqua is WAY better; more mature Keyblade wielder, great overall character, etc. AQUA COMPELS YOU!--Xion4ever 12:33, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Once Roxas is out, pretty much all of the chances of a cliche win are out! (I'm still voting for Riku, he's not cliche to me <.<) Chitalian8 12:40, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
As much as I like Roxas, this one will definitely gets my vote. All she needs is a better VA and she'll be perfect. The17master 13:18, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Ventus lost. He's my hero. Aqua's gonna win for the sake of Terra and Ventus. You are our last hope!!!ANX21914:27, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
The HELL? The boy who is going to save everyone lost?! Grrr... I dislike Roxas, for more reasons then just beating Sora.--Be a good boy now! 14:51, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Sorry, Roxas... BUT I REMEMBERED THE SONG :DDDD /me goes off humming sexyback KKD
Battle Observatory
Well... yeah. I really, really, really didn't want Sora to win. Like, fo' rizzle. My nizzle. Dawg. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 05:55, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Oh, Neumannz. It's alright; I forgive you for supporting Roxas before. May you find rebirth in Aqua. --DTN 05:56, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
To everyone mad at Roxas winning; KEEP CRYING, BABY! maggosh 06:05, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, be mad at 358/2 Days instead because it was ridiculous, every aspect of it (with the exclusion of the remixed music pieces maybe). The seven days you play with Roxas at the beginning of KHII is clearly one of the best parts of the game. --ShardofTruth
Seriously... for this stupid hating and flaming alone, I'm going to vote for Roxas.
BTW: I'm totally against another populartiy contest, like this one. I really like the idea itself, but most of the people here, are just crying too much around. -.- That's no fun anymore. --Drace 10:57, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Soxra, if Roxas had boobs, that'd be weird. Also, the only reason Aqua will be winning is because she's a much better developed character and doesn't sit around and cry, she actually does something for her friends. User:Erry/Sig4 14:06, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
I disagree. I thought her character was terribly developed and horribly conceited. Soxxeh 2:08pm, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Conceited? Are you for real? She frickin' made Wayfinders for her friends, and fought Terra-Xehanort to free Terra from Xehanort's control so WTF, dude? User:Erry/Sig4 14:09, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Just because I want to make the score 8-8. Jackdap 12:26, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Because Riku is wearing his KHII attire The17master 13:17, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Since I've never said why I hate Riku, here it is: He is the most boring and generic stereotype ever. He automatically gives into the darkness because he's weak, and then he realizes "Oh no, I actually like Sora" and fights to gain his trust back in secret, then reveals himself at the last second to revert to light. Like, really...? (And yes, I'm omitting all the stuff from Castle Oblivion 'cause that was kind of cool, but it didn't make up for the rest of this crap.) [/essay] Soxxeh 1:53pm, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Mickey is more famous and more experienced with a Keyblade. SeanWheeler 14:25, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
I don't like Riku. End Of. Vexilor 15:19, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
It's the King--Laurxafinal 15:45, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Votes for Riku
Because Aqua vs. Riku would be an awesome final match, very symbolic and representative of the Kingdom Hearts series. --DTN 05:39, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Sure, Mickey's a Master now...but Mickey wasn't possessed by Ansem for a year. Give Riku a fricken medal, guys. maggosh 05:43, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Better as a character. Even if they are both kinda overpowered. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 05:56, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
I feel like such an ass voting against Mickey, but Riku's gone through quite a bit and managed to come out un-emo. -- 06:11, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
cmon riku! hes so close, he deserves this. the best character in the series!!!! KeyBladeM
Because he made Xion cry and survived the outcome. ShardofTruth
I am SERIOUSLY pissed at Mickey now, for beating Xion, Kairi, AND Cloud. I've been voting against him almost this WHOLE tournament, so come on fellow voters!! Let's beat that BASTARD MOUSE!!!!! LONG LIVE RIKUUUUU!!!!!!! User:ToyaLynk/Sig
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick Mickey for your vote.--Xion4ever 12:33, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
As much as I love Mickey, I want Riku to win this, though I'm not too sure about his chances against Aqua. Chitalian8 12:41, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Mickey is awesome and kickass, but Riku is just so much more...epic--ShadowsTwilight 14:27, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Because Mickey and Riku are both fantastic character, I'm picking Riku souly on the fact I like his gameplay better. But Mickey's gameplay is fun too... oh my! This is so hard!--Be a good boy now! 15:21, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Granted, both of these guys are excellent choices. --DTN 05:51, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Honestly, DTN, I'd rather see Mickey VS Roxas. Like many people have said, having Sora or Riku in the final is too cliché. And Aqua is only here 'cause she's "hot". Soxxeh 1:54pm, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
That's because she is. maggosh 15:03, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
I can stare at her boobs for days It's the fact Soxra, she is, without a doubt, the hottest character in Kingdom Hearts series. The17master 15:06, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
Ive been barracking for riku for the whole competition, he better win!!!!! vote for him!! KeyBladeM
Why is Mickey's votes starting over after #9? When I edited, the source looks normal, I can't find the problem. So what is causing the votes to start over? SeanWheeler 14:30, December 17, 2010 (UTC)
God ****it. They are good friends. I can't decide I'm not voting. ANX219
14:41, December 17, 2010 (UTC)